
To Be Clothed

I stared at the two Meowstic before me. Each hair in their fur was visible to me. Counting them could theoretically be possible, if I did not think that it would take hours to do so. The one on the left, I had identified as the male form, furnished a deep navy fur, which was contrasted by his tufts of white.

His counterpart was white as the snow at dawn, I imagine few can compare to this shade of white. Taking a sniff, I smelled a familiar fruity sour, from the berries they have been feeding me, I guess.

As we stared at each, pins and needles crawled on my skin. Reacting, I tried to rub the feeling away. It did nothing. It traveled to my nape like last time and I reacted by screeching, "Get it off of me, get it off."

I felt paw on my hand, glancing, the male Meowstic had his hand on me, shaking its head. The antsy sensation continued and then gently burrowed into my skull. I wanted to claw it out, but the look in its green eyes told me to wait. To calm myself.

The itch encompassed my brain, before a series of images and intents were implanted. Once the connection was established, a warm playful feeling washed over me. Identifying the source, I looked at the Meowstic, its paw still on my hand.

"Are you doing that?"

It nodded and I received a series of emotions immolating satisfaction and joy. Shivering at the implications, I ignore that in favor of gaining information.

"Where am I?"

I saw an image of a tree with a hole carefully hidden in it roots. That was followed by a feeling of comfort and warmth.

"This is your home?"

Nodding and elation were the reply.

A new feeling transferred through the link. It was confusion and an image of a mountain. Not understanding, the Meowstic clarified. He pointed to me then picture of the mountain came back.

"What am I doing here?" It nods yes.

I contemplated my answer. Do I mention that I just appeared here after being taken from my home in a different dimension? Or come up with a story? Pondering about a minute, I decide to go for a vague truth. The Pokemon was a psychic type and clearly in my head so best not to tell him a lie.

"I just woke up here one day. I don't know where I am or how I got here." I took a breath. Feeling the vibrations from my throat was a bizarre experience. "Do you know where I am?"

The Meowstic put it hand to it face, contemplating.

Pictures of the same mountain, forests and a familiar river were the response I got. It was not the response I was hoping for, but then again, expecting a wild Pokemon to know then speak the name of a location would be more ridiculous.

Sighing, I give up on the thought of knowing where I am for the time being.

Another sensation of ants crawling, and I was greeted to the other Meowstic. The feeling I got from her was a cold river; however it was gentle and kind. Still I do not think angering her would be a good idea.

Glancing to her, a series of images showing an Espurr and then feelings of questioning were projected. I payed close attention to the emotions and found a deep sorrow and rage attached to it.

"You were its parents." Less a question and more of a stated fact.

They nodded with a quiver.

Taking a long breath, I retold my tale from when I had first woken up to my deep hunger, then to when I met the little Espurr, trying to save it, before coming to the conclusion.

Each of us had tears in our eyes, the Meowstic mourning their lost child, and me for my failure.

Sitting there in silence, I wiped the droplets from my cheeks. Some amount of time passed and everyone was silent. Breaking the silence, "Do you know how to get off the mountain."

Looking up like they forgot I exist, I let the question hang in the air.

Denial and then images of the what I now realized was a Toxicroak in the forests by a road. Shivering, I realize what they were implying.

"Its guarding the road off the mountain?"

They nod.


Silence again.

Thinking about, I am in a real tight bind. I doubt anyone even knows of my existence. So there are no search parties and then if the Toxicroak is blocking the routes in as well, no trainer will come up to the mountain either. Thus I am stuck. I did not feel comfortable asking more from these Pokemon, they have already suffered from me enough. The most I would even consider asking of them was to let me stay in the burrow until I could get on my feet. Speaking of.

"Can you let me down. I want to try walking."

The gazed at me, weighing the risks. Not that I could blame them, considering the mess I have been for the past few weeks. However, they conceded and I was gently lowered to the ground. As my skin contacted the dirt, I flinched at the unexpected sting. The Meowstic were about to lift me back up, but I raised my hand.

Softly, I placed my foot back on the ground, it stung, but not as bad as before. Doing a couple, test steps, I found that so long as I was careful, it was bearable.

Seeing me walk, I was filled with joy and pride from the Meowstic. I blushed. It was weird how they praised me and that they did. The last time I felt that was…

Shaking my head, I continued to test the waters. Grasping my limits. I could both hear and feel my bones shift. After ten minutes of slowly moving, I came to the conclusion that as long as I do not step on something rough, I was fine. The dirt in this cave was slightly moist so it had a lot of give. Rocks were a no go, at least until I could get used to it.

Glancing back, I saw the Meowstic watching me. I raised two thumps up and smiled, only to take a step and my foot land on a rock. Falling backwards, my nude body collapsed onto the ground. It was a gritty feeling now, though I still felt every grain.

Coming to my aid, they helped me up with their incredibly soft and firm paws. Thanking them, I decided what the first thing I need.

