
The world apart

Summer Raye Levigne, a 26-year-old unemployed individual, is left homeless and struggling to pay her bills. She pleads with her landlady for an extra month to pay off her debts but is denied. She struggles to find a job and finds herself in a car, driven through the dark and slippery road to the city. As she drives, she witnesses a human-like object moving in the middle of the road. Her car tripped and rolled, causing her to fall to the ground. A woman offers to stay with her, but she panics and calls 911. She wakes up in an unfamiliar room with a tube pinned to her wrist and feels pain. The woman tells her that Summer is at the hospital and that she found her in the woods with her car. She explains that there is no one there, but Summer is confused by the situation. She asks why there is no snow anymore, as it is Christmas. The woman reveals that she and Summer had decided to buy a house and live together three years ago in the Philippines, and the Philippines is a tropical country and it doesn't snow. Gabrielle is a 25-year-old woman who migrated with her younger Spanish stepsister to the small city of Tacloban in the Philippines with their grandparents. After her mother and her stepfather were killed at their home in Spain when she was still in high school, she and her stepsister were the only survivors. She came home from school as a graduating high school student. She often got home late, never thinking she'd come home to such a devastating tragedy. The loss of her parents left Gabrielle and her stepsister feeling lost and alone, prompting their grandparents to make the difficult decision to move to Tacloban for a fresh start. Despite the challenges they faced, Gabrielle remained determined to pursue her dreams and create a better future for herself and her stepsister. But a few years later, she and her stepsister had to live again on their own when their grandparents passed. But at the time, she already had a stable job and was able to provide for her little sister, who is now in high school. Gabrielle's resilience and determination continued to shine as she took on the responsibility of being the sole provider for her stepsister. With her stable job, she ensured that her stepsister had access to quality education and a nurturing environment, allowing her to thrive academically and personally. Despite the hardships they faced, Gabrielle's unwavering love and dedication towards her stepsister became the foundation for their new chapter in life. But one extra ordinary night while driving home, Gabrielle experienced an extra ordinary phenomenon as the road suddenly became covered in snow and a fast-moving car suddenly appeared out of nowhere. The car was heading straight towards Gabrielle's, causing her heart to race with fear. She was immobilized and just accepted her fate of being hit by the car, but the car's escape caused it to stumble and fly over her head. She saw how the driver got thrown out of the car as it kept rolling on the road. Gabrielle's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the car crash unfold before her eyes. With adrenaline coursing through her veins, she quickly dialed emergency services and rushed to check on the driver, hoping they were okay. But suddenly a force pulled the driver onto the void and disappeared, leaving Gabrielle shocked and dumbfounded on the middle of the road.

Maryflor_Pantonial · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

The Guardian

Leanne's P. O. V.

I get my consciousness back and am still hearing the gunshots, and my sight is a little bit blurred.

"Baby, wake up.''

Someone is shaking my body.

"Baby, please wake up. I think it's my father's voice.''

I looked around and found my father lying on the floor on my right side, bathing in his own blood.

"Father!" I called him.

I rushed up to sit beside him, trembling in fear.

"What happened? Why are you bleeding? Who did this to you?" I ask him, shaking. I don't know where to hold him. I don't know how to help him.

I look around and notice that we are in his office, and his books are now all over the place.

His things were scattered around.

''Call for help, baby, while you still have time, '' he said, trying not to lose his consciousness.

"I will never leave you, father, I answered, crying.

"Please, listen to me when you wake up. Look for me or my assistant Amelia. Tell her it's code red." He tried hard to speak straight.

"Father, I don't understand, I said, crying.

"You are my only hope that can change this future, Leanne; trust me, you can do more than that. You need to do what you need to do, '' he said weakly but in a serious manner.

I was just crying, afraid of losing the only person in the world who was related to me.

'' Father, please don't leave me, "I plead, still crying.

He breathed deeply before he spoke again." It's time, Leanne. "

" he said while catching his breath.

I just looked at him, confused by what he was saying:'' I'm fully awake.

Wake up now."

