
Zangoose Conspiracy

Throwing my bag into my shadow, I double check the clearing for any leftover stuff. Seeing nothing, I turn over to Banette behind me.

'Ready to go?' She asked.

'All packed, books all collected. Are you sure you don't want to come with us?'

'This old soul will only slow you down. Go be young or whatever you humans do these days.'

'Okay. Thank you for your hospitality.' I bowed to my teacher.

'Think nothing of it. I now have knowledge that none possess.' I smirked.

The last month and a half has been beneficial for both of us. I never would have figured out what I have about shadows without her to guide me along.

'I best be on my way.' I bowed once more before trudging southwest.

Rising from my shadow, Croagunk greeted, 'Hey boss, we finished organizing down there. Ready to go?'

'Already walking, tell Shedinja and Honedge they can come out if they want.'

'Got it boss.' He sunk back down.

If it wasn't my own shadow, that would be creepy. The last few weeks, I have been perfecting my system. Dubbing the reception field in my shadow as a psychic space, I found that I can manipulate it much easier than shadow energy. As of now, it was a giant cuboid with some shelves we repaired from the mansion.

Shedinja volunteered to be overseer of the space, insuring that everything remains organized. He took to the job like a tree to dirt. Fanatically so. Last time I was in there and moved stuff around, he kicked me out before berating me. Since then, I learned how he sorted things to avoid that from happening again.

Banette made good on her end of the bargain and gave us every book she had. She seemed reluctant, but a deal was a deal.

According to Banette, there were books on Pokemon, to chemistry, language, even a few children's books. Still useless to me as I can't read, but I hope those children's books will shed some light on the subject.

A violet eye glimmered from the ground.

'Decided to join me on this walk?' I asked.

'No. The invincible I am quite comfy in here.'

'Let me guess, I'm your personal carriage no aren't I?'


'You know, I heard there was an acid bath that missed its sword.'

'Hahaha, you're funny. Anyway, Shedinja wanted the glorious I to give you this.' He threw my spear club at me, 'Best not to be caught off guard. From what Banette told us, there are a bunch of strong Pokemon in the area.'

'Fair point.'

Hefting the spear, I continued on my way.'


Watching the sun set over the distant mountains was a wonderful way to end the day. We ate stew, we trained, we setup for bed. Not a bad days work.

'How long till we reach the mountain range?' Croagunk questioned.

'Two to three more days depending. Another day to find the cave.' I answered.

During our stay with Banette, I came across a book with various pictures of caves around the region. There was one I am particularly interested in. Glittering cave.

A series of tunnels filled to the brim with fluorescent crystals, minerals, and Pokemon. Rock types were on the agenda of study. Geodudes, Onix, Solrock, all waiting for my inquiring mind.

Banette visited there once; she described the place full of knowledge waiting to be tapped. With any luck, I might meet new friends to join in on our journey.

Gazing at the stars, I drew mental lines, creating constellations unfamiliar and not.

'Sometimes I wonder.' I blurted.

'About what?' Croagunk turned over.

'Who brought me here? Why me? It had to be someone. Cosmic mistakes like this just don't happen.'

'Does it really matter? At the end of the day, you're here, with us, doing what you do best.'

'Oh? Whats that.'


I snorted.

'Good night Croagunk. Don't ever change.'


'The day was going so well. How did it come to this?' I screamed.

Dodging trees and skipping over roots, I glanced back at my pursuers. A tribe of Zangoose hot on my trail.

Sighing, I reminisced on the absurdity that led to this.

We had just finished packing up camp when a trio of the white fury sloths barged in on us.

'Who are you and why are you in our territory?' The tallest demanded.

Raising my hands, I reply, 'Travelers. Heading to the Glittering Cave.'

'You are not welcome here, leave before we forcefully do so.'

'My apologies. We are new to these parts. If you wish to give directions leading out of your territory to the mountain range, we shall be gone before the day is out.'

Pointing southwest, he commanded, 'Straight through there is the range you seek. Do not stop stray or there will be consequences to pay.'

Nodding at the eloquent creature, I marched that way.

It was as we entered a clearing that the trouble started. Two Pokemon were surrounded by a hoard of Zangoose. Both quivering from the many slashes upon them.

Knowing it was none of my business, I skirted around the clearing, aiming to avoid the trouble entirely. However, fate and reality loved to kick me in the butt.

'Who goes there?' A stout sloth said.

Turing around, I saw every eye on me. Honedge and the rest hid in my shadow.

'A traveling human. Heading to the caves southwest of here.'

'You seem suspicious. And your ability to speak with us. You are not normal. Who are you?'

'Like I said, a traveling human. Nothing more, nothing less.'

'I don't believe you. You must be with these thieves, planning to ambush us from behind!'

