"Welcome to the world of Pokemon!" Never had I expected those words to apply to me. One day I was a content eighteen year old, playing on my console; now I'm a four year old stuck in the middle of nowhere. I hope someone left me some Pokeballs somewhere.
The journey to the cave was long and tedious. It was nestled in a corner north of a human town. From what Spritzee reported, it was guarded by both Scolipede and Croagunk. Venipede infested the trees while Whirlipede patrolled the grounds.
'How are we going to get in their? The place is crawling with bugs.' Skiddo asked.
I glanced around the perimeter. The cave was in a cliff face at the end of a narrow valley. Trees lined the edges of this trench like formation and Pokemon were dotted in a perimeter. There was no way to physically get passed all of them. Flying would have them be spotted a mile away, sneaking passed them would be difficult for one Pangoro's size, and causing a distraction was a bad idea as there would be a battalion of strong Pokemon against them. It would be suicide.
Thinking it over, a vestige of a plan came to mind. 'We are not going to be able to sneak in there by any normal means.'
'Are you suggesting we give up?' Pangoro growled.
'No. I am suggesting we do something unorthodox. I can travel through shadows and pass them without them even knowing. However, I can only take two others with me. One will definitely be Golduck as he is needed to destroy the weapon.'
'I'll go.' Pangoro instantly volunteered.
'Unfortunately, your both too big and a dark type. Its not impossible for the unbeatable I to take you, however it will require more energy that may be necessary later.'
'Now hold on, I am not letting you go in there with our only shot at destroying the weapon.'
'Which is why I am recommending Spritzee coming along. She is both small and has the same grudge against me as you.'
He chewed on it for a minute.
'Fine, but I will be watching for any funny business from here.'
'I expect nothing less.'
Peering into the valley below, I grab Spritzee and Golduck with my shadow, sinking into the ground. Traveling by shadow was a bizarre experience. Imagine holding the same three dimensional body in a two dimensional space. Then imagine traveling around three dimensional surfaces in this 2-D suit.
'This feels so weird.' Spritzee whined.
'Get used to it. While it is unlikely for them to see us, I will still be going slow.'
'Just don't take to long. I'd hate for Pangoro to charge in, because you took to long.'
Slithering through the forest, we traveled unseen. To expectation, traversing at night hid us well. Perspective wise, it was the same as being on the ground.
Slinking from the valley into the cave, we watched for enemies. Not many could detect a ghost types movements, but there are a few typing that are better at it then others. Dark and Ghost types are the gimme's, while surprisingly a well trained fighting type can pierce the veil with their aura.
Luckily, these Croagunk are weak in that regard. I doubt its the same for Toxicroak.
Going further into the cave and we were met with an acrid smell that screamed poison.
'We must be close.' Golduck guessed.
'Most likely.' I replied.
Passing down the tan corridor, we came to a room that was guarded by two Scolipede. Seeing the hallway being otherwise empty, I said, 'Spritzee, can you hold them while I go in for the kill?'
Flying from the shadow, Spritzee flashed blue before trapping the Scolipede in psychic power. Following close behind, I stab into the neck of one where the two carapaces meet. The second tried to thrash but Spritzee held on. Repeating with the second, we entered the room. In the center rested a diamond shape object like Gogoat described. It was gray and looked like it was an interlocking puzzle.
Having risen from the shadow with me, Golduck immediately got to work.
'This thing is ridiculous. I barely scratched the surface and I am boggled by how complex it is.' He explained.
'Can you destroy it?'
'Maybe. But I need more time then we have.'
That's a problem. If Golduck couldn't destroy it now, then we would need to take it with us and I couldn't carry all three of us and the weapon out at once.
'Keep working on it. The invincible I am going to check the hall. We are going to need a backup plan.'
Focusing back on the weapon, I check the halls. Thus far, they were empty, but I doubted that would last for long. Returning to shadow, I peak outside the entrance. There were two more Scolipede and a whole slew of Croagunk. Some were talking to each, I leaned in closer to eavesdrop.
'How much longer will we need to be here for?' A female frog moaned.
'Not much longer. According to boss, we will be partying away once the mountain has been cleared.' A male replied.
'Will it really work as good as he said it would? Looked like a hunk of metal to me.'
He slapped the female on the head.
'Oww. What was that for?'
'Don't speak ill of Toxicroak. Unless you want to end up like his mutant of a son.'
'Got it, got it. I'll keep my mouth shut. Speaking of, have you heard the latest on the miscreant?'
'No. What happened?'
'Apparently, he tripped and dropped one of Toxicroak's drinks on him.'
'The one that we got from those adult trainers? Beer I believe.'
'Yeah that. Afterwards, he was beaten blue then left outside all day and night. Supposedly, the mutant has no skill whatsoever. He's so weak that a Caterpie can beat him up. Hahahaha.'
'Hate to be him. Wonder if I can get adopted by boss. I would a much better son then that dumbo.'
'I know right?'
Gliding back into the cave, I processed what I heard. It would be valuable information for later.
'How much longer?' I asked Golduck.
'Its too complex. There are contingencies on top of contingencies its not even funny. I can't spread my mind to turn them all off without help.'
