
Chapter 0

The mind.

A concept that is said to be existing within the brain. A capability of an organism to act, judge and reason itself. And within the said concept exist what we call thoughts. The ideas that spring within someone's mind that aren't actualized by the help of words yet. These thoughts, in terms are divided into two parts.

The concious one, which can be defined as the state of being aware, both mentally and physically, being aware of what's happening outside, as well as the awareness of the existence of thoughts within your mind. The second one is the subconsciousness, the part where feelings, as well as ideas someone have that they are not aware of.

Sounds like the opposite, yet this is just a simple explanation full of knowledgness and ignorance, yet sweet and protective lies.

Truth to be told, the two parts work in perfect sync to maintain order. The subconsciousness is only said to be the feelings and thoughts we have yet we are not aware of, but what if I tell you there's more to it than that?

Everything that an organism perceive, goes through the subconsciousness first before anywhere else. Here, the subconsciousness sort out each and every information according to a predetermined rules, and classify wether it can be surfaced to the conciousness, for the organism to be aware of.

You might be asking what those rules are now.

In actuality, it is not a real rule, but more of a filter that prevent a body from losing sanity. The ones passing from this filter are what, and how we perceive reality is, and the ones left in those filter?

The truth.

What ancient civilizations called sorcery. Out of world abilities that demonstrate the real power of the mind. It's thinking capacity, the limit until it reaches it's wits end.

If this was to be heard by the Arthur of two months ago, he would definitely laugh at himself, as the case only started the past month, when he turned sixteen. At his birthday where his grandfather gave this box of what it looks like an impossible puzzle. His grandfather always give him this kind of things, and the young man was always looking forward to it, as everytime, there surely are books and other writings new to him hidden inside, waiting for him to read it.

The box was oak in color, with different identical symbols and puzzles in the four sides and above it was a riddle, with the same symbols imprinted in a rotating disc.

The young man's eyes glow in excitement, as he carefully think how to solve each of the individual mysteries that would solve the complicated puzzle.

When everything, except the riddle was solved, he noticed that the clues from each of the individual puzzles was given so that the symbols could be converted into the modern alphabet.

He read the riddle once again.

"What exist yet never materialize

That thirst is never quenched?

What makes the moon reachable to mankind

That can never be extinguished?

What introduced fire to the old civilization?

What conceptualized nuclear fusion?

What is the reason, why flight become possible?

Human is a unique mammal, what made the statement plausible?

That's when he paused and think for a while.




That's it! Thinking, the answer is the mind.


The box made a loud tick when the correct answer was entered. Inside the box is a single piece of paper. Arthur asked everyone in the party.

"What is this?"

Everybody in his family both tensed and excited when they answered.

"The truth, every piece of it"

He smirked when he heard that statement, for he see it as almost as if they are exaggerating it. The young man know that every piece of knowledge is important, but he think that's just an overstatement, saying that a piece of paper holds every pieces of truth.

He began reading the paper.


My dear child,

You have grown a fine man, and It's now time for you to know the truth. You see, you're not the first one to solve that puzzle, as it is passed generations by generations, yet the message given differ from person to person, as well as the writer of the letter, and for yours, this old man was assigned to tell you the truth.

My child, I know that you always remember those times what I was telling you that science was just an explained version of sorcery right? That was an understatement, science was just a fit compared to the size of sorcery. And as you managed to pass the final test, you are indeed, worthy of it as well.

My dear grandson, continue your venture for every kind of knowledge there is, wether it's art, sciences, or literature, and include this new gift to those knowledge you were polishing.

"The illusion of reality, bind us with limitation

The mind's subconscious, severs real perception

But by the help of these phrases

The subconscious would be erased

And the grandest truth would be revealed

Now bestow me true vision, and remove my seal"


Colors... Surrounded everyone, each with a different one. Surprised, Arthur asked

"What's happening"

His father, beside him, snapped his fingers, and then...


A glass from beside him shattered without even being touched, Arthur asked once again, now his eyes glowing in curiosity of the unknown.

"Reality, in it's truest sense"

He looked at his grandfather, smiling as he snapped his fingers as well, now fixing the broken glass into it's original state.

"What we did is still nothing compared to the basics" he said.

The man, now doubting his own identity asked

"What are we?"

"My child, we're still human, but..."

The human mind,

The filter set in order to maintain a body's sanity. A knowledgeless and ignorant, yet sweet and protective caretaker. And most of all, a limiter. And the said limiter was now removed from me, and now my perception of reality permanently change.

"But we are one of those who can hold their wits even without the protection of the subconscious mind. We have far higher thinking capacity that the average minds. We are one of those aware of the truth...

We are The Wise".