
New Battle

After my weird encounter with the "genius inventor" Osiris, I teleport home. I grab one of the MPD3's that my sister made, throw it into 'Singularity' and wait for tomorrow.

Ughh, is it morning. It seems that the sun is up. Wait, my room isn't full of books, and the outside isn't full of forest. What is going on? I run to the mirror and look at my reflection.

"Hahaha, I'm normal again! How did this happen?"

Does this mean that everything is normal again! I run down stairs and see my family back to normal too.

"Hey, ***** I think it's time you wake up." What did my brother call me?

"***** you know this is a dream." Now my mom is saying weird stuff.

"Huh, what do you mean? Everything is normal again isn't it?"

"Normal is subjective, your normal is based off of your memories." Both my mom and brother speak in complete unison.

"Yeah but, why did this happen in the first place?"

"Why is the sky blue, why does water exist? Everything is the way it is because that is how the world works. Nobody can change that. ***** it is time you wo-."

I shoot up out of my bed, confused of what is going on. What was that dream? Why was it a dream? What is going on? Why is this happening? I just need to get up, best not to think about these kind of things...

"Yep, still the same..." I say looking into the mirror in the bathroom. Guess the Shift isn't as simple to undo as falling asleep, if it even can be undone. Whatever, I brush my teeth and go downstairs. I tell my mom I'm leaving to see some friends before school and walk out the door. To the hospital I go!

As soon as I get out of the door, I walk behind my house-tree where no one can see me and teleport to the hospital. When I finally get to Williams room, I almost enter the door, but someone suddenly taps on my shoulder.

"Hi, are you one of Williams friends?"

"Uh... yeah... do you need something?"

"Oh, then do you know what this is?" The man asks pulling out the MPD3 that I brought William before.

"How did you get that?"

"So you're the one, bag her." He responds, wait bag her? Suddenly two people appear from behind me and shove me into a bag.

What the heck is going on! Why am I being kidnapped in a hospital, a public one at that? How are they going to get away with this!

"Don't even think about screaming for help, a spell has been placed on this bag. No one will take notice the bag and no noise will escape it either. The fabric is as tough as steel so good luck breaking out."

I mean, I could teleport out, but I have a feeling that this is important so I'll see where they are taking me. I decide to use some of the convenient magic I've been practicing, specifically the spell 'GPS' under Magnetic magic. While it isn't Gravity magic, I was able to get the basics of this spell so I can tell where I am at all times.

This way I can take note of the place they are taking me, and then teleport away when they aren't looking. Maybe I can even tell the police and shut down whatever they are doing.

I feel like I'm being shoved into a car, and they take me away. Hah, those fools have no idea who they just kidnapped. When we finally arrive at the hideout, I'm feeling gracious so I wait for them to take me inside, tie me up, and I listen to their little rant.

"You traitors are all the same. Trying to save someone without even thinking about what they are. Sapients are lower than you, you should never lower yourself to their levels!"

"Yeah, blah blah blah, what makes them lower than us exactly, instead of lowering their value in your mind to make yourself feel better about yourself, how about you grow up and realize someone's value can't be determined by your own personal beliefs. It's okay to feel pride for your own species but lowering others because of it is not okay." I know it's cheesy to say, but I wanna rile him up.

"You, you! How dare you!!!" Should have seen that coming, he totally wants to kill me. Oh well, I teleport out of the room back into the hospital and walk into Williams room. By the way, I totally recorded the whole conversation, just in case, in fact I started the recording as soon as I was shoved in the bag.

"Sorry I took so long, someone wanted to have a quick talk with me."

"No, it's okay. Also, where did you get this magi-tech to help me?"

"Oh, my sister made it, she is going to college for magi-tech engineering, she's a genius when it comes to this stuff." I tell him, conveniently leaving out the whole homunculus that helped, best if I don't talk about that.

"I'll bring my sister to help calibrate it soon, but for now it should work fine, how did the magi-tech go before it got stolen?"

"It was great! I haven't felt that relieved since I was little!"

"That's good." I say smiling. "Anyway, I gotta go, got something to finish."

"Okay bye."


I walk out the hospital and straight for the police station. I report the spot I was taken to, and show the evidence of the rope burns around my wrists from when I got tied up after I got taken to the hideout. The police do ask me how I got out, but I just give them a very vague answer. Don't want people knowing about my teleportation spell yet.

Now that that's done, time for the most awful part. School work. I mean today is Monday, and that whole kidnapping fiasco kind of made me late for school. I had time after I woke up so after the hospital visit I should have had a little time to get to school, but those jerks made me late.

I get to school and walk to the front desk, just to see the surprised faces of the people there. They look down to the paper they were holding and back to me again, doing multiple double takes.

Apparently, someone in the hallway saw me get kidnapped, while I was being placed in the bag too, so he noticed. Instantly he called the cops and gave a description of my looks. Because I didn't show up for school they knew it was me who got kidnapped instantly and now I'm registered as missing.

After going back to the police station, I get questioned a bit, but the cops recognize me as the person who came in earlier so they already have my story. Y'know, this is turning into much bigger of a deal then I thought. At least this means my absence is excused...