

Once upon a time in the land of Arazula there lived a wealthy king named marvin. He married Esther, they lived happily and Queen Esther got pregnant. She gave birth to a girl at her naming ceremony she was named Confidence. Three weeks later Queen Esther died out os a terrible sickness. King Marvin was heart broken he was sad and felt worst when he thought that Princess Confidence was going to grow up without a mother's love,he immediately ashed his advicer David for help " my Lord I will advise you to take another wife because Princess Confidence is growing really fast, next year she will turn one and she doesn't know who her mother is " David said " ask the messanger to tell the whole city that we are having a ball for every one" David did as he was told and the messanger told the whole city.

It was two days to the royal ball everyone was preparing for the ball and also worried while the king would host a royal ball six months after his wife was buried and to wasn't the princess birthday

On that day there was enough to take home. The palace was crowded with people of Arazula, it was such a wonderful moments for the citizens. " Humble, our great king is coming" David said as King Marvin entered the room wearing clothes made of gold and silver.

" My people of Arazula you are welcomed to this royal ball, my fellow kings I am so happy you came may GOD bless you, let this royal ball begin". There was a lot of food it was so much fun until the Jing saw a girl he couldn't stop looking at " it seems the king have fallen in love after the death of Queen Esther" "stop teasing me am warning you" the king said " am I lieing if you like sit here don't go and take her as your wife because she is as beautiful as Princess Confidence and the Princess won't know she is her step mother unless she is told". "You are right let me ask for her hand in marriage, finally my little daughter will have both her parents love but the next time you teasee again I will cut out your tongue" the king said looking at David "don't worry my king their won't be next time you are already becoming old that man of before is now turning into an old man, don't worry when I see white hair on your head I will hold a feast to tell the villagers that you are old" " who the heck are you calling old" David smiled " you see old people never accepts they are old don't worry you won't have hunchback or all your teeth won't fall" " catch that boy if not I will kill you" the king shouted as David started running, knowing that King Marvin won't spare him for calling him old.

He ran into the princess room they saw bright light that the princess created unknowingly " little Princess has super powers infact am going to talk to my new wife and your mom you sweet heart" he said looking at his daughter then he turned to David " as for you I will deal with you later" " hahaha" David said laughing " wish you luck my king"

After the royal ball King Marvin went up to the girl "please excuse me I love to take you as the Queen but what's your name" " your highness my new is Jessica" the king smiled " wow that's a wonderful name" " I will accept the marriage proposal but I need to tell my parents about it" Jessica said the king smiled " bye Jessy "

Later that night king Marvin told David how she accepted his proposal " who won't accept the proposal but am still shocked" David said " what are you not supposed to be happy for me" King Marvin said " of course am happy oh! Sorry I am very very happy but you came up to her without a proper marriage approach, really I can't really describe, if I was the one bet me I will turn you downif you didn't make it so unique" David " you are drama queen, you could have been a girl instead" King Marvin said