'I'm really...' A male voice interrupted, 'He definitely is. In fact, we gave all the food we stole to him.'

'What?!? No, I've...'

'So you are with them. Get him boys, he'll be our dinner tonight!'

I gulped before doing what any sane person would do.


And that was how my day went from okay to heck.

Running swiftly, I narrowly dodged a clawed hand. Swatting it with my spear club, the offending Zangoose screeched. Picking up speed, I leaped over a fallen tree. Taking another look back, my pursuers were far enough away.

Diving into the ground, I vanish through my shadow. Watching the real world, I relaxed seeing my pursuers pass over.

My shadow might be a great method of hiding, but a perceptive enough Pokemon could still detect it. Even cause damage if attacked properly.

Swimming over to the psychic field, I plopped onto the floor with a huff. Croagunk and the crew staring at me.

'Why does this always happen to us?' I groaned.

'Sadly, you're not that special in fate's eyes.' Honedge chided.

'Oh, come off it. Fate likes me about as well as Ducklett dung.'

They were all giggling. Joining in, I gazed around my space. About the size of the underground training room, bookcases were arranged like an amateur library. Banette had a lot of books collected over the years. The only reason she parted with them was that my body was so unique, books she already read through time and again were nothing in comparison.

Books that go back decades. Old fables, psychology, some about old blacksmithing techniques from an inmate who had a passing interest. Enough knowledge for me to survive and even thrive the coming years.

If only I could read.

Sighing, I check above for any leftover pursuers.

'Huh.' Following my gaze, everyone looked up to see two Pokemon that should be escaping a lot faster.

The first was a battered Absol, the other a barely floating Inkay. The Absol tripped on a branch and his companion reached out to brace it. I assumed they were talking, but they were to far away to hear.

'What should we do with those two?' I asked.

'Probably leave them to their fate. From what I could tell, they stole from those Zangoose and dragged us into it.' Shedinja said, Honedge nodding in agreement.

'Maybe we should help them? We don't exactly know their circumstances. They could have been starving for all we know.' Croagunk interjected.

Sighing, I came to a compromise. Hopping out of the field, I swim up to the two. First checking if the coast was clear, I reached up and grabbed the Absol by its back two feet.

It was a struggle at first, Absol and Inkay were struggling at every turn; unfortunately for them, I have the advantage. Expanding the entrance, the white canine fell further in with no way of standing. The little squid tried to hold out, in the end, it was pulled in as well.

I could feel them gawking at the openness of the realm. Most likely never seen a shadow space before, and definitely never seen one as large as this.

Dragging them to the pink room, Honedge and the crew were at the ready in case of an attack. Pulling them in, I jumped across the room getting distance.

Groaning, the two looked around. Seeing them surrounded, they muttered, 'Crap.'

Clearing my throat, I spoke, 'You caused me quite a bit of trouble. We had nothing to do with you and you had no right to drag us in.'

'What do you want?' The male Absol asked.

'As of this moment, your story. Don't try to lie, I am adept at reading auras.' Total lie, but they don't know that.

'We were hungry.' Inkay blurted.


'Everyone is hungry. That is life. However, I wonder what made you justify stealing from Zangoose. I know for a fact they have a propensity for being vicious. Why steal from them?' I glared at the two to insure they knew who's boss.

Growling, Absol answered, 'Because they stole from us first! We collected our allotment of berries at the gathering grove just like everyone else. We leave them at our cave and when we came back, they were gone!'

'And you know the Zangoose took them… how?'

'Because we overheard that idiot talking about it the next day! He was all 'hay guess what I got.' with his buddies and then he goes flashing our berries!'

'Couldn't you have gotten more?'

'No! The mountain lord only distributes them once a week.'

'Ah.' My annoyance at them was cooling off.

'Well that explains a few things. Though next time, I suggest being a better thief if you want to steal from a group of Zangoose and definitely don't drag in innocent bystanders.' I sighed.

'So will you let us go?' A meek, voice said. Turning to the little thing, my heart clenched at the tears in her eyes.

Smirking, I said, 'Not a chance. Because of you two, we have lost precious time and the goodwill of a very nasty group of Pokemon. You'll be working with us for the foreseeable future.'

'Over my dead body!' The Absol ranted.

Turning to him, I chuckled, 'Like you have a choice. Look around you. You are in my personal shadow space. A place you can't escape without being a ghost type. I could leave you here to rot and starve. So what will it be? Working with me? Or death?'

They both gulped. The gears were turning in their heads when the arrogant dog said, 'Fine. We will do as you say, within reason.' He iterated.

Clapping my hands, 'Perfect, you two will be our tour guides for our stay here. We want to see all the sights this mountain to offer.'

I think they were expecting something more sinister because they totally face faulted. Wonder why?


The Quibbler here with a new chapter. Hope you enjoy!

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