
The punishment

we walked into a huge arena and I mean huge us students didn't even take up half of the seats and it was first year's all the way up two third year's I saw two familiar faces one was Jorden but next to him was a tall tan man who was jacked the same as Jordan both had there school uniforms on but his eyes where gold slits like a dragon but next to both of them was three new faces I didn't know all of them was girls o yea I forgot to describe the female school uniform they also had a red and black coat like us most ware a black short skirt with leggings or a long skirt but there was some girls who just ware black pants Delpheen was one of those rare few the girl next to Jordan was very beautiful her hair was fiery red same with her eyes I could smell the fire magic coming off of her as for the other two girls they were around Azmo both was beauty's the taller one of the two had snow white hair and her eyes where white slits and on the top of her hands I saw white scales as for the other girl she was short with brown short hair but I could see her muscles I could tell her strength was no jock all three of these girls was dangerous yow little brother long time no see the tan man turned to me smiling I smiled back at him saying its good to see you to big brother Azmo but who are these dangerous girls by yalls side Azmo laughed saying well they are your sister-in-law's of course the beauty on my right which was the white haired girl is called Snow as for this beefcake on my right her name is Gold as for the red haired beauty next to Jordan she is but Jordan cut him off saying she can introduce her self Azmo Jordan looked over to the girl next to him saying go on dear the redhead nodded shyly she looked over to me saying my same is Fox a pleasure sir and she bowed to me I was shocked by her skyness I smiled saying good to meet you all as you all know I am Hunter these are my wives Raven, Delpheen, and Saphira as for the other three with us they are friends the ork is Borky the human looking man is David and the girl is his sister Sally we all started to talk with each other I talked to Azmo catching up with him a few minutes passed with us just sitting and talking with each other but then it happened the hole area got cold and one of the gates slowly started to open ice cold mist slowly rolled under this gateway and walking out from this gate was another familiar presents I stood up and slowly started to walk down the stairs my hands in my pockets by the time I got to the railing that prevented anyone from falling down into the arena that gateway was fully open and slowly walking out from this gateway was a bug person he was a hole head taller than me he had 4 arms around him two big ones and two smaller ones under those where his shoulders would.be there was a white shell that looked like armor that want down the front of his then chest his arms where then like a bugs but when you got down to it's white and blue clawed hands which had armor around it and it only had three fingers and a thumb the type of he was a white beetle it had two white pinchers on it's face it's eyes where blue like dark ice and glowed like there was a fire in the ice on it's back was two huge sets of white glassy wings in his right big hand was a long blue and white halberd this weapon was a little taller then he was whipping behind him was a white tail and at the end of the tail went to a sharp ice spike the last thing of note was the gold belt around its then waste it looked battle scared but still shined when this bug man walked out from the gateway a blast of ice cold wind whipped passed us coming from him it was so cold that you could see your breath and frost slowly froze the ground around him he didn't look up to the other students he was staring right at me and I at him neither of us moved we just started at each other then slowly we started to walk towards each other the closer I got to him the stronger then wind got and the colder it got but I didn't care I just walked towards him my hands still in my pockets and a neutral expression slowly we walked towards each other and finally we met each other in the middle of this arena we stopped him looking down at me and me looking up to him the wind whipped around us and ice slowly started to form under are feet we stared at each other no words where spoke but no words where needed cuz silently we were testing each others power in a battle of will this means we used are magic and ki to fight against each other everyone saw a white giant behind this bug man this giant hand four arms and in each hand, there was a weapon behind me there was a huge red and black dragon but in each of its claws there was a weapon we started at each other then I razed my hand yelling Bokoboko he let go of his halberd as he razed his two big arms up yelling Hunter Lingang and we gave each huge or that's what most people think but in reality we was giving each other a background huge if any normal people got hugged like this there head would explode we stopped hugging but I capt one arm around him and he kept one arm over my shoulders I started to laugh saying you haven't lost any of your strength my old friend he laughed with me saying neither has you brother how has the future been o and may I just say how you slaughtered those Hera fuckers was simple beautiful I laughed shrugging saying thanks they asked for it and the future is quite interesting I must say I wasn't expecting to see you teaching at a school so tell me is this place really Bokaboka laughed slapping my shoulder saying yep it is boss is still alive to we'll he ant how you remember him but still here as for me yes I like teaching the next generation of warriors don't worry you and your group can do what you want I know you don't need anyone showing you how to swing a sword or is a weapon