
The wolf without a name

Being born from rape and taking her mother life from birth. They detested her; treated her badly and gave her no name. Wanting nothing to do with her. Girl, they called her, for eighteen years; until it had become the only name she knew for herself. When her family who should have taken care of her. Find themselves in a big financial debt. The only hope in getting themselves out of the terrible mess they had created was to send her, to their pack leader house to work in repaying their debt. Hating what they were doing to her. Girl, was clueless that working within the home of the alpha's son would somehow affected her.

A.K.Knight · Kỳ huyễn
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48 Chs

Chapter 24: Tired of living

The day was losing its light and night was on its way. My feet hurt running for such a long time not knowing where to go. People along the road passed me and looked at me scornfully as if I were mad.

"Don't walk near her Hun," I would hear them say pulling their child close to them.

Not being able to bear it anymore, I ran across the road into the forest away from everyone. I had soon lost energy and sat next to a tree, resting my back on the large tree trunk. Tears streak down my cheek, sad and tired of bad things happening to me. I thought leaving Phyllis's cell I would find peace at last, but it only got worse every day. I cursed the day I was ever born into this world. I did not understand why I was conceived into this world to suffer. I would never be happy, I thought.