And suddenly, I felt like I was being pulled down into nowhere by a very weird force.

Marcus's P. O. V.

"That's what I'm going to find out. She never got to finish her word when she suddenly passed out.

I immediately catch her in my arms before she falls to the floor.

I carried her into her bed and let her lay there.

"Leanne, wake up." I shoked her shoulder.

God, she really is a princess; she looks like a goddess.

I need to get myself together and call for help!

I ran out of her room to get some help around this mansion.

I can't lose her, not now.

For god's sake, she's the only daughter of the second richest and most powerful person in this world, the heir of the Freeman, Mr. Andrew Freeman.

The Freemans are the royal family of our country, called Liberty.

Our country was called Liberty because of our ancestors, who which have been freed from slavery for a century by the explorers.

And since then, people of liberty have lived freely and had the right to be treated right.

Freeman is the inventor of human rights law.

Explorers are Ropeians; these people came from another country on another continent called Rope." By the name itself, you'll know why.

Ropeians love to explore the world, and their goal is to own it, but they have a really big problem doing that.

The Maharashtrians are the richest people in the world.

They own half of the richest people in the world, and Filipe Maharlia is the leader of the Union of Five Continents, or UFC.

The countries on these five continents are under Filipe's laws.

"Mama, Leanne passed out; please call for help, I said the moment I bumped into her in the hallway.

"Marcus,why are you running around?

in the middle of the night? She said in a very calm tone that the perks of being the right hand of Andrew Freeman

If I wasn't his son, I wouldn't notice she was a little bit annoyed by my action.

Maam, please help Leannne; she passed out when we were at her room.

"You were in Leanne's room?" She's being skeptical with one eyebrow up.

"Ma'am, please," I said in a panicked manner.

She got her phone into her ear and called someone.

"Will you please relax, my baby? She just passed out, not dead or something, she said, showing no tone of panic and a little interest in my dilemma.

After she talked to someone on the phone, she ended the call.

Turn in my direction.

"Dr. Lucas is coming and going to check her out. I'm glad to see you, she simply said.

- - - - - - - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----------

We are now in Leanne's room. Dr. Lucas has already checked her vitals and found them to be normal.

Now, we are waiting for her to wake up so we can ask her how she is feeling.

"Father." She surprisingly spoke in her sleep.

And now tears are falling from her eyes, which are still closed.

"Wake up." Dr. Lucas started waking her, shaking her body.

"Leanne, wake up." He tried again.

She is now breathing heavily.

She's having an attack.

Dr. Lucas injected her to calm her down, and then she slowly returned to her normal breathing.

I can't take what I'm seeing right now.

If I am meant to guard her like her father told me when I was still a kid, now is definitely the time that I realize that he was joking.

I can't even do a thing right now; what more if something worse comes?

I admit that there were so many times that I always defended her at school, but I always ended up being beat up.

She's the one who will fight for me.

I was so overwhelmed when she said those things to me earlier.

I can't believe she sees me that way.

When in reality I am just a clumsy, weak, and poor boy who has been dying for her to see me more than a friend.

And now I get what I wish for: to let her see me as more than just a friend.

I can't believe I've become her wished-for brother. 😔

This is so frustrating that I have to focus.

I kneel beside her bed and hold her hand.

I stroked her forehead and whispered.

"Please, wake up."

Wake up, Leanne, I whispered again and again, like I was trying to talk inside her head.

"Wake up now, I whispered, like I summoned her to come from wherever she's stuck.

And I felt her hand grip my mind, and she instantly opened her eyes.

Panting, trembling, and tears are still falling from her forest-like eyes.

I won't get tired of looking at them.

"It's fine, it was just a nightmare; you're okay now, I told her while still looking at her eyes and offering her a smile, making her see that 'I'm here; it's alright.

"Marcus,"She whispered.

" Help. "again she whispered before got of consciousness again.

I looked back at Dr. Lucas.

''Let her take rest; she's fine later; she's going to be okay. "

And they started going out of the room.

And i stayed by her side all night waiting for her to wake up fully rested.