
Lancer died, again.

I watched as the legends of old clashed below.

Truly, the anime I remember from a lifetime ago does no justice to the sheer grandeur of the battle in front of my eyes.

Arturia Pendragon, the King of Knights and the Once and future king of Britain. If my old friends were alive, they would have given anything to meet her face-to-face like this.

And her opponent is someone that is in no way inferior to her in combat.

Diarmuid of the Love Spot, a renowned knight who ultimately met a terrible fate. A fact that is going to repeat again in this war.

If my plan to save the lives of the many people that will die in this pointless war is to succeed, then he must unfortunately die. Because a Servant can not live without a master, and I have no plans of letting his master survive. Because if Kayneth does not die, Waver Velvet can never succeed him.

Some may call it a hero complex, but it is just a desire to see a happy ending in this accursed world of magus and monsters.

I waited under the Disillusionment charm and watched as Rider appeared followed by the Golden Jerk himself.

I have a rough plan to deal with all the servants of this war. Everyone except Gilgamesh.

Frankly, he is too overpowered to do anything against. My only hope is to use the Killing Curse which I am not even sure would work on him since he can technically be classified as a ghost. Even if it works, I have to cast it faster than he can turn me into a pincushion with the Gates of Babylon.

As the Golden king spoke in his usual arrogant way, I saw Berserker arrive as well.

There is my target for tonight.

I ignored all the other servants and concentrated on the mad knight and cast my spell.


Immediately, I saw what I wanted. A string of magic connecting Berserker with his master.

Unfortunately, my use of magic has not gone unnoticed as the masters of the servants below honed in on my hiding location.

"Do you wish to hide even now, Mongrel?"

Well, let's see just how I stack up compared to the others.

I let the Disillusionment charm fade and reveal my form as I dropped down from the container top.

"If I had not killed Assassin myself, I would have thought you were the pathetic assassin trying to hide in the shadows. Who are you?"

"…Servant Caster"

"A mage? That explains your cowardice"

I turned out goldy and focused on the top of the warehouse and the cranes in the distance.

Kayneth was quite easy to detect thanks to the fact that he is not even trying to hide properly except for a few bounded fields. Kiritsugu and Maya are the ones who proved to be harder to find. But thanks to a wordless use of Revelio revealed them to my eyes.

That's four masters accounted for. Now, the show begins.

My instincts blared to life as I dodged using ancient magic as several E-rank Noble phantasms destroyed the place I was standing on just a second ago.

"How dare you ignore my words, dog. I will make sure you-"

I immediately used apparation to appear beside Kayneth. Without giving him any time to prepare his weird mercury magecraft, I attacked.


"Avada Kedavra"

With a flash of green light, Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald died in an instant.

But I had no time to relax as I immediately dodged the red spear that tore through the location where I was just a second ago.

Once again, I used ancient magic to dash around the battlefield, escaping the thrusts of Lancer's spears to the best of my ability. His screams of rage rang out but I said nothing and waited while silently casting Revelion again.

There! I found his other master. Sola-Ui is located in the Hyatt Hotel.

I dashed out of the warehouse, closely followed by Lancer as I arrived at the location I traced out to be the hiding place of Kariya Matou.

"W-wha, Berserker!"

The command seal on his hand glowed as Berserker appeared from a distortion in the air, but the mad Knight of the lake was too late.

I grabbed the Matou and apparated out into the Hyatt hotel, directly in front of Sola-Ui.


"I am sorry, but your death is required"

"Avada Kedavra"

Once again, a flash of green light and another death. Another life cut short by me, even if it is the life of a magus.

Perhaps, professor Fig was right when he said that using my power for my desires was wrong. A warning I discarded at that time due to my overwhelming desire to return back to my world.

My hostage, Kariya Matou was too shocked and in too much pain to do anything as I apparated once again. The last thing I hear is the sound of the windows breaking and the mad screams and curses of a fading lancer.

This time, I appeared in my temporary base, a small hut I created with ancient magic and territory creation.


"Kariya Matou, I can heal Sakura"

He immediately shut up and stared at me with wide eyes.

"H-How do you-, no, I don't care. How can you cure her?"

"I am a caster class servant. Do not underestimate my prowess in magecraft"

"….What do you want in return?"

"The knowledge that Matou, or rather, the Makiri, keep on everything related to magecraft"

"Then there is nothing that I can give you. There is no way to access that knowledge without getting rid of my father. No offense to you, but there is no way you can kill him"

I said nothing but took out my wand.

"Reparifors" "Vulnera Sanentur"

Immediately after I cast the spell, he lurched forward as the disgusting crest worms in his body were expelled all over the floor, dead. The second spell immediately healed all the injuries that he sustained from the process. With a silent cast of the stamina charm, he was nearly back to full health.

"I think I can manage. Do we have a deal?"

Kariya stared at my extended hand for a few seconds before taking hold of it.

"Yes, we do. But I have a condition of my own"

"…I have an inking of what it is, but let's hear it"

"I want Tokiomi Tohsaka dead"

"May I ask the reason why?"

"It is because of that bastard that Sakura had to endure all that torture at the hands of that worm that calls itself my father. If it were not for him then Aoi-, never mind. Will you help me or not?"

"…I am willing. But be warned, when you realize how things are with the Tohsaka, you will break. Are you willing to risk it still?"


"Then, we have a deal"