
The World is at stake!

Hey ! Gorbachev ! where is my state appointed Girlfriend ?? ha? . After all the Soviet Union should provide me with everything one need. Right? After all that's the essence of communism and equaliy. he..he.. Humph! I the embodiment of Soviet have seen through everything!! Because I am the Tyrant of Iron and Blood, New Tsar of the North, collector of beauties , Warden of the wall, liberator of Eastern Europe, Savior of the Soviets, , Nightmare of the Free World, sex symbol of the degenerates, Terror of Marvel Heroes. Leader of the Red Regime and the mass murderer extraordinaire the great butcher , the Great General Secretary! The enemies of the people who are also the people should all taste the iron fist of Soviet! Long live the soviet! Long live Capitalism!! -------------+++++-----+------

CodeZero587 · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

Chapter 4 : The Long Night.

As Andrei and politburo members prepared to meet their 'comrades' coming back from Crimea Peninsula, various incidents were talking place in Moscow.


It was late afternoon, but a man was sleeping soundly. It was Alexander Nikolaevich Yakovlev, "the God's Comie". One of the principal architects of the collapse of Soviet Union. Obviously a great friend of Gorbachev.

Yakovlev, who was awakened by a knock on the door. He was drowsy, rubbed his eyes and walked behind the door, asking,

"Who is it?"

"Comrade, you have a lot of water at home recently, let's check what's going on."

Yakovlev was a little confused, he hadn't used much water recently, and he opened the door while muttering:

"It's such a big night. Look for me, who is the head of your department?"

Outside the door were several young men in military uniforms.

Yakovlev was more than half awake in an instant, and he was no longer sleepy.

He directly reached out to close the door, but was stopped.

"Who are you? Do you know who I am? Hurry up and get out. When general secretary Gorbachev comes back, Your officers will be in trouble."

The latter's icy words instantly chilled him like cold water.

"Don't say it, Alexander Nikolaevich Yakovlev, you have been arrested for treason, come with us."

"I... I'm an adviser to the general secretary and I won't leave without an arrest warrant signed by the....." Yakovlev shivered, trying to delay as much as he could:

"Gorbachev doesn't speak, you can't Take me away."

Several people looked at each other and smiled, as if they had already predicted: "Right? We have the arrest warrant signed by President Boris and the arrest warrant signed by Vice President Yanayev and the KGB. Are these enough?"

"You said that I was treasonous, where is the evidence? Do you think this is the horrific Stalin period? The Soviet Union is now a democratic country, and I want to appeal."

"You were bought by the CIA when you were at Columbia University. Later, when you were in Canada, you stepped up your treasonous steps and had an affair with the famous American actor Monroe..."

"What a joke, Monroe had been dead for many years !" Yakovlev didn't know why he thought of Beria's fall.

"I have made merits for the country, I have reformed for the president, I am not a traitor, I am loyal to the party and the country."

"Then why did you quit the CPSU a few days ago?"

Yakovlev regretted at this time, and he fell like this after only two or three days of retreat. How could his luck be so bad.

No one cared how he resisted, and a few people dragged Yakovlev, who was like a muddy mess, to the car.

"Tell your story to the KGB , I believe you will get a fair trial."

This kind of thing was staged in Moscow, Leningrad and many other places tonight, accompanied by screams and grievances, and it rang out under the night lights.

Dawn is approaching, the sun is rising as usual, shining with a faint light, and early risers in the suburbs see outside the windows of a heavily armed tank unit heading for Moscow.


On the quiet night of August 17, Yeltsin, who had just returned from abroad, was enjoying a moment of tranquility after falling into the night on the sofa of his dacha.

He came back because a day before his historical time is because of Major Evdokimov.

He is now just over sixty years old , no doubt second only to Gorbachev. The most promising reformer.

Both in the West and at home, has their eyes on him. Even Yeltsin himself admitted that, from the leader of the people to the president of Russia, he is gradually destroying the Red Empire .

   Just as the August 15th "Izvestia" published the detailed terms of the new alliance treaty, which was completely within his expectations.

So far the dilapidated edifice of the CPSU is falling apart step by step according to his plan. A victorious smile appeared on Yeltsin's mouth at the thought that this evil empire would end either at his own or at the hands of Gorbachev.

  "Beasts of evil empire, thank me Yeltsin! for bringing you the hope of democracy and freedom."

Yeltsin raised his glass proudly and said to himself.

A little bored, he stood up and was about to turn on the TV to watch the news that night, when the urgent ringing of the phone on the desk interrupted his pressing the button on the remote control.

On the other end of the phone was Colonel-General Konstantin Kobets.