'So we're going to need to take it with us.'
Looking to Spritzee, I explain the situation, 'I cannot carry the weapon and all of us at once. Spritzee, how fast can you fly.'
'I could give a quick attack a run for its money why?' She questioned.
'My plan is for you to zip out of here, while me and Golduck escape via shadow. With how fast you say you are, you should be able to reach and altitude before they are capable of attacking back.'
'Why should I trust you? You could make off with the weapon and use it against us.'
'Why would I do that? I have a family here. I would be hurting them if I used this.'
'I still don't trust you.'
'Huuugh. How about this. I take Golduck and the weapon back first then Golduck can give you a signal that we are back with Pangoro. All you have to do is leave as soon as you see it.'
'That's better I guess.'
'Its our only option. We don't have time to delay any more. A Pokemon could come in and check on us any second.'
'Just do it.'
Grabbing both the weapon and Golduck, we vanish and left the cave as fast as possible. Reaching Pangoro, I flung out the weapon and Golduck. Immediately, the blue bipedal launched a psychic sphere for Spritzee. Watching the cave, I waited for Spritzee to fly out.
'Whats going on?' Pangoro questioned.
'Shush.' Was my harsh reply.
Still not seeing her and the other Pokemon getting closer, I tell Pangoro, 'Take the weapon and get out of here as fast as possible. I am going back in for Spritzee.'
Enraged, Pangoro growls, 'Why wasn't she with you to begin with?'
Golduck stopped him and pointed to leave.
'You better bring her back. So help me.' He left the threat in the air.
'I will bring her back.' I assured before vanishing into shadow again.
Reaching the cave, I found out why she didn't follow. A Scolipede must have poked his head in and saw its dead brethren. Currently, Spritzee was holding him off with psychic, but it was a losing battle. Spritzee didn't have the mobility she has normally and was hit by a poison attack. Other Pokemon heard the scuffle and were crowding in, blocking her escape.
Luckily, no other Pokemon were coming in thanks to the signal we gave earlier. Internally, I smiled at the carnage I was about to wrought. There was one thing you never show a swordsman and that was your back. These fools lined themselves up for slaughter and they didn't even know it.
Fast as lightening, I slashed as many foes as possible. A third died and another was following close behind. Sensing something wrong, some of the Croagunk turned, only for my blade to smite them.
However, the Scolipede noticed me. Spitting brown sludge, I let it hit me. Going in for another stab, I take them out. I like being a steel type.
Flying close to Spritzee, who had fallen, I cradled her in my sash and fly at as fast as possible.
Some of the Pokemon had returned to guard the cave, but I was out and in the air before any could do anything. Catching up with the running Pangoro, I called to him, 'I have Spritzee, but she is not doing good. She got hit by a Scolipede attack and needs help.'
'It will have to wait. We have a few chasing us. I don't think they realize we have the weapon already.'
'That will have to do for now. The quicker we can get home the better.'
Turns out, our pursuers were Venipede. A quick stab later and two more corpses were added to the forest. Reaching home base, we were directed to the Golduck leader.
Currently, seven were huddled around it, examining it.
Aromatisse was able heal Spritzee before the situation became worse. Flitting around me, she finally spoke.
'Thank you for saving me.'
'It was no problem.'
'I know, but you could have easily left me there, especially with how much I distrusted you.'
'Think nothing of it. The noble I never holds a grudge.'
'Really now? Here I was thinking you savored revenge. I will have to remember that next time we have a spar.'
'Great leader.' Spritzee bowed while Skiddo bounded with excitement.
'Hello how are you?'
'Its true! You can really talk to Pokemon.' Skiddo exclaimed.
'I wouldn't be a very good leader if I couldn't talk now could I?'
'Its such an honor to meet you. I have so many questions.'
'That will have to be for later. For now, I wish to speak with Honedge.'
'Okay, I'll come back later.' He turned down the tunnel to go find more of his kin.
Looking at me, he asked, 'How did it go?'
'We secured the weapon, but Golduck couldn't make heads or tails of it so we brought it back with us. Aside from Spritzee, none were hurt.' I reported.
'Did they give you any problems?'
'Spritzee and Pangoro did, but I think they trust me a little more after saving her.'
'That makes sense. You did good today.'
'Thank you.'
Silence passed over us. Deciding to break, I said, 'Did you know that you are called the Forest Keeper?'
'What? Since when?'
'Since the whole incident not too long ago.'
'Dang it. Why do people keep trying to put me on a pedestal or something?'
'No idea, its not like you're special or anything. Especially when compared to the magnificent I.'
'Oh really? Does his greatness realize he smells like sewer right now?'
'Blasphemy. I could never stink of such putrid smell. You lie.' One of the weaknesses of being a sword, I cannot smell a thing.
'You do, I would say you needed a bath, but you would end up being a rusty old sword then.' He teased.
'Ohoho. Come here you. I'll be sure both of us stink before the nights out.' I lunged with my sash, hoping to grab him.
'You fiend. I shall have my revenge.' We were both laughing as we ran about the underground shelter.
Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon in any shape or form.