

My admission letter had come in late but I had the feelings that made me flush as I opened my letter to discover that I had been admitted, "college might not be be easy" thoughts pondering through my mind as I began to recap my times in high school. My journey through legion high school of witches had been the worse journey of my life a a high school student, well I was born by a human dad and witch mother therefore making me a half witch, half human. I was mocked because I couldn't unlock levels of spells in classes and i felt like an outcast but guess who is going to college now, me! and I am going to get the best friends and learn the spells unlocking to become the best witch.

My mom graduated from betilda and she always talked about Trisha an half human, half witch like me who became the best witch and her name still lived mother told me she had a little diary where she wrote her wishlist(witchlist) which I recently stumbled upon and copied well I guess Trisha would have to come co.pete with me because I am about to take her record and make my own.

"Sophie, what are u still doing" mom called from downstairs, "I am coming, mom just need to pack some stuffs", mom has been the only one for me ever since dad. He died when I was twelve and I couldn't understand why but mom said he was very sick and I felt he never wanted to he with us. I have his pendant though and I miss him every day.

I know I would really do well in betilda because I would be applying every secret I have learnt from the life of Trisha and my witchlist would take me through. Let me see what betilda has for me.