
The world's most beautiful men

The world is full of sex, one woman and ten men I have no other wish, I hope that seven days a week, 30 days a month, 365 days a year, every day there is a beautiful man, day hugging the golden brick, when the kisses full of heaven, always happy. The above is purely a personal good and simple wish. The first day I wore it, I knew I was only a five-year-old girl. The ninth day I came to wear, was exterminated by people full of family, encountered killers chasing. The twelfth day I crossed over, and beggars group fight, to protect half a meat bun. I crossed the twenty-first day, still being chased by people playing ...... want to know what happened, please listen to the next decomposition, how a woman is full of evil, to please all the dogs, through a thousand hearts ...

Daoist896FXT · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter 11

I shook my head at him, lying in his ear blew a mouthful of hot air, very teasingly said, "Chao, you are so beautiful, I marry you, OK?" Feel his body a tense, I am simply happy mood to the level point, ha ha ... Chao ah, you still have feelings, at least, you learned to anger.

I was complacent, the collar was grabbed, the whole person was then grabbed up, hanging in the air. Without hesitation, I flatteringly called out: "Daddy." Struggling to turn around, hugging to the neck of the father of the net flow, intended to steal a kiss. Who knows that he had taken precautions, arm pulled, and I kept a safe distance, let me two hands and two feet in the air fluttering, but also just cold eyes quietly looked at me, a brush of green clothes, sitting back in position, smoothly dropped me at his feet, and he, in turn, continued the unfinished topic of murder just now.

I squeaked under his chair and played a double act with him. He spoke indifferently while I moved to perform, really good voice and emotion, line of God.

The eyes of the killers, began to slowly move to me, that is, began to stare at the lower part of the net flow father. I am such a person, there is an audience, then sell. When daddy said to put so-and-so door after the extinction, I made a strong pinch their necks, stretch out their tongues, pretending to die a tragic death. When dad said to this year's bonuses, I crossed my legs, shaking my head, dabbing spittle, pretending to count the silver tickets. When dad said you come out, I made a strong pulling posture, and at the end of the day also left and right to make the appearance of slapping mouth. When father did not say, I saw squatting on the ground, crooked a head looking at my father adults. Why should he cock his head? Because he is not crooked, simply can not see me, people small, no way ah.

People privately began to blackmail: that the Lord Godfather's son, is a standard broken sleeve! When you see a handsome man, that is two eyes bubbling, heart blossoming. When you see a beautiful woman, it is a horizontal look at the nose, vertical look at the face, how to look at it is not good.

I hid in the bushes, listening to their blackmail, do not feel angry, to find it very interesting. So, I faced up to the fact that I was a broken sleeve, the behavior of the crude, chasing men's madness, vividly in progress ...

I for the new killer, where a handsome man, never forget, memory is particularly deep. Any woman, over the eyes to forget, how to think about it can not be remembered. Even if they tell me the name a hundred times, I also as once did not hear, just can not remember.

But, but, but, if there is a beautiful, peeping at my father, that is absolutely not allowed to be! Resolutely not allowed in the organization! To be blocked! But despite this, there are still not afraid of death, want to be the wife of the godfather, my stepmother. Then I can not blame me one does not do, two does not rest, three pretend to be a beast, four change the type!


What is her name, I must not be able to remember, but she looked at the net flow of father's eyes, I will not forget, simply shameless to the extreme! Surprisingly than I was even naked three, as if to immediately strip daddy naked to bed. And I, too, just want to kiss the net flow of daddy's icy white mouth, so to say, she is too much!

So, when she was pining day and night, suffering, finally mustered up the courage to confess to daddy, saying her feelings for him, saying she would take care of me and treat me as if I were her own son ...

I crop ... of flying in from the window, infinitely moved to hold her thighs and shake: "You really will be to the same as my own mother to me?"

She blushed, her gaze flickered as she gazed at her father, then hugged my shoulders and nodded tenderly.

I immediately jumped up and shouted, "Then you let me eat your tits!"

As a result, she fell.

I joy.

Daddy turned around and walked away.

Based on the first water lure unsuccessful, I began to change to bed strategy method, take down the net flow daddy plan two officially began.

Outside the window a big thunder, will hang a human face gin magic, hit the net flow daddy's nest: "Daddy, I'm afraid."

His body is again a stiff, my heart secretly laugh, and then endure? Be careful to get you out of cardiovascular disease. The outside thunder bursts, the house thin I kept drilling into his arms, who let me be a delicate maiden it.