hahaha we both just laughed with each other for a few seconds but he side saying I must get the class started Hunter lets talk later I nodded saying ok Boka don't go easy on these slackers and I teleported back into my chair Bokaboka slammed his two pinchers together twice making a weird load snipping noise like a bug everyone looked down to him me breathed out cold smoke from his mouth hello everyone I am teacher Bokaboka you can call me teach Bokaboka or sir Bokaboka if you call me Boka I will make sure you will regret it only a few of you can call me that and you know who you are know let's get started and he waved his right big hand to his halberd when his hand touched the weapon we all heard a shattering noise and on either side of Boka was two ice walls and on these walls where weapons none of them was magical or anything special Boka lowered his hand from his weapon saying two all those who don't got a weapon come and choose one or if you want to try a new weapon come talk to me if I say you can take that weapon it's yours but all those who don't have a weapon keep the weapon you choose and take care of it a well-maintained weapon can last a lifetime the rest of you talk with each other after we are done with this I will tell you all the rules wall your in this classroom let's move it I looked over to Borky , David and Sally who stood up saying what are you three doing they looked at me confused David answered we are going to go get are weapons sense we don't got one I rolled my eyes saying sit your asses down y didn't you say you needed a fucking weapon all three of them was shocked Borky asked Hunter are you saying you will give us one of your weapons but won't that cost money I slapped my hand to my face exaggeratedly no I make all my friend go into battle with a stick of fucking course I will give you a weapon of mine know to sit your asses down before I change my mind all three sat down quickly I rolled my eyes muttering to my self you know I am a blacksmith and yet you didn't say shit, of course, I would happily give my friends their weapons what the fuck do I look like a rust monster or something I just kept on muttering stuff like this till Bokaboka was done and with every line Borky's, David and Sally's shoulders get lower and lower Jordan and Azmo simple shook there head at Borky, David and Sally as they talked with each other after 15 minutes they were done Boka waved his hand again to his halberd and we all heard that same shattering noise and the ice wall and the weapons where gone we'll all those that remained on the wall Bokaboka crost his big arms then I noticed it his short arms where the same size as his big arms but they was behind his back like he was standing at attention it was a trick of the eyes I bet he did that on purpose he slammed his pinchers together again and everyone quieted down and looked at him Boka nodded good know that you all got a weapon I will tell you the rules in this classroom first role do not give up always march on no matter how hard the road is match with your head hi second rule in this classroom any one of you can challenges anyone else to a fight even if they are not in the same grade third rule when you fight we fight like your life depends on it cuz it does I will stop the fight if you black out or if your about to die or if you surrender and my last rule is simply this respect each fighter that's all any questions no one razed there hand but then it started two people razed three people razed there hand then 5 then 9 then 10 but it stopped at that I looked over everyone of these fools each of them had dragons blood in them I smiled saying so it begins muttered I glanced to Saphira saying it's happening dear we all got your back don't be scared to show them the power of the ice empress Saphira smiled evilly saying they will regret this I will make sure of that Bokaboka looked at all these hands and randomly called a person saying yes you stand up and speak your mind everyone else lowered there hand and this person stood up it was that first year that I seen before I smiled evilly this little lizard stood up saying sir Bokaboka I changed Saphira to combat he turned to us with a evil smile saying what do you got to say to that you trader all of us Linfangs held back from laughing Saphira stood up with a cold neutral smile saying boy I am way outside your wait class don't let your ego cloud your judgment after all none of you are full-blooded dragons nore can any of you turn into are true forms so that means none of you are my equal not in blood and definitely not in power but that being said I will show you all this mercy in this one warning fuck off and run back to your parents before you anger a real fucking dragon and she was smiling that cold smile at this young boy who started to shake under Saphira stare but then I felt a killing intent it came from behind that little lizard behind this little lizard was its big brother the one I heard on the phone he stood up saying how dare you bitch it was you and Azmo who are betrayers of your own kind it was you who choose them and he gestured at all of us over you own blood I am going to kill you and a pare of gold wings appeared on his back and he lunged at Saphira who just stood there smiling that cold smile and this little lizard throw a punch when he did his hands turned into dragon claws I side and using my tail I blocked his punch stopping him in place I side again slowly standing up my hands in my pockets I looked down on this little lizard saying I am not one to stop my girls from having fun beating a little lizard like you but y should Saphira dirty her hands with a little lizard-like you I will give you the spanking your parents should have given you and I teleported us into the arena my hands still in my pockets I threw him off my tail he flow back in the air