
The Witching Hours

Evelyn Valentia believes herself as nothing more than an average witch. Refusing the help of her late mother's coven, she navigates her magic on her own until the day she becomes the chosen protector of the fae. However, the dark fae that were cast out of the fae kingdom long ago did not stop amassing their own powers since then. Now, it is up to Evelyn to stop them before war breaks out. Clyde Dillington is a ruthless, cold royal vampire, but he cast the crown aside long ago. Unexpectedly, he finds his mate in a young witch. Clyde will do anything and everything he can for Evelyn but tell her that he is her mate. He has many enemies, and he worries for Evelyn's safety should her connection to him be made know. Will her secrets keep her loved ones safe? Will Clyde ever allow Evelyn to know the truth of the secrets he is caring? . . Slow burn romance with R18 content. . "Clyde smiled tightly, “well, you did ask for a story,” he replied. Evelyn laughed quietly. “Do you ever miss your home?” She asked. Clyde sighed and stared into her deep green eyes, “sometimes I miss being near the resting place of my father, but that is all it is to me now, a resting place. I have built a life here that I am proud of and I can only continue to improve upon it,” he replied truthfully. Evelyn admired the way that Clyde carried himself. He was never afraid to simply be what he truly felt and wanted to be. She could only hope that she would one day match his spirit. For now, she was too nervous about the weight of her responsibilities to worry about anything else. “You should get some rest,” Clyde said and moved to get off the bed. Evelyn reached her hand out and stared straight into his eyes, “I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for me,” she said sincerely. “I know that this is probably the last thing you thought you would be doing, but I am glad that you have chosen to stay by my side. I promise you, I will get stronger from here on out.” Clyde smiled, his eyes full of sincerity, “you are already enough. Try not to worry so much about letting us down. We are here to catch you if you fall,” he replied. Evelyn smiled softly and released his hand from hers, the sparks of their bond still lingered under her skin. She wanted so desperately to be close to him, but she knew that she needed to become strong enough to stand next to him before she mentioned that she could feel their bond." . . . Follow on discord for updates and discussions https://discord.gg/Afk48f3B

Sarah_Couse · Huyền huyễn
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259 Chs

Let the fun begin

"Of course, it's barely warm," Peggy grumbled.

"Mine's nice and hot," Evelyn winked and took another spoonful of her soup. Before anyone had a chance to scold her, steam began to rise from their bowls as well as those of their group of knights seated near them. Peggy nervously looked at the table where their knights had been eating their lunch and began to panic as they called over the barmaid.

"What can I do for you?" The same bubbly woman that had sat them asked.

"It seems that our soaps are rather cold," one of their knights commented.

"I'm so sorry," she began to apologize.

"What are you talking about? Mine is just fine," Michael interrupted. "Stop bothering her."

"But captain, weren't you just saying that yours was also cold?" He asked.

"Clearly you've had more than enough to drink," Michael shot him a pointed look.

He was confused and looked at the rest of them, "I swear, I have only had one glass just like all of you! Weren't you all saying that yours was cold too?"

Peggy's nerves got the best of hers, and her spoon fell to the ground.

"That's enough. Stop bothering her and eat your lunch." Duke Valentia silenced them. "Could you get us another spoon?" He politely asked the barmaid.

"What?" Evelyn asked as she felt her father's glare. "It must be the chill in the air," she shrugged.

"Knock it off. I've already warned you once," he scolded. "I will have Michael escort you back if you can't behave yourself and don't think I won't."

"Come on," she pouted. "The soup was cold, and I doubt you wanted to wait around for them to warm up ten bowls of soup."

"Thank you," Peggy mumbled as she took the spoon from the barmaid.

"This is your final warning," he scolded her once the barmaid left their table. "Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes," Evelyn grumbled before they finished their lunches in silence.


"Sir?" The barmaid bowed when Clyde called her over.

"Thank you," he placed two small coins at the edge of the table after she finished narrating the way the duke has scolded the black-haired girl. She quickly slipped them into her apron pocket and retreated into the kitchen.

"Well, that saved us a bit of time," Maxine commented.

Clyde wiped the small trace of blood from his lower lip and slowly licked it off his thumb. "Follow them. Let me know what else that little girl has up her sleeve," he smirked.

"How long do you want me to watch them?" Maxine asked.

He finished off the last of his glass as he watched Evelyn's party begin to leave. "Until something interesting happens. Also, be careful, we don't know what our little friend over there might be planning," he glanced over at Prince Martin.

"As you wish," Maxine bowed and disappeared out of sight.

"That was quick," Clyde raised an eyebrow as George sat back down at the table.

"Well, it wasn't too difficult to find out that someone as prominent as the late Duchess Valentia would have at least one daughter involved with her old coven."

"Is that so?"

"That isn't all that I learned," he flagged down the barmaid and had a new glass brought out to him. "According to their lovely maid Charlotte, both girls happen to be witches, but not much is known about the youngest daughter's abilities."

"What do you mean?"

"I found out from another source that when her powers awakened, they were powerful enough that both the coven and her aunt had taken her away to see just what she was capable of."


George lightly cleared his throat upon seeing Clyde's growing impatience, "apparently, they kept her locked away in one of their underground hideouts for three months until Duke Valentia threatened them with deploying his knights to get her back. Once they returned her, no one spoke about her abilities or what they could even be. But her sister Peggy is still a member and frequently goes with them when their services are called for. But the duke has been keeping a lid on things and not much is known about what Evelyn may be capable of now. From what her maid told me, she often slips out at night and enters their woods. That being said, I doubt that anyone even knows the full extent of her abilities besides what she may deem acceptable for them to know."