He a hand strength, will I turn my back to him, the voice is still no waves, but has that special, not easy to detect the tenderness: "Sleep." The simple spitting of two words, the hand protects the side of my waist, but the body and I keep a distance, I want to move, but not. His hand on my waist, looks very gentle, does not feel tight, but when I want to lean on him, but can not move half, can only stare at the air dead.

"Father, do you not like Ginyin?" I thought about it, or asked.

"..." No sound.

"Daddy, do you not like Ginyeo?" It's okay if you don't answer, but I can keep asking.

"..." Still silent.

"Daddy, do you not like Ginyin?" Just asking once, the heart sinks a piece.

"..." is just silent.

"Daddy, you ..."

"..." can not be said to be helpless, nor perfunctory, not to say that it is against the heart, because he did not say anything, but I just can feel his invisible struggle.

I suddenly began to choke, pinched his thighs, let the tears brewed as a bullet, see me blast you a shirt does not exist! He caressed in my waist hand loosened, I turned around, eyes tearful to look at him, a long time of silence, first with the eyes to torture you, then attack you with words, and finally provoke you with action, see you do not turn into mud!

When our eyes intertwined together, when my one osprey tear silently slid down, the cool fingertips of his slender beauty followed the flow of tears, wiping over the crystal, the ice eyes melted into my hot tears, became started to melt, flooded with pity.

His fingertips still rested on my face, infected with my warmth, I choked up and spoke, "Daddy really doesn't like Ginyin?"

A long time, under my persistent gaze, his lips slightly opened, escaped two words: "like ..." as his finger crossed my lips, but as if it burned his hands panicked retraction.

I was secretly pleased with myself, but sucked in my nose, tilted up the poor little face, beeped up red lips: "still say like? But daddy never kissed Ginyin ... "Look at my lips pouted to this, you at least once on the hook, right? Really not eaten mermaid!

And that moment, just at the moment I thought he was going to kiss me, I found that even if it was murder, stained with blood, not dyed red eyes, actually flashed so painful struggle, my heart a chaotic tightly followed by pain, daddy, what are you running away from in the end? The body was suddenly tightly embraced by him, so that I was at a loss for words, I do not know whether to comfort, or take the opportunity to achieve their own purposes, his cold body and the warm breath on my neck, the line into a powerful contrast. Like cold ice and hot fire, while trying to freeze my lust, while uncontrollably tantalizing, I knew he liked me, must like me! I can't say when he started to see only me in his eyes.

But when those eyes crossed over me and gazed into the distance, so empty, so beautiful, so pale, who did you do it for? And at that time, I was really afraid, because in those eyes of great beauty, I could not find a trace of myself ...

You really confused me, I should be glad, no? I was the only one who could cause you to fluctuate, you would think I had joy, but you were never jealous. You watch everything I do, let me be crazy, let me be funny, let me chase after beautiful boys and flirt, but forever hiding in your own world, unable to surrender your feelings, you don't wander, you hide! I know I am the one you care about, but for the so-called only, I am more and more not sure, what exactly are you going to tell me? How in the end are you going to face our feelings for each other? What exactly are you going to do to me?

The moment, I am nestled in your arms, embraced by you tightly, the feeling of happiness is really like a strong wine, come quickly, go faster, wake up, I will still laugh, will make a scene, but the inevitable headache, and who can pay attention to it?

I trembled lightly, raised my head, closed my eyes to seek the missed snow lips, I did not dare to open my eyes, afraid to panic him, he is the product of that contradictory and irreconcilable, always struggling, but very futile.

My familiar sense of smell and keen senses, can quickly catch his tempting lips, I know I do not want to wait, with a little old man 11 years older than me what to rely on the ground, or let my youthful little fire burn. Love, either to go to hell in the 'sex' blessed burn, or to heaven to pretend to be noble, and I, an ordinary human can not be ordinary, looking back who can remember me? The nobility is obviously not important to me ...

I missed that a thousand times, from ice white, rubbing to pink, and then sucking to the red lips have not been kissed, it was a slender jade hand of daddy touched on the thigh, my whole body trembled fiercely, God, daddy, you finally willing to me! Feel his gently rubbed thighs, that icy coolness makes me comfortable to want to match a few moans, but just opened his mouth, he was topped by a sentence did not know the purpose of their trip, he said: "Do not pinch thighs to make yourself cry, gin ..."

Holy shit!


