
The World Beyond Catastrophe

On the day of his graduation, Ray's peaceful life suddenly took a turn for the worse when his world was invaded by supernatural beings. Follow him as he unravels the mystery of other worlds, and how he will survive in this new world beyond catastrophe.

Asuray · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

[Rescue Plan]


The quality of having experience, knowledge and good judgement. An ability to make an accurate and precise decision basing on one's own experience and understanding. A person in which that possesses this particular element is expected to reach heights higher than the rest.

An important aptitude of an individual, especially when making tough decisions.



"Kevs, are you sure about this?"

I asked my friend as we prepared the stuff we would need for our journey. I put some canned goods and bottled water in my bag, as well as an additional piece of clothing.

"Relax. It's not like we would die. With the five of us, we are as safe as a fish in a fishbowl."

The five of us, Kevs, Charls, France, John, and I were all about to venture on the right path of the road. The road there leads the town of Kaipyan, the town we lived in. Everyone of us is an Elementor, so pretty much everybody, except for me, is not worried.

It is not that I am against their decision. I, for one, want to see my family alive as well. However, something tells me that this upcoming journey will be a difficult one, and to make matters worse, the other Elementors also won't be joining us. 

"What about the others? We're leaving them?"

When he heard me, Kevin's movement froze. I know that he has a certain 'problem' regarding on what the other Elementors decided. Almost everyone voted to expedite the left path, Viesyu, first. 

Just for clarification, France, John, and Charls are not Elementors. So, they didn't have a say regarding the matter. Only Kevs and I wanted to venture to Kaipyan first, but the majority still favored the opposite side.

"It's not like that. They made a decision, and so did we. We just have to follow through it."

Hearing his determined reply, I didn't say anything anymore. I don't know which of them is correct. If there's anyone correct in the first place. I'm also concerned about the safety of my family, so I'm also going with them. We should be fine, I hope. However, there was one thing that I could not get off my mind.

'Where the fuck is Ray?'



The monster exploded instantly upon making contact with my fist. This has been the seventeenth monster that I have slain over the past hour. 

"Ahh, gross."

I looked over to the side and saw monsters of varying sizes, all frozen like a block of ice. It looks like Samanta was also not slacking off as well.

'sixteen, seventeen, eighteen... Jesus, just how many did she kill?'

Even after counting up to twenty, there were still monsters covered in the blistering frost over the place. I knew that she was proficient in fighting against numerous enemies, but isn't this just too much? 

"This place is empty. Should we head over to Viesyu proper now?"

She asked as she took a deep breath. It seems like she consumed a hefty amount of mana this time. However, it is apparent that was getting the gist of fighting already. Her reflexes are much faster than it was yesterday.

Because I had already took the road to Kaipyan earlier, the two of us decide that it would be wiser and better to clear the path to Viesyu. At least with it, the following expedition/rescue team would have a much easier time.

"Nah. Leave that place to Angel and others. We'll take the other path to Karisa."

The road to the left of the academy has two diverging paths. One is the way to Viesyu proper or central town, as the people call it, and the other one is headed to another town called Karisa. Unlike Kaipyan and Viesyu, which are more of a residential area, the town of Karisa is more akin to a marketplace than a neighborhood.

There you will find various stores and stalls offering all sorts of items and paraphernalia. Karisa also has various streets, which makes it harder to navigate than the other two towns. Fortunately, though, I know the streets of Karisa like the back of my hand.


She uttered a word of affirmation, and we soon went on our way. Occasionally, some monsters tried to attack us, but Samanta turned them into a popsicle before they could even reach us. She could handle all enemies throughout the entire journey.

To be honest, it kind of embarrasses me that a woman is doing more work than I am. However, I am not a sexist and do not judge by gender, and it also works for me since I won't need to consume mana.

After all, I need to be ready when a powerful monster shows up, so I will need every point of mana that I have, but it's not like I'm saying that only I am needed against a powerful enemy. Of course, Samanta would also be a major player, but I am the one who really goes hand in hand with the enemy, so... 

Following the sinister path, we soon arrived at Karisa.

"God, this place is wrecked."

What we saw there was the opposite of Kaipyan. If my home in Kaipyan was more or less unchanged, the situation in Karisa would be the total contradiction. The road was all cracked and splintered, the houses and stores were all destroyed, and mangled corpses of people were scattered all over the place.

It looked like a magnitude seven earthquake devastated the place; It was all ruined. I scattered my mana to try to sense some remaining human life, but to no avail. Karisa has no survivors.

"It's strange."

Samanta suddenly spoke.

"What is?"

"There are no monsters around."

"That's only natural. Let me ask you, will you stay in a place where you will starve to death?"

It's only given that the monsters will soon desert the place. They have no food left here after all. They will try to find another place where they could fill their stomachs with fresh, lively human flesh. If my estimation is correct, then those beasts should be on their way to either Viesyu proper or the neighboring town of Santo Cristo.


Samanta, after being questioned of her common sense, only spoke a single word. I don't know if she was ashamed or mad, but I didn't care. It is not everyday that I can tease her like this, and I couldn't help but laugh.


Suddenly I turned into a block of ice.



"Are you all ready?"

I asked our group which only consist of my friends. We have already finished preparing the necessities that we think are needed for our journey. If John's calculation was right, then the upcoming rescue/expedition would take about two to three days at most.

Fortunately, Angel gave us some canned goods and bottled water. Something that I am quite thankful for. Even though she chose to go to Viesyu, she is still worried about the people of Kaipyan. She's a really kind person, I swear.


Charls responded. Out of the five of us, he was the most relax and unfettered. To him, what we're going to do is just like another game he has to beat. Something fun, something exciting. However, we knew that he was also genuinely worried for the sake of his family. Because of that we don't want to waste anymore time.

"Okay. Here's the plan."

The town of Kaipyan has several districts called 'phase' in it. These phases are where our families are at.

Phase 1 is where my family is.

Phase 2 is where France, John and Charls' families are.

Phase 4 is where Kenneth's family is.

If we are going to take the main road on to Kaipyan, then the first phase we will be heading is Phase 2. This also works for us, since the majority of our families live there. We will secure three families at once.

After phase 2 two came a problem. Phase 1 and Phase 4 are far away from each other, it would take us a lot of time to travel from phase 4 to phase 1, something that we currently don't have. Because of that, we decided that it would be best for us to split up.

Since Phase 4 is Kenny's home, he would be heading there along with France and John, and I along with Charls, will head to Phase 1 at the same time as them. It's a risky gamble, since we have no way of communicating with each other, but it's the only choice that we have.

Our rendezvous point would be the academy. Our new home.

"Got that, everyone?"

"Aye. | Yezza | Matic | 'Course |

They each said their words of affirmation. I swear they're a funny bunch.

Thus, we began our first journey in this new world.

@2023TheWorldBeyondCatastrophe. All rights reserved.