
Chapter 4:Hans

This chapter will open us to the character of Hans. There is no info about the Witchers that were in Kaer Morhen before its destruction, only known that there were 23 of them, including Vesemir. Also, it is said that there were only 40 children that were successfully mutated and turned into Witchers. So for now I will try to show what are the views of the world on the Witcher and the opinion of Hans and other Witchers. I don't want people that don't know about the lore of the books to be clueless, so I will explain the politics and situation in the lands when it is needed for people to understand the culture, traditions and moves that people do, rather than doing just story and saying facts that might confuse the most. Obviously, the story will tell everything like character interactions, not just pure texts of history. I hope you like this concept.


Hans slowly walked through the castle, thinking about the words spoken to him by August. It was pretty clear that this kid didn't know anything and that he wasn't some kind of spy sent by the Order of the White Rose.

It was they who were the dominant party and the perpetrators of this propaganda against Witchers. Witchers are now feared, not revered. Witchers are too powerful to continue a carefree life.

He looked at the book in his hands," Monstrum, or Description of the Witcher". This is what other witchers brought with them from their travels.

This book is used to manipulate people and their minds, to show that all witchers are just monsters. Now almost all people in the north simply hate them. Hate them to bones, just for who they are. People are ready to burn the Witcherson the main squares, just to get rid of them all.

But the problem arose not only with people, they also lacked work, which led to a lack of money. Due to the lack of orders to exterminate monsters, many witchers from different schools took jobs killing people and thereby ruined their already bad reputation.

Now it's even harder for witchers to survive, Hans wondered how many more years they could live as witchers, they were made to kill monsters, but they also have human needs like food, shelter, and money to fix their broken equipment. It's a hard life, living like a beggar and knowing 0 things that could help you make money. The only skills of The Witcher are fighting against the monster.

For Hans, who was no longer young, he reached his first century a few years ago. He was taught to fight monsters by the first generation of witchers. But everything will lead to one, the end of an era when a lot of witches walked this mortal earth. And it ends for a very obvious reason. The Witchers were too good for their job, which resulted in a lack of orders that they could fulfil.

In the end, in just 200 years, they were able to exterminate the most dangerous monsters that were their daily bread. Now they are beggars, mercenaries, and assassins. They no longer hold the noble title of monster slayers.

Looking at the book in front of him, he reads it to himself.

"In truth, there is naught more repulsive than these monsters that defy nature and are known by the name of a Witcher. They are the offspring of foul sorcery and witchcraft. They are veritable scoundrels without conscience and virtue, unscrupulous creatures off hell able only to take lives. They have no place amongst decent and honest folk.

And this keep, this Kaer Morhen where these villains nest and practice their foul rituals must be wiped from the earth, all traces of it treated with salt and saltpeter to complete the deed.

For it is well known that when a witcher inflicts torment, suffering and death, he experiences a semblance of pleasure and delight, the kind a normal and righteous man only feels when performing his marital duties with his spouse, ibidem cum eiaculatio. From this it clearly follows that the witcher is, in the very matter of his being, a defiler of nature, an immoral and loathsome degenerate, born from the darkest and rankest depths of hell, for only one such as the devil himself can derive pleasure from suffering and torment."

That's what they wrote in this little book. This book is designed to teach children who witchers are and what their purpose is.

Hans grumbled to himself and said aloud, "What nonsense. We were the ones who saved their asses from monsters that ate their children, destroyed villages at night, destroyed everything in their path and left only ruins after. We were the ones who used our lives and skills to protect these fools, and this is how they will repay us? Sometimes I wish my life wasn't so long to witness such a change. But what can I expect from fools who get controlled by their kings with a few words, kings who think only of themselves and their territory, kings who put the life of their kingdom higher than all the world's life put together. This is the world of fools, fools amongst whom I have to live.

It was his honest opinion about the current situation in the world, but he also understood that there was simply no place for witchers in the future. Witchers can be relics of the past, a past lost in generations of people who forget about the exploits and the help they received.

Hans never expressed his opinion aloud. He preferred to keep it to himself, but sometimes he couldn't bear the number of humiliation witchers had been subjected to over the past 4 years. It all started in 1165 when the Order of the White Rose distributed this book to all cities, which ruined the reputation of the witchers and further reduced their income. These are hard times for any witcher to live and survive, it takes a lot of effort, but they survive. Not allowing the hatred directed at them to ruin their lives and moods. They endure starvation. They suffer unemployment, but nothing changes and nothing will change as long as they are alive.

Going out into the hall where everyone was eating, Hans sat next to one of the old witchers. His name is Vesemir. Vesemir is an old and wise witcher who fought in many battles against monsters and people. A teacher and father to the boys he trains. He is one of the most respected amongst the younger generation as he is the one who teaches them morality and teaches them how to fight and defend themselves.

Vesemir looked at Hans, who had a grimmer expression than usual, and asked him, "What's the matter, Hans? How is the child you brought with you yesterday?

Hans took a deep breath and exhaled, saying, "It's difficult, he doesn't even know if his name is his or not. He said that some strange force had brought him here. He did not know where he was going."

Vesemir listened attentively to the words of his brother in arms and thought deeply about what kind of boy this was and why he was here. After a few minutes of reflection, he shared his theory with Hans: "There are many things that can happen without fate or purpose, but not this. It could be chaos that brought him here to find his destiny. Maybe he is destined to be one of us. Fate itself has placed him before you so that you can grow a worthy witcher out of him. Perhaps this is your destiny? To grow him into a man, a man to be proud of?

Hans thought again of the unknown child, the one he had just met, all of his thoughts revolved around him as if he were a drug addict. He thought to himself, "Maybe he really is my destiny? Perhaps he is the one to whom I should transfer my knowledge?" with that thought, he finished his meal and went to the room where the Sorcerers live, to ask them a few questions.


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