I knew he had been dodging me, but if I was so easily blocked, it would not be my usual style of horny girls! My goal is: face used to block gunfire, teeth to cut diamond weapons, lips used to kiss the world's beautiful men, eyes thrown until people cry ghosts do not cry!

I belong to the kind of people who are not afraid of setbacks, not afraid of setbacks, not afraid of the previous two points, there is no way, since I do not have a breathtakingly beautiful face, I can only rely on a skill to mix a public moral success, that is to die shamelessly!

As for the means? Please see take down the net flow daddy plan three.

Small sample, a variety of aphrodisiacs I have all kinds, from childhood research I am gong not leave hand, just to put you to put down the road, painstaking love you know how much? Know ... how much? (Big heart tip: please read while knocking the bowl, maybe read this secret book on the roadside, but also mix two copper plate, hehe.)

All kinds of medicine, that is my childhood hobby of collecting, since I have no way to use my flesh tender little hands to practice what with hand calluses of martial arts, but since less later walking in the jianghu, but also can not let the gang of turtle grandson bully to.

Right now, it is how to use the medicine will be net flow father cheat bed! This is the most important event of the year! The thought of the iceberg stunning father in my body turn to accept the pleasure, white moist face flushed with charming sweet red, soft lips by my love of pink, unsteady breathing, wintry eyes like silk, soul-crushing moaning euphemism tempting: gin, I want ...

Haha ... cool!

I suck ... nosebleeds!

The ideal is wonderful, is the implementation of some problems. I originally used the drug is he taught, with my natural position, it is unlikely to teach the son, starve the old son. But for the sake of this let me drool three thousand feet, not die on the top of the beautiful father, Jia Jiezhi true gin demon I spell! Big deal to spell a 'fish escape me broken'!

"The moon is round and round, hanging in the sky above, there is good wine tonight, let's drink a first!" I carry a pot of wine, will think for a second to make a poem, show off with father in front of, in order to win the beauty of attention. They say genius is hard to find, look at me, the people should know that everyone is blessed.

When I finished chanting this masterpiece to my father, the beautiful corners of his mouth tilted up slightly, if the black diamond-like eyes swirled with sparkling brilliance, I saw the chest and pounced into his chest, miso little face, inviting credit: "Daddy, look how well you educated Ginyin, the export, can do poetry, how do you reward the smart me ah?"

His chest shook a little, his slender and beautiful fingers caressed my long hair, the smile on his face was extremely pampering, with the beauty of Nieh's breath. Just like the bent moon in the sky, bright and soft, so unique; just like the snow-capped extremely cold place, wonderfully bubbling a sparkling hot spring, that perfect combination of cold and soft, anyone will bang, want to barefoot over the green snow, slide into the hot spring, feel that delicate and unique embrace.

At this moment, he put me in a trance, I think, I was really moved. As he smiled more and more and tender, I was like a greedy cup of people, the deeper I fell, and the pure brew but not every day can taste a sip, can only greedily claim, rely on, all the time do not attempt to contain so small half a mouthful, let people crazy taste.

I hang on his neck, sitting on his lap, carrying the jug in one hand, grabbing his long, soft silk in the other, playing with pampering.

His hands, after years of my fiddling, would already automatically loop around my waist: "Ging, what do you want?"

"Daddy feed me wine ..." I said with a smile, seeing his eyes move slightly, afraid that I did not expect my request to be so simple, actually did not ask to kiss him.

Daddy will head lightly, but at the same time I popped out another sentence: "No wine vessel, only the body."

Look at him and smile, and the language expressed in that smile is: I knew you weren't that easy to compromise. Only to see his lips slightly open and quickly spit out a word: "Good."

I immediately gave him the jug, full of hope that he would pour the wine into his mouth and feed it to me.

But I saw him tossing the wine, stirring his hand against the silvery puddle of wine, and the water seemed to be alive as his fingers swirled, like a shiny snake wrapped around his hand. A little twist of his finger came to my lips, and I opened my mouth wide in horror, and the little snake of wine just went into my mouth and belly! Holy shit! Awesome!

I shouted with immense admiration, plus immense disappointment, "Daddy, you're amazing! I want to give you a reward!" At his lips, he was about to take a deadly mouthful. But he gently dodged, so that this bite completely paste to his face, fortunately I never picky food, give a place to kiss the mouth on it.

Seeing that he did not drink I continued to compel: "Today father has to drink a mouthful, I am more than happy for father ah, actually raised a so literary and appearance of the gin, father are you not happy?"

He smiled faintly, by like snow lotus first open: "happy."