
The World is at stake!

Hey ! Gorbachev ! where is my state appointed Girlfriend ?? ha? . After all the Soviet Union should provide me with everything one need. Right? After all that's the essence of communism and equaliy. he..he.. Humph! I the embodiment of Soviet have seen through everything!! Because I am the Tyrant of Iron and Blood, New Tsar of the North, collector of beauties , Warden of the wall, liberator of Eastern Europe, Savior of the Soviets, , Nightmare of the Free World, sex symbol of the degenerates, Terror of Marvel Heroes. Leader of the Red Regime and the mass murderer extraordinaire the great butcher , the Great General Secretary! The enemies of the people who are also the people should all taste the iron fist of Soviet! Long live the soviet! Long live Capitalism!! -------------+++++-----+------

CodeZero587 · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

Chapter 10: The Patriot

Srivastapol , Crimea----------


An old bauld man was staring at the TV without any soul in his eyes.

That old man is none other than Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, formar Genaral secretary of the Soviet union.

He was looking at Andrei's speech just now .

He couldn't help but to be envious of him getting all the applause and being surrounded by beauties.

Just 3 days ago it was him but now an imposter took over the Soviet union right under his eyes.

Gorvochov clenched his fist. "To think I will lose my position to a greenhorn like him."

He started at Andrei's picture on tv with hatred.

He knew it was all over there is no future for someone like him in the Soviet union.

Is just a matter of time that his dead body would be found in some unknown grave. He knew it very well after all he himself had done it before.

Suddenly there was a knock on his door .

"Come in the door isn't locked because there is no need to."

A handsome middle aged man entered the room . "Mr Gorvochov please take care of your security seriously."

"Don't make me laugh Mr. Bound there is no need to protect a dying old man.

Now Mr. 007 why are you here ? Are you here to laugh at the misfortune of a bauld failure?"

"I think we both know why I am here Mr Gorvochov . I am here to take you to America."

"It's useless . There is no need to help me now when you could have helped me a long time ago but didn't.

All this wouldn't happen if you people weren't undermining the Soviet union and worked with me to reform it."

James Bond stopped for a moment then he said with full sincerity . "We didn't know how quickly this would turn out like this, how a small deputy commander would take over the Soviet union in just 3 days.

We were late , that's the fact."

Then there was only silence . Gorvochov was looking at the black sea blankly.

After a while he finally said, "So, where is the car ?"

"The black one. Twilight will be the one driving."


"What?" Andrei screamed out when he heard of Gorvochov's escape.

No, he wasn't surprised by Gorvochov's escape but by the people who helped him to escape.

{James Bond (Code 007) (UK)

Loid Forger( Code Twilight) (West Germany) }

(What the hell? James Bond, really?)

"Your excellency I take full responsibility for this matter. We did not aspect two top Western spies would work together to free him. This is my negligence I apologize for my inaction. " Kryuchkov the head of the KGB apologised.

"Yes it would have been impossible to stop them. But this misfortune is a blessing in disguise. I suspect they were for larger objectives, in a situation like this they could have done far more damage."

Surprisingly Natasha backed her hated old boss . Everyone in the council nodded, agreeing with her .

Andrei looked at Natasha and kept staring at her. After a while with God knows what he was thinking he asked. " Did you sleep with any of them?"

" What kind of question is this?!" She shouted at him immediately then stopped herself as she realised the one sitting before her is the supreme leader of the Soviet union.

Andrei also realised he was crossing the line. "Sorry about that Ms. Natasha the air in the room was getting too gloomy, so I had to resort to such bad jokes."

The tension in the room disappeared, there was a low chuckle .

Everyone sighs in relief. While inside Andrei vowed to make these people disappear, anyone with the slightest possibility of laying hands on his women can't be alive.

The only person who did not find it funny is Natasha herself.

This incident also made her realise that Andrei really might not follow the deal after all.

Originally according to the deal between them Natasha was allowed to leave the Soviet union after the coup.

She won't be hunted down or persecuted in exchange for keeping her identity secret.

But even now after the successful coup, she is still in the Soviet union.

Not only that she is right in the Karmin right in the middle of Moscow. It would be hard for her to escape now.

What's more she realised she made a deal with him when he was just a deputy commander . But now he is the supreme leader of the Soviet union, so he does not need to honor any agreement, he's too powerful for that.

At first she thought the reason he doesn't want her to leave is because she knows too much. But increasingly she found that that's not the reason at all.

