
The World's Strongest Healer

What exactly is the strongest? For the longest time, he has been chasing that dream. Up to his death. Yet even that would not be enough to stop him. What does it mean to become the strongest and what sacrifices will come with it? Reborn as Sai Reschelburg, he vowed to accomplish his dream. To become the strongest. Even with the hands he was dealt. Even if death itself tried to stop him. In this world teeming with countless mysteries and threats, he will rise and achieve the dream he couldn't in his past life. The legend of the greatest healer starts. .... Join me in discord using the link below: https://discord.com/invite/rRcAjzaRJE

LazyPath · Kỳ huyễn
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148 Chs

Chapter 14

"Would you surrender, or die a true death?" I watched as Katarina worked her magic, quite literally and an invisible thread of energy wrapped around the body of the broken lich king and sunk into his body.

Of course, before doing that, I hit him with a couple more rounds of healing magic leaving him just an inch from death.

"It's complete."

I retired from my thoughts and saw the undead turn into into a small glass bead filled with black ink and she grabbed it from the air and stuffed it into her pocket.

"Let's go."

And with our mission complete, we began to make our way back up to the surface.

"What level are we on by the way?" Katarina asked.

"The fifteenth. Normally, liches don't show up until the thirtieth floor but this time was an exception."

"I see."

And with that, our conversation ended and we silently made our way back to the surface.


"You aren't going to ask?" As we rested underneath an oak tree, Katarina asked and I opened my eyes and stared at her lazily.


"The magic I used to subjugate the lich. No matter how you look at it, that wasn't something a seven year old could do."

"And no matter how you look at it, my strength isn't the strength a seven year old is supposed to possess."

It wasn't that I wasn't curious about it. But something tells me that if I hear the details, it could lead to a lot more complications and I would like to very much avoid that.

"My magic..."

And of course, she starts narrating.

Well, guess I'll listen.

"My magic is a special type known as ruler magic. Like you, that is the only type of magic I can use."

And then drop shocking news like you're saying a casual thing.

"What do you mean?" I turned in shock and asked.

"Ruler magic allows me to control and acquire subordinates. Naturally, as a ruler, I have the ability to use any type of magic my subordinates use. That is the secret behind how I was able to use so many spells and magic."

Now that's.... Insane. If you gave her enough subordinates, she could literally use any type of magic in the world.

In this world, I'm sure the types of magic would most likely be uncountable. This world according to my estimates and research seems to be about twelve times larger than earth and only fifty percent have been occupied by humans with the other being called the wastelands where demons and monsters roam.

And there seems to be other planes and dimensions making the amount of magic limitless with infinite variations.

If her magic is as strong I thought it was...

"Are there any limitations to it?" I asked the person and saw surprise in her eyes. There was likely a reason behind it but that wasn't important now.

"A few. First, what counts as subjugation.aking others willing to serve me works and beating them up and conquering them forcefully is an option but it limits their future potential and damages their soul."

"Hmm..." Even with that, it was quite an overpowered magic and it almost made her seem...

"... Like a main character." I mumbled.


"Nothing." I made my decision and sorted out my thoughts and turned to Katarina.

"Would you be willing to take me as your companion?"

"I thought you were against it before."

"Situation has changed. In the future, I'll get to see something interesting."

According to my knowledge of my past life, people like her usually get sucked into troubles. 

What happened tonight was a prime example and if I hadn't made it to her on time, she may have died.

If she keeps bringing strong opponents like that for me to fight...

"I know you're thinking something unpleasant right now but I don't care." Katarina took my hand and shook it with hers.

"Nice to meet you, Sai. Let's get along."

"Same here. Nice to meet you Katarina."

And the two of us with our separate agendas skipped along home.


Unfortunately, reality wasn't so kind as to allow us a good night's rest.

Turns out that we were busted and we just barely managed to scrape through by lying that we were out having a lover's night out.

Still, both of us and yes, including the princess for chewed out by my parents and they were this close from calling the king.

"Never do that again. Understood, Sai Reschelburg."

"Yes father."

"No matter how much you want to be alone and take a stroll under the moonlight, you need to at least have a guardian with you. Do that next time." 

"Yes mother."

My parents were saying two different things.

One was encouraging me to do it again while the other was dissuading me and they didn't even seem to hear each other as they talked.

I'm sure a huge argument would occur if I were to point it out so I'll keep silent.

"Exactly listen to your mother. If you do this again, you will be grounded."

"What he said. Next time, bring a chaperone."

At this point, all I was doing was just nodding my head and saying yes.

Katarina managed to escape earlier so it was just me left.

After another half hour of being chewed out, I finally managed to escape to my room and collapsed face first onto the bed exhausted.

Somehow, this was even more tiring than fighting the lich king.

"Speaking of it..." I turned over and stared at the ceiling.

My favourite colour was also the dominant colour of my hair, white.

As a birthday present, I asked my parents to paint the ceilings and walls white under the condition I would keep it clean.

Even my bedsheets and frame were white in colour and I'm sure it would have seemed like that kind of facility to some people.

"... Did she attempt to use her magic on me?" I asked our loud but almost fell off the bed when I received a response.


I immediately rolled off the bed and assumed a combat stance and a portion of the wall fell off.

No, it didn't fall off but something was removed and a foot stepped forward.