I saw his eyes go red hearing my words and he screamed you bastard I will kill you and appearing in his hand was a huge gold great sword when my eyes landed on this sword woosh some of my killing intent slipped out from my central the room got ice cold but it was more then that this cold sank into your body sinking into your bones and touching your soul my eyes where glowing bright green now I could smell the familiar magic that came from that sword and I could also smell a little of my own blood on it this little lizard smiled evilly saying what you like my sword it is a treasured artifact of my family story goes that this blade has tasted one of your families blood by your reaction that person was close to you good don't worry I will send you to them soon with this same blade and he lunged at me swinging the sword down but I didn't move he laugh what have you excepted your death good die you bastard but at the last moment I used my tail to deflect his sword to the side missing me hitting the ground and I also used my tail to punch him in the face this little lizard flew back his sword staying in the ground next to me I slowly looked down to this sword and picked it up I held it in front of my face I examined it from tip to pummel as I did memory's started to appear me laughing next to a man but there face was shadow me fighting next to this man us protecting each other me saving him from his prison me teaching him how to fight teaching him how to be a roller how to be a king but him stabbing me in the back with this weapon after I fought off Azmodayus he stabbed me in the back he was the one who sent me to the underworld this blade sent me there this blade that was forged by a godly dragon to be wielded by his descendants this blade has backstabbed and killed so many innocent people I ran my hand over the runes along the blade no give it back to me this little lizard charged at me and thrust his claws at me but before they could hit me my tail punched him in the side with so much force he flew to the side hitting the wall with a crunch the stone wall cracked my eyes didn't leave the blade more importantly my eyes didn't leave the runes on the blade my grimwar appeared and opened to a page and the tip of my finger started to glow I ran my finger over each rune and appearing in the book was every rune after I scanned them all I took back my finger and it stopped glowing and my grimwar shut and disappeared I looked back to this little lizard and throw the sword at him saying ok you can have it back the blade flew and sank into the stone right next to his head he flinched but he screamed and tried to pull it out but the sword didn't move it was stuck in the stone he turned around and used both hands and tried to pull it out and the blade slowly started to move out it took him 5 minutes to pull it all the way out I simple waited for him my hands still in my pockets waiting my tail move behind me when he finally pulled his sword out he turned and ran at me I rolled my eyes saying ok little lizard I am tired of this came time for your spankings and I moved my hands out of my pockets I reached up to my belt he swung down at me I pulled my belt off swinging it up as it was swinging the belt got stiff like a sword and I blocked his strike I then spun around him swinging my belt as I moved as it was swing through the air it got soft like a whip and slap he was slapped in the ass he spun around thrusting his sword at me screaming I will kill you I simple stepped out of the way swinging my belt that looked like a whip at him it smack it hit his hand I then whipped my hand to the side and slap his other hand got whipped he dropped his sword he was screaming looking down at his bloody arms which looked like his skin got turn off which it did my belt was made from dragon scale so it was like hundred of hooks getting pulled out of his arm I smiled saying what done already you are all bark no bite didn't your parents teach you to never let your ego cloud your judgment compared to Azmo and Saphira you are nothing but a little lizard with wings your family are a bunch of backstabbing bastards it's time I remind you all who your fucking with and I swung my whip again slap again slap again slap again slap I whipped his whole body in the matter of a minute his legs, and back was bleeding all this lizard could do is take it and whimper Bokaboka didn't stop me hell he even stopped others from trying to stop me he is my friend but he is also there teacher he knew I didn't look for this fight but I am finishing it maybe this boy could learn from his mistakes and this moment could make him train even harder all the other students that were related to this student know new y Azmo and Jordan said not to piss of any of the four of us especially me cuz I may not kill you but by the time I am done with you you will wish you where death I swung my whip one more time and looked up to the students yelling out is there any more of you who wants to try and skill my wife I looked over each one of them silence good I said keep it that way and I swung my whip around my waste again it looked like a belt again but everyone looked at it with fear remember this I held back any one of my women could have done the same rememer that and I teleported back to my seat Bokaboka side turning around to everyone class dismissed tomorrow we will start your training for real plus I will show you the wait room class dismissed and a flash of red light and he disappeared I side saying time for are next class I looked back to Sally, Borky and David saying there is where I will make your weapons let's go it was good to meet you girls and it was good to meet you brothers see you later they nodded at me and we left to our next class people stared at me with fear in there eyes word travels fast in this school I smiled seeing that.