(How couldn't I realise a teenager with unlimited sudden power would do . I thought all those reactions were because of his age but i didn't think he would actually follow his desire.)

The moment Natasha met Andrei she was fully aware of his lustful gaze towards her.

But in her mind he was a ruthless politician who manovered his way to the top. So she unrealistically believed him to be a wolf in sheep's clothing , and never treated him as someone his age.

Natasha is extremely confident about her looks and didn't hesitate to use it for her benefit.

But this is the first time she doesn't know what to do in this situation.

Somewhere in her heart she also felt guilty for taking advantage of someone who is much more younger than her.

While Natasha was in her own world, Natalia who was on the opposite side was looking at her with a complicated gaze .

When she found two women with Andrei , emotions akin to jealousy boiled up within her . Though she didn't realise it. She felt she was being left out. (What am I thinking? I should be professional.)

Andrei looked at the report not knowing the storms hurricanes beside him.


During the period of martial law, Moscow City imposed a curfew. After 7 o'clock in the evening, the bustling streets quieted down.

Occasionally, soldiers with Ak-47 rifles could be seen patrolling the streets to prevent some rioters from taking advantage of the darkness of the night. cover for sabotage.

Some buildings in Moscow have been attacked by unknown persons before, and they even burned vehicles.

At the same time, the KGB agents known as the sword and shield of the Soviet Union and the secret police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are hunting down Yeltsin's supporters throughout the city. In an attempt to cause riots, these people will push themselves on the opposite side of the public opinion.

Nikolai Ivanovich Ryzhkov, who was sitting in the car at this time, had never been in such a complicated mood as today.

He heard from the TV this morning that Gorbachev could not be the general secretary of the CPSU. News, from the news that President Yeltsin committed suicide in fear of guilt in the afternoon, to the assassination of Yanayev, by Yeltsin supporters in the evening, And the inauguration of the new General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

The mood of the Soviet people is like a roller coaster, and the little heart can't bear it.


However, Ryzhkov was still very happy to hear that Yeltsin was dead. Having been run over by the Russian president, he commented more than once in private that Yeltsin was a Soviet traitor.

The driver turned his head and said to the thoughtful Ryzhkov, "Comrade Ryzhkov, we are at the hospital."

  "Oh, good." Ryzhkov, who came back to his senses, raised his head and saw that the courtyard was full of KGB agents. Those eyes that looked at him were staring at him like a suspect, making Ryzhkov feel uncomfortable. The general secretary's security level has reached the highest level, and anyone is suspicious in their eyes.

"I'm going to see General Secretary Yanayev. Let Comrade Plekhanov lead the way."

  "Of course, this way." Plekhanov made a gesture of invitation.

"You are here, Comrade Ryzhkov, come and sit first." Andrei greeted Ryzhkov enthusiastically.

"Did the general secretary and the prime minister summon me for something important?" Ryzhkov asked cautiously.

  "Of course." Andrei said straight to the point, "Our Politburo is going to abolish the so-called 500-day plan of Gorbachev and Yeltsin, and reuse your "Government Program". I hope we still have time to do this. things, to make up for the stupid things that Gorbachev did."

Pavlov took Andrei's words and said to Ryzhkov, "So you will take up the post of Minister of Economy of the Soviet Union to implement your plan of cautious reform. What is Comrade Ryzhkov's opinion on this?"

"You should hire someone else." Hearing what the Prime Minister said, Ryzhkov decided to retreat and strive for more initiative. "Reform is a very risky approach, and many measures will bring unpredictable consequences. , so what I need is an absolute right to guarantee that any measures I take will not be influenced by high-level or other people. And the most important point is that I am a person with no power or position, how can I go to the central government to be in charge of the economy? Where is the minister?"

  Andrei and Pavlov smiled at each other, and said in unison, "This is the unanimous decision of the members of the Politburo, and you will be the Minister of Economy."

  "If you say this, will it give people a sense of security?" Ryzhkov murmured softly.

  Seeing that he was still not at ease, Andrei could only promise with a wry smile, "The minister of economy is only temporary, and we will transfer you in the future. I just want to share the news with you today. Discuss another day's meeting. And I guarantee that your reform measures will be put in place. This is not the time for Gorbachev to speak. In September 1990, you watched the motherland fall into the country because of a bunch of idiots and people with ulterior motives. There is nothing you can do about the abyss, but if you are given another chance now, will you choose to save her without hesitation?"

  "Of course I will."

  At Anderi's words, Ryzhkov looked up at him, eyes brighter and more determined than they had been .


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