
The Wish System Volume(1)

Just as he felt like he was about to die, a mysterious voice popped into Keith's head. He heard a beep in his mind, and then a voice said, Wish system successfully bonded. Uploading welcome gift for new host. The voice continued, Congratulations, host obtains three wishes. Keith was utterly bewildered, and his mind went blank. The only thought left in his head was that he didn't want to die. He heard the voice again. Ding! You have made your first wish. Host receives a skill, recovery from injury. Description, host will recover from any and every kind of injury within five seconds. As the voice faded, Keith felt a warm current flow through his entire body.

Daoistslothh · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Chapter:-46 at least you can find me a super rich, beautiful wife, right?

System has detected the host's good behavior in the past two days. Therefore, system

grants the host a bonus of one wish without restrictions. Keith was a little puzzled as he

thought back over the past two days.

He'd broken a person's nose, hit a bunch of different people, and scared a dog. Was that

really considered good behavior? Was this a wishing system or a wicked system? The

reward gave Keith a bold idea. After hesitating for a moment, he asked excitedly,

System, since I can make a wish without any restrictions, give me ten billion dollars.

Ding dong. The system cannot produce money, but system can transfer ten billion

dollars into your account from other accounts across the world. If you choose this wish,

many people will go bankrupt to fulfill it.

Moreover, you may be committing a crime. Please consider your wish carefully. Keith's

mouth fell open in shock when he thought about what the system said.

He realized that it made a lot of sense. Ten billion dollars could cause a lot of trouble.

But the idea of making a fortune in an instant was too tempting to resist, and Keith

asked eagerly, Can the money be transferred from overseas? Money can be transferred

from anywhere in the world.

Keith wondered if he was a bad person. In order to get rich, he didn't care about the lives

of people overseas. System will transfer funds according to the ratio of countries and the

population of the world.

When Keith heard this, he was speechless. The USA had one of the largest populations in

the world. He knew how many people in the US would fall prey to his scheme.

With so much money in his account, surely he'd get busted at some point. I don't trust

you, Keith sighed. His trust in the system was waning.

He flippantly said, If you're not going to give me the money, at least you can find me a

super rich, beautiful wife, right? Wish successful. System will search for suitable

candidates. What? Keith was so shocked that he almost jumped out of his skin.

He'd only meant it as a joke. He didn't expect the system to actually grant it as a wish.

Keith had been given a chance to make one unrestricted wish.

If he couldn't have 10 billion dollars, he could at least become Superman or gain some

kind of special new ability. He desperately tried to cancel the wish, but the system only

replied, The wish has been processed. Unrestricted wishes cannot be cancelled.

Keith cursed out loud. But on second thought, he realized that the system would never have allowed him to obtain superhuman abilities or special powers. As Keith felt his

vexation grow, the system's voice piped up again.

Match successful. Your wife is a 23-year-old CEO. Her family fortune is valued at 33

billion dollars.

She is considered to be very beautiful. The marriage will be arranged shortly. You've

received one charm value.

Keith sucked in a cold breath at this latest announcement. 33 billion dollars. That had to

be more than Blake's family fortune.

And she was a beautiful CEO. Suddenly, Keith found he was looking forward to see how

this accidental wish played out. System, where is she? What's name? Let me see her.

Please be patient. The host will meet their future wife shortly. System has ensured a

good match.

Keith's heart began to pound. So, he was just supposed to blindly trust the system? Who

knew what kind of person it had found? But the wheels were already in motion, and

there was nothing more he could do for now. Keith took a deep breath and tried to calm


Who could this beautiful CEO be? He tried to resign himself to whatever was going to

happen next. Who knows? She might be more anxious about it than he was. After getting

a grip on himself, Keith was about to head to the bookstore when his phone suddenly


He took out his new iPhone and saw that his father was calling. The old man had been

poor his entire life. He didn't like to waste money on phone calls.

Not if he could help it. The only reason he would be calling, Keith thought, is if something

important had happened. Sure enough, Keith's father told him he needed to come home

for dinner that night.

He said he had something important to discuss, and that he couldn't say any more until

Keith was there. Keith agreed and hung up, finally arriving at the bookstore. He found

the section of college entrance study guides and quickly flipped through the books one

by one.

Each guidebook was in his hands for no more than a minute. After he committed the

contents of a book to his memory, he quickly moved on to browse through the next one.

To anyone watching, it looked like he was searching for a particular book.

Only he knew the truth. He wasn't looking for a book. He wasn't even reading books.

He was eating books. But as time ticked by, Keith began to frown. Keith thought things

were a little too simple.

Learning wasn't just about memorization. A lot of the knowledge needed to be

understood as well. It needed to be combined to form a complete knowledge system.

Take math, for example. Even though he was familiar with the formulas, he still needed

to learn how to use them. How would he know what the questions were actually asking

him? Or Spanish? He could memorize the words, but that didn't mean he knew how to

really speak the language.

It was useless to rely on lists of vocabulary alone. Suddenly, Keith had a thought, and he

asked, System, you said that the unrestricted wish was a bonus. Does that mean I still

have one wish from filling up my wish slot? The system replied, Ding! Correct.

The host still has one regular wish. The host can use this wish now or save it for later.

During this time, your wish values can still accumulate.

Keith was overjoyed at the news. He asked tentatively, I want to have super powers. Is

that possible? Regular wishes cannot be used to grant an external ability that would

exceed the understanding of ordinary humans.

Keith smiled bitterly. He knew about these so-called external abilities. They included

things like controlling lightning and flying.