
The World Chaotic

Viku03 · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Dream & Illusions

"Ahhh! Young master wake up, why are you on the floor?"

"arrrgh! My head hurts" He exclaimed.

"Young master are you alright" Xue'er asked worriedly.

Suddenly pictures started unveiling in fronts of his eyes, he looks around and see a beautiful decorated room with rosewood furnishings with scarlet coloured curtains hanging by the window.

He looks up only to see a young fair looking face with moist eyes threatening to spill all over, what a beautiful girl he thought. a name popped up in his head "Xue'er"

"I'm here young master" she answered looking nervously at his face.

"What happened to me? Why is my whole body in so much pain?" He asked

"wait young master I'll call the doctor for check up" She said.

Suddenly sounds of hurried footsteps came from the door side, standing there was a Man with a well build, but by the looking of his face he looks to be in his late fifties, with those dark circles under his eyes one can tell he hasn't slept well in past few days.

"its all good that you're awake now" said the old man with tears in his eyes.

Looking up at the old man he recalls that he is his grandfather, the Master of the Ye family.

"Grandpa' "Don't talk, Mo'er get some rest first I'll ask the doctor for the checkup" Old Ye said.

Pulling his hand the doctor started to check his pulse and the took a look at his tounge and his eyes.

"You don't have to worry Master Ye, the young master is no danger now, aside from a little body pain, due to being in bed for a week, he seems fine. I'll prescribe some medicine for the body pain, he'll be fine after a little rest." said the doctor.

"Thankyou for the coming doctor and sorry for the unnecessary trouble this kid caused you" Old Ye said.

"It fine Master Ye, it wasn't troublesome at all. since young master is fine I shall too take my leave."

"Let me see you out then and again thankyou for the service doctor" Old Ye said, and took leave with doctor.

"Is this a dream or some kind of illusion" He thought in a daze," I was sitting by the cliff watching the sunset when my l lost my footing and fell down the cliff" he tried to remember what happened."Is this a dream or i really got a second chance at life and got reincarnated and that to in a body of a person who share the same name as me" Ye Xiao Mo mummers, he lifts his hand only to see a pale white hand.

Then again he felt a headache and something seems to appear infront of his eyes, some kind of greyish ruins or words, even though he never saw them before but somehow he could understand their meaning, "The Calamity To the world, Ruins of Chaos, Rise The Fallen Ones, Towards the Shattered Heavens, The Six Path Opens to all" "What the fuck does that suppose to mean?" He thought, while another surge of information rishes to his head " Serene Heart Chant" "Chaos Births Wordless Manual".

"Young Master are you not feeling well again" Looking up again he rememberes that there is still someone here in room.

"I'm fine, you can go now, I'll try to get some rest for a little bit" he said

"Alright, if theirs anything you need to just call my name young master" she said and left the room.