
The Wolf and Dragons

Thousands of years ago two dragons were fighting for supremacy, destroying everything in their path until they were stopped by a powerful wolf. Now thousands of years later, the wolf disappeared and the dragons are restless. Where did the wolf go? Will the dragons return to their battle? Where does our protagonist fit into all this?

exial_31 · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

chapter 7

-Are you looking for me ...? -

Without even thinking a little, Paul quickly bent down and moved away from the position he was in.

After thinking that he was in a safe place, Paul looked back and found the group leader looking at him with a smile as he dug up one of his swords from the ground.

-This is a surprise, I sincerely believed that you could not avoid it- commented the leader even with his smile.

Paul kept silent as he watched them all and thought about what to do next.

-I see, so you want to keep silent- the leader could not continue because he had to dodge a bite that came from Jack.

The man did not even have time to think when he had to stop another blow that came towards him, but this time the blow did not come from Jack but from Paul who did not want to miss the opportunity.

Seeing his attack stopped, Paul looked at Jack and nodded, after that, they both quickly jumped in the direction of the leader and continued to attack.

The leader was getting a little nervous now that he was slowly being overwhelmed by the combined attacks of both, if it was only Paul who attacked him the leader could with him with relative ease, after all, he was a little stronger than the Muscular man with Paul fought previously, but now that you add the wolf attacking him too, defending against them has become incredibly difficult.

Seeing that now the leader was making some mistakes when defending himself, Paul decided to increase the intensity of his attacks, finally creating a large enough opening in his defense so that Jack could hit a sharp bite on one of his legs.

This caused the leader to lose his balance and stumble a little, Paul did not want to let this opportunity be wasted so he attacked with his sword in the direction of the leader's neck hoping to end his life with that attack.

But when Paul was about to do it, suddenly his senses warned him that something very bad would happen if he didn't retire immediately.

Deciding to heed his senses, Paul grabbed Jack without warning and jumped back.

Just after he retired, a great sword cut off where he was. Seeing this, Paul sweats a little cold thinking about what would happen to him if he decided to stay a little longer in the previous position.

-You have good senses, brat- commented the muscular man as he dug up his sword from the ground, then looked at the leader and scoffed - they almost killed you there little brother hahahahahaha-

The leader frowned at that and responded annoyed - shut up moron, he could take control of the fight at any moment -

-Yes, yes, believes what you want but clearly the brat had you overwhelmed-the muscular man teased before continuing - maybe I am the one who should be the leader of our group-

This time it was the leader's turn to mock - you? The leader? don't make me laugh, with the little brain you have you will probably send us to death quickly-

Listening to this caused the muscular man to be enraged - What did you say ?, I dare you to repeat it !! - the muscular man shouted angrily.

While the leader and the muscular man argued, Paul and Jack took advantage of this moment to recover the energies they lost with the constant attacks of before and were also planning what to do next.

-Jack- Paul called the wolf by his side –we will take advantage now that they are distracted and will create a plan-

-woof- Jack nodded.

-well, we will do this- Paul paused to think before continuing –we will attack together the leader who seems to be the most skilled when he is out of the way we can easily end the muscular man and then we can continue our way to lyrilia - Paul he tells Jack about his plan and await his response.

Jack thought a little about the plan that Paul told him and after a short time he found no problem in it, so he decided to follow it.

-woof- Jack nodded and barked to show he agreed.

-Well- Paul nodded before seeing the men again to make sure they continued to fight - to the count of three we will attack - after making sure, Paul told Jack -one, two and ... three-

After finishing counting, Paul and Jack quickly attacked the leader, something strange that Paul noticed when they approached was that the two men did not seem to notice them in the least and that made him feel that something was wrong, but Paul quickly became convinced They ignored them it thanks to the discussion they were having right now.

But something unexpected began to happen to Paul as he got closer, suddenly the whole body began to freeze slowly except the head.

Seeing this Paul trotted desperately to stop the freezing by circulating his energy, but since this did not seem to be working he began to look for the cause of this.

He was looking around until he saw the cause, what was causing his freezing or rather the person who was causing his freezing was the girl who is part of the group that was attacking him.

The woman has now bandaged the hand that Jack had bitten and in her other hand was holding a magic wand that was currently pointing at him.

