
The Woodsman's Son In Another World

“I’ll carve my own path! Whether it kills me or not!” Some say you should never stay in someone’s shadow for far too long or you’ll let yourself be lost on your own when said shadow suddenly disappears. A young man sets on a journey to find a sacred place that his Father had left for him as a task. That young man however doesn’t expect the sudden summoning to another world. Where his Father already had a history on it as a Legendary Hero. He left behind some clues to what the young man should do and a Goddess to help him guide along the way. How will he mark his name into the world where his Father came from? What trials, truths, lies, and turns could bring him either closer or farther from his own Father. “How far will your Father’s teachings bring you today or somewhere in the future.”

Sandwich_Author · Võ hiệp
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19 Chs

A Small Incident and A Personal Conundrum

While I was walking down the path towards the village. I heard shouting and screaming from the village and immediately loaded up the shotgun and had it ready. And they were fighting a similar monster I fought yesterday.

I was entrusted by the Goddess herself to handle any creature that goes berserk. The shotgun started to glow and I immediately knew what to do next and take out the said bear. I'm not the best at aiming but I'll try my best.

"Everyone go! I'll handle this, get as many people out of here as quickly as you can." I gave the guards there some piece of advice and they immediately went to work.

"Alright, you and me Hoss." Shooting one handed with this shotgun might be hard but it's the best I could do to keep a close distance between this saw-off and his head.

The bear creature immediately towards me and I didn't hesitate to shoot back while skipping back to give distance. Because of this I missed his head but hit his right shoulder. This only made him more aggravated which I want if I was able to miss his head.

"Oh yeah, keep your eyes on me." As I ran away to focus his anger at me away from the innocent people towards where my place is which is spaced enough for me to get him away from civilization.

I gave myself a good amount of distance from the bear and tried to aim for center mass this time around. And shot it right on the chest which did make it fall but… The bear was more resilient than what I anticipated.

I checked my pockets for more shells and I dropped the pouch of my shells somewhere so that's that. I'm screwed badly now that I'm out of ammo.

"Alan, you have more weapons than you think. The one on your left pouch is a powerful one." Seems like the Goddess told me a message.

I pulled out the hatchet on my left holster. And it started glowing as well, alright let's do this I'm back in the game.

"You can throw that hatchet and resummon it after you throw it towards the enemy." The Goddess seems to be giving me advice.

The bear immediately charged right at me and I threw the hatchet right to his head… Knocking the bear out finally ending his rage. Everything went quiet, as I grabbed my shotgun from the ground.

And walked towards the bear with another hatchet at hand just in case. I removed the hatchet from the bear and surprisingly the blood doesn't stick to it. And return back to the village and see if everyone's safe.

When I arrived there everyone was already fixing the mess I picked up the ammo bag I dropped there. And after they saw me they immediately thanked me for saving them.

"Hey! There he is!"

"Yeah! The village hero!"

As crowds of villagers come to greet me. Ria was there to manage the crowd and bring some of my thoughts of the situation after it and Vert was there to see the damages the creature had done in the village.

"My people it has come to my fruition that this person right here is the son of our now passed away hero. He has taken his legacy as the new hero of our world. And this show's that the act of heroism in him still runs in his veins.

Our old hero had passed on now for greater pastures. But his legacy brings in new hope for our future after his previous success in bringing the world peace after the war." Vert gives out a great speech as everyone applauses and cheers from my first act of being a hero I guess.

With more good things to come I hope. I wonder what else Father had left behind for me. This burden of his is now given to me with everything he had left behind he worked hard for from the looks of it.

So much to uncover and reveal, at worst I could ruin his image if I make a wrong step, a wrong move, or a wrong decision. I don't really know how big of a burden am I carrying now that I'm carrying on my Father's legacy. I wonder if he really wants me to know his past.

And why hide it for so long that he had to wait for him to die first before he could face telling this long story of his. I wonder what is the other side of this history of his. How he was treated, how he treated others, how he gained their trust.

How he saved the world, how he struggled for it, how many did he lose. So many questions left unanswered for me just to uncover and also help this world from catastrophe. I'd say that's a lot for me to take in.

And I'm not as good as my Father out right. See what I can learn from my old man via his records in history.

"Hey, Alan, you did great out there for a beginner like you." Ria pats my back.

"I was surprised that it just happened right in front of my eyes. I'm still not as good as my Father in comparison since he never trained me in combat but more on survival skills out in the middle of nowhere." I replied.

"I could teach you combat if you want to. Though you have survival skills already which is good since you learned it directly from the master. We learned everything from him to be honest." Ria replied.

After the celebration had settled down and everything went normal after a few days. Ria went to my house to teach me some of the basics of CQC. It didn't go as expected and she was leagues different from me.

"Phew, you need to take your time Alan, you're just tiring yourself out." Ria as she was not gonna lie getting beat the living lights out of me during CQC lessons.

"No, I'm still good, I'm just getting the hang of it." I replied while trying to stand up.

"You don't look so good after a few rounds there. We should stop for today, you don't need to push yourself, you've already learned the basics so why don't you just train for a while with this dummy here. We'll continue this tomorrow." Ria finishes her lessons for today.

Man I didn't make any progress with improving. To get things off my mind I started a small campfire. I'll make something slow burning and low maintenance to keep the fire a blaze.

A log cabin style campfire should fit the bill. Start placing your pile of tinder in the middle. Then surround the tinder by placing your firewood in a right angle position. Stack them up until you're at the top with the smallest stack of tinder.

And this should suffice for a slow burning long lasting fire for the entire night. It's safer if you have a shovel ready and a bucket of water at hand when the fire goes out of control. After the fire started I placed my grill rack over it and started thinking of dinner.

Surprisingly, I still had my cured meats on my bag still fine and fresh. I cooked that while I prepared the salad with the vegetables the villagers gave me. Despite being outside the village this is actually nice.

Feels like I'm at a camping grounds and the village over there are just other campers. Things were different when Father and I went camping together outside our forest.

"Overthinking things again young child?" As the Goddess manages to appear right in front of me.

"Didn't expect you to be here right now Lady Agata. I thought you can only communicate via dreams and such." I replied.

"Well that's one way to read it but I'm a specific Goddess that can take form when I'm in a forest. That's just how it is. But you're having a lot of thoughts again, are you Alan?" The Goddess raised an eyebrow.

"You know I can't lie to you right?" I answered.

"You really are just like your Father huh. I know you're trying to fit into this world and we've been through this conversation before. I don't want to repeat it. You should stop focusing on your Father's success

You're making it hard for you to get a name for yourself out here. If you focus too much on your Father you'll eventually lose yourself and I don't want to see his legacy to be put into waste or his only son to fall into despair because of himself."

The Goddess once again tried to give some sense into my overly shadowed self after all I'm just part of my Father and I'm not him.

"Is it even possible for me to be out there and become someone?" I asked.

"It's possible but it'll be a hard quest for you. But if you insist on doing this I could start your quest to defeat one of the demon lords of this land. That's one way to get your name out there." The Goddess gave me a proposal from the looks of things.

"I wanna know how to do it and I want you to guide me and defeat this demon lord. Then again I'm stuck being a woodsman and I know how to survive out in the wilderness and have zero experience fighting as a hero." I replied.

"Don't worry I have that handled. Just wake up early tomorrow. I'll give you details of your quest and leave as soon as you see the sunrise." The Goddess soon disappeared right in front of me.

Alright, something finally for me to do.

Thank you for picking up this new chapter!

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