He is also a loyal follower of Yeltsin. At this time, General Kobets anxiously informed Yeltsin,

"President Yeltsin, I'm sorry to call you so late, but there is one thing I must report to you."

  "Is there anything I can't report tomorrow? It's already eleven o'clock." Yeltsin's voice clearly revealed impatience.

  "No, this matter is really important." The other end of the phone clenched the microphone and said in the most serious tone,

"According to reliable information, a group of high-level leaders led by Yanayev are preparing to commit a mutiny. Please ask President Yeltsin to do so. Get to the White House as soon as possible and I will do my best to hold them back."

  "You're kidding me, General, The first thing they have to do is to limit Gorbachev's movements and declare martial law instead of running against me." Yeltsin said Disapprovingly,

" The current domestic situation is very good for me, and taking a coup d'etat will have a completely the opposite effect."

"President! Look at the Tv! " Yeltsin opened the tv.

There 8 members of the politburo was sitting together. But only Gennady Yanayev spoke inin a neutral tone,

"Good afternoon comrades. Though this is abrupt but currently general secretary Gorbachev is unwell and can't perform his duties. Thus I hearby declare the formation of the State Committee for the State of Emergency (GKChP). Have a good night. Thank you for the attention. Beep... "

"Is this it? " Yeltsin can't help but to laugh. "Hahaha, these idiots. They're gonna launch a coup? Oh.. Ho.. Ho. "

While he was laughing a another phone rang,

"Yes! Major Evdokimov! You are in the white House? Yes don't worry ,I will arrive as soon as possible.

Yes call the people Moscow to rise against the tyrants if the politburo!"

"Also tell Andrei Kozyrev to inform what's happening to the West. I need their support after this farce."

He put down the phone and said to Kobets, "Can you mobilize the paratroopers in your hand now?"

  "Yes." Kobets's answer was short and powerful, his tone had calmed down, and he was quietly waiting for Yeltsin's next instructions.

  Hearing this guarantee, Yeltsin's heart calmed down a little, and he issued the next order, "Transfer all the paratroopers you can mobilize to the White House for protection.

I am now going to the White House to call on the people of Moscow to stand up against the tyranny of the Soviets. , defend Moscow, defend Russia! I can't believe these high-level officials dare to point their guns at the people!"

  "Okay, I'll make arrangements now, President Yeltsin take care."Kobets said goodbye to Yeltsin solemnly.

  "You too general, It's really an honor for the Russian people to have you here.chang"

Yeltsin smiled comfortably, "You go ahead, I'm going to the White House now, see you then."

 Little did he know on the opposite side the man murmured, "Goodbye... President Yeltsin."


General Kobets on the other end of the phone put down the receiver, he raised his head to look at Andrei, who was standing in front of him, and the GRU soldiers who were surrounded by him, and said in a trembling voice,

"I have followed the instructions. You did what you said, and now you can spare my wife and son?"

  "Of course, I am very grateful for General's cooperation." Andrei replied in a neither humble nor arrogant tone.

"Oh yes, you know why your leader, Lieutenant General Grachev, was dismissed. ,? "

"No, I don't want to know."

Kobets shook his head in panic, the less he knew, the better for him. People who know too many secrets don't always live long.

  But Andrei obviously won't give him this chance. "Actually, I'm just waiting for this day. Now, as a pawn, your mission is completed."

  "Thank God." General Lebed held his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as he was about to stand up, Andrei nodded towards Yor beside him.

She raised the pistol with the silencer in his hand and aimed a bullet at Kobets's broad forehead.

There was no fire, but the bullet from the muzzle penetrated Kobets's head at a very low decibel.

General just fell silently on the wooden board of his house, the blood oozing from the bullet hole turned the yellow wooden board into an ugly dark red pool.

Andrei squatted down and closed Lebed's eyelids, and said slowly, "Your mission is completed, and the value of use will naturally be gone, so thank God you should tell the old man personally."

   He instructed his men to turn on all the gas stoves in Kobets's house, and after closing the doors and windows, everyone quickly exited the house.

When the gas concentration in the house reaches a certain amount, an explosion reaction occurs quickly when it encounters the lights that are on in the house.

  Only a loud noise was heard, and Andrei, who had just walked outside the house, turned his head and saw a huge orange fireball rising into the sky, and the flames sprayed from the window slowly burned the wooden building into ashes.

  "Let's go, there's nothing to miss, there will be many victims of reincarnation politics."

Andrei lit a cigarette and said to Natasha beside him.

These people are now his coup supporters. It can be said that as long as he succeeds, their originally bleak future will immediately become immeasurable.

Andrei let out a smoke, "Hmm .. It'll be a long long Night ..."


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