When Paul was about to attack her to get out of the spell, he seemed to increase dramatically, freezing his body in an instant.

-It was surprisingly easy to catch you, boy- mentioned the leader as he approached him before continuing –I am a little disappointed if I am sincere until now it seemed that you were going to present a good challenge but it turns out that you are only an inexperienced brat and easy to deceive - the man ended up putting a disappointed expression on his face.

-Cheated? No experience? What do you mean?- Paul asked nervously because he was trapped and at the mercy of these people.

-do not feel so surprised, it is obvious that you had no experience fighting- the leader scoffed before continuing –this became obvious at the moment that you did not tell the wolf to finish off our sister or at least have her remove the Wand, after all, anyone knows that spiritual wizards always carry a spare wand with themselves-

-Of course, that is just one of how you demonstrated your lack of experience- said the leader before starting to explain - after taking my cane from my sister you didn't even check it again, ruling out the possibility of her getting up and attacking you, secondly, when you attack you focus on one person and neglect others, if you did not have surprisingly sharp senses at this time you would probably be dead-

-Thanks to this it was easy to make you fall into the trap -the leader gave him a little mocking look before continuing –everything began to form when you focused only on attacking me and neglecting my older brother, that gave him enough time to help bandage my sister and create a plan-

-The Plan was very simple, we would just have to lower your guard and make you focus all your attention on us while our sister prepared the freezing spell -

-You did it surprisingly easy, we just had to pretend to argue between us and you immediately let your guard down and focused on attacking us - the leader finished explaining.

After hearing that, Paul began to feel very frustrated because the same person had already caught him twice thanks to how careless he was, hadn't he promised himself to pay attention to everyone to avoid surprise attacks? He could save his frustration and hope Jack would save him again like he did last time.

While Paul was lost in his thoughts a noise of something crashing was heard, which caused everyone to turn their attention to the direction where it originated.

When they looked at the place of the noise, a small wolf could be seen being thrown away and a woman who had an air barrier around her.

-I'm sorry little wolf but I learned my lesson from the last time and placed a barrier around me before attacking - said the woman while her barrier seemed to disappear.

After falling to the ground Jack quickly went to Paul's side to defend him from any attack he was made.

Although Paul was happy to see that his friend was staying to defend him, he knew that what those people wanted was Jack so he then said -See Jack, you are what they want- Paul said prompting Jack to escape.

-woof- Jack shook his head and looked menacingly at the other people.

Paul was surprised, frustrated and a little happy to see that Jack was staying, but he also knew that it was best for Jack to leave to avoid getting caught with those people.

But before I could say anything again a voice interrupted them.

-I'm sorry boy, but the wolf stays- said the leader before moving in the direction of Jack.

Jack quickly walked away, dodging the leader's attempt to catch him, but before he could relax he felt someone grab him from behind his neck and listened to a voice.

-You are mine now- said the muscular man while he had Jack in one of his hands.

After seeing that, Paul quickly became discouraged knowing that now his friend is probably sold to someone else.

-well, now that we will do with you- said the leader while looking at Paul.

-I say that the best thing is that we kill him, after all, it would be a disaster if someone discovers that we catch an animal and sell it, worse, that someone finds out that the animal we sell is a wolf- proposed the muscular man and explained the Why your proposal.

- As much as I don't like killing people this time I support the older brother, I don't want to be arrested, or worse, to be killed by one of those strange people who love wolves - I support the woman's decision.

-You heard boy, this time you can only blame yourself for being too weak- said the leader as he approached and prepared one of his swords to kill him.

Paul was getting desperate more and more when he saw the leader approach. He did not want to die but had no way to free himself now.

The more Paul thought the more desperate he felt when he didn't find a way to escape, he had already tried to completely transform himself to escape but he couldn't do it, he could only transform his arms that were inside the ice but even with that, he could only break the ice of his arms after a while, which I didn't have.

Now the leader was right in front of him and Paul had already resigned himself to death.

-Well, this is a goodbye boy- the leader gave as he lowered his sword and Paul closed his eyes waiting for his destiny.

While the leader lowered his sword, a cry of pain was heard and blood was scattered on the floor ...