"You wouldn't happen to have any clothes would you?" Hope sparkling in my eyes.

Their shaking head smothered that hope.

That would be something I need to rectify immediately. If I had something to cover myself with, I can mitigate my exposure to wild sensations. As I stand, a light breeze can send me into sensory overload.

Thinking about options for clothes, I realize how difficult they are to make. Most modern day clothes are made on an automated loom. From what I remember in home school, a loom is a complex machine that that takes two or more layers of vertically aligned thread, separates them thus allowing a horizontal thread to go through creating a weave.

The problem was, such a machine needs to be carefully made with materials I do not have. Not only that, but the time needed to make such a device would take years of trial and error. I needed something sooner rather then later.

Tanning hides come to mind, but it is still a lengthy process. I would need salt which I have no idea where to get and even then, I have to have the pelts to tan. Which means I would need to go hunting with no protection. It may be viable later, but I need something now.

Sighing, I am left with no choice, I will have to go Adam and Eve style. Glancing at the two curiously staring Meowstic, I ask. "Are there any large leaves around and something to tie it together? I want to try and make clothes out of them."

They turned to each other and contemplated. After a brief moment, they nodded and left down the tunnel. Hoping they find what I need, I turn and start walking around, building up my tolerance.


Hours later, the blue Meowstic came back carrying a stack of long leaves. Taking them from his arms, I inspect them.

Each were about the length of my arm and were soft like felt. I counted the emerald colored leaves and thought they would do for what I need. Feeling vibrations from the ground, I looked up and saw the other Meowstic. In her arms was a little small white thing. Getting up, I walk over trying to see what she brought.

As I got closer, a head with black eyes stared at me. Startled, I tripped backwards. Electricity shot through my spine.

"Owwww" I moaned.

Taking a second to wait for the sensation die down, I then looked back at the creature trying to figure out what it was. It crawled out of the Meowstics hand and lightly landed on the ground. It was quadrupedal with two translucent wings on it back. It had a white shell, reminding me of a hornets nest.

I recognized immediately.

"You're a Nincada!"

It warbled at me guessing it first try. An antsy feeling crawled on my forehead. Looking at in surprised, "You can use telepathy to?"

Turning its head in confusion, it glanced at Meowstic. I quickly received feelings and images that made little sense. It was two Pokemon talking to each other in grunts. Then it shifted to show colors fly from the two Pokemons head, coinciding with the grunts.

Realization dawns on me.

"Do all Pokemon talk like that?"

They nod.

"So can everyone understand Pokemon?"

The shook their heads no.

"Then how am I the exception?"

Images of blobs floated in my head. They were red and fleshy, and then the image zoomed out showing a person. More blobs appear only these ones had different colors to them. Pink, dark brown, black, purple, green, and white intermingled amorphously, it zoomed out to an image of me. I caught onto what they were trying to say.

"My body is different."

They nod.


All thought shut down after that.


An hour passed as I questioned my newly founded inhumanity. In a way, it was logical. My heightened senses. The interaction with Pokemon. In the anime, psychic types very rarely were capable of communication through thought. They either had special circumstances or were a legendary. And thinking about it more, they are not speaking through languages, but images and intents.

If it was the normal telepathy, they would be speaking through words. On that note.

"Hey how do you understand people? You obviously do not use the same method as us, but you still understand like you know the language?"

All three looked at me. The white Meowstic answered by showing the colors flying between Pokemon. Then she showed the same coming from a human to a Pokemon, but when a Pokemon tried to do the same with a human, the color just deflected off.

"So people can transmit their intentions, but are incapable of receiving them?"

They nod. Another image showing a Pokemon with what looked like ripples around its head. Then it showed a person without this ripple.

"I think I understand."

Somethings from the anime now made sense. How a Pokemon was always able to understand what its trainer wants without going into specific detail. The intent was the key. It does put a whole new spin on 'creating strong bonds'.

Feeling their gaze back on me, I remember the original goal of the day. Picking up the leaves, I try to figure out the best method of attaching them together. Punching holes in them would ruin their integrity. I need something sticky. Picking up on my thoughts, the Nincada critttered over. Grabbing a leaf, it shot out a small string from it rear.

Catching on, I hand it another leaf, at which point it started zig-zagging between the two. With them stitched together, we repeated the process until we had a skirt that reached to my knees.

Looking at the left over leaves I say, "Lets try making a vest."

It was a much more difficult challenge. The sleeves did not line up right and it bunched up in my armpits, tearing the leaves.

"'Sigh' It will do I guess, at least until I get something sturdier."

It was not the worst, especially for a first try. The leaves were gentle on my skin, and the string held strong. It did reduce my contact with the world and that was all I needed.

My stomach growled, "I guess its time to get something to eat."

Thus was the first step in the long journey known as life.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon in any shape or form.