"And what about our little friend over there?"

"You're right that it isn't just a coincidence. It turns out that Duke Gauthier is hosting a ball for his daughter Lacey's birthday and both the crown prince and Duke Valentia have been invited."

"I have already sent Maxine to follow them. I'm curious to see what our little bird will do if she flees the nest once while they are away," he grinned.


Once their carriage arrived at the Gauthier Duchy they were greeted by both Arthur and Jenny Gauthier along with two lines of servants and porters that were entrusted to take care of all their needs for the coming days. Duke Henry and Arthur wasted no time and disappeared into the study leaving the porters to tend to their luggage. Peggy and Evelyn followed Jenny and the maids inside the grand home as they exchanged pleasantries.

"I do apologize for the absence of my children, both of my sons are still yet to arrive from Onslow and my daughter is currently with her tutor, she smiled. "I'm sure you girls will have loads of fun; I know it has been some time since we were all gathered, but I know how close you all were, and I know Lacey is very excited to finally have girls in the house for a change."

"Thank you, Duchess Gauthier. We are both looking forward to the excitement that we are sure to find in these coming days. It was so nice of you to invite us, I have been desperate to socialize since the season ended and I feel this is exactly what we need at the moment," Evelyn smiled as she thanked the Duchess for their hospitality.

Peggy smiled and nodded her head in agreement, even though she wanted nothing more than to be surrounded by the familiar faces of her coven. She has always hated large social gatherings and found them to be nothing but tedious, but she smiled, nonetheless.

Both girls followed the maids that showed them to their rooms, which were joined to one another by the large bathroom that was positioned in the middle. With their trunks already situated in their respective rooms, Peggy asked one of the maids if she could draw a bath for her. The maids nodded and disappeared out of sight. Evelyn was too busy looking around the large bedroom, fascinated with the carvings on the bed posts and the intricate work that adorned the large armor. Lost in her thoughts, she did not when Lacey entered her room. Lacey quickly took note of this and slowly approached the girl from behind.

"BOO!" Lacey yelled, startling Evelyn.

"Lacey! I nearly fainted just now!" She exclaimed, grabbing her chest.

"Yes! I could have sworn that I saw your soul briefly leave your body!" Lacey laughed.

Evelyn finally regained her composure and spread her arms open to embrace the girl she hadn't seen in ages, "I cannot believe you."

"Do tell me that you've brought some more of your lavish gowns! I have always loved every single garment you've adorned. Well, maybe except the one you're wearing now!" Lacey teased.

Evelyn tugged her hair a bit from behind, and Lacey yelped. "I'll have you know that father woke us up before the sun even rose to leave our estate. This was the best my poor maids could do after I had been abruptly woken and I refused to wear all of those layers and lavish pins that early in the morning just to sit in a carriage all day until my bottom became numb. I thought I was certainly going to lose my mind from boredom!"

"I know. I know. I was only teasing; even in this plain dress, you look stunning. I have always been jealous of your beautiful features. How am I going to get any attention when I stand by the likes of you?" She whined.

"Oh, I think we can come up with something to fix that!" Evelyn giggled.

"Don't tell me that you are going to come up with some crazy scheme to embarrass yourself to make me look good. That has never worked out the way you imagined it to, and everyone still eyes you up! The only way to fix that would be for one of my dear brothers to escort you. If that were to happen, no gentleman alive would dare to approach you and I would be free to have my pick of the litter!" Lacey clapped her hands with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Oh dear, aren't you forgetting about Peggy? Even if I should be taken, you will still have some steep competition," she teased.

Lacey frowned, "Jeez Evelyn, here I am trying to prepare myself accordingly by matching you up with one of my brothers and you are just rubbing my nose into the true beauty that both of you sisters hold. Whatever should I do?" Lacey flopped backward onto the bed and dramatically covered her forehead with the back of her palm.

"Stop being overly dramatic. I'm sure that your mother has invited far more bachelors than necessary for you to have ample suitors. You probably won't even be able to eat a peaceful dinner for months without being constantly bombarded with match-making sessions," Evelyn flopped onto the bed next to her.

Both girls stared up at the dark blue and golden canopy and Lacey sighed heavily. They turned to face one another, "I am serious you know, and I just know that once you spend some time in the company of my brother you will never look at another man again. Evelyn, have I ever steered you wrong?"

"Well, considering the fact that your schemes never work, I would have to say that your argument is not a strong one," Evelyn teased, but Lacey frowned.

Lacey was sure that Evelyn was perfectly matched for her brother Quincy, but the issue was convincing him to even look at a girl. It was certainly going to be a challenge, but Lacey had a foolproof plan that she knew would work.

"Well, that's enough contemplating and scheming for now. I have to go see my mother before she sends someone to look for me. I made an escape from my tutor while she was distracted by word of my brothers' return."

After Lacey's departure, Evelyn could hear Peggy in the bathroom. She wasn't sure if she was done with her bath yet, but she just wanted to spend time with her and tell her of Lacey's plan. Evelyn enjoyed spending time with her sister. Their mother died shortly after Evelyn's birth, leaving the two girls to be brought up by their father and their maid Charlotte. They were often visited by their Aunt Carol, who happened to be a powerful witch just like their mother. Both Peggy and Evelyn had inherited their mother's gifts, but they couldn't be more different when it came to honing their powers.