
Aura Aura

Another week of preparation was underway.

Honedge, Da, and I were mass producing Scraggy and Scrafty helmets. In essence, Honedge skinned the head of flesh, I boiled the stuck on bits, and Da cleaned off the cooked remains. Including the brain. We currently had a growing pile of these cleaned skulls in the corner.

'This place is going to smell like cooked meat for weeks.' Da admitted.

'I know. Who would have thought that a year here and we have all the meat we could ever eat.' I said. Scraggy and Scrafty had tender meat similar to chicken thighs. We did share some of it with the coalition; there was too much to eat before it spoiled.

The Spritzee enjoyed eating the meat, the Oddish ended up putting it into a compost for later, and no one else wanted any. Apparently, they pride themselves of eating only what they hunt or some such reason.

'Hey, what do you plan to do with bones? Hate to wasted this many.' Am asked while walking in.

'I plan to use some for bone soup. They are full of nutrition. The rest, I plan to sharpen and turn into projectiles. Spritzee are at a type disadvantage against Gulpin and Roserade.' I explain, 'If they have something to fling around to increase psychic damage, the better off they are.'

'I see.' She turned to leave.

'Okay...' She left pretty quick.

Pulling my fifty-sixth skull from the floating boiling bubble, I pass it off to Da.

'How many more are left?' He groaned. He's been maintaining both the water and cleaning out the skulls all day.

'Not many more, maybe ten or eleven?' I reply. Honedge was off to the side, regenerating his blade.

'Uhhh.' Da moaned.

'Once we finish, we can stop for the day. I hear that Am had a special surprise for you tonight.' I winked.

Steam flew out of his nose, 'Come on lets get this done. My wife awaits!'

I snickered, Da made it so easy. One mention of Am and he would bend heaven and earth for me. Such a poor whipped man.


The following day, we started making the helmets. Da and Honedge removed the bottom portion of the cranium. Next Nincada and I would attach a leather strap.

Tanning is pretty nice as its passive once the initial set up was done. Just this morning, I pulled down most of the leather that had completely dried. It was such a pliant material to use.

Am had stretched them out yesterday with psychic. She was so thorough, that the skins felt like cloth. Psychic types are the best!

Anyway, I cut the leather with a craft knife I made from shaving down a Whirlipede blade. It allowed for clean cuts on the leather. Nincada then stitched it onto the skull.

The helmets made from Scraggy will go to the Spritzee, while the larger Scrafty helms will go to the Pancham and Psyducks. Skiddo and Gogoat already have thick skulls so a helmet is redundant.

'Da.' I called.


'What are we going to do after this?'

'Give out the helmets I assume.'

'No, I mean after the war.'

Honedge glanced our way, listening in.

'I don't know. Everyone could go on their merry way and never speak to each other again. Or the coalition could stay together. You would still be its leader until you pass the title to someone else.'

'What if I wanted to do something else?'

'What do you mean?'

Taking a deep breath, I unload what has been on my mind.

'I think… I may want to leave on a journey.'

'That sounds about right.'

I fumbled. 'What's that supposed to mean?'

'And here I thought Honedge explained what your aura meant.'

'He did. I don't know what that has to do with this?'

'My child, it has everything to do with it. Think back to Honedge's exact words.' I did, but was still drawing a blank.

'You know, for someone so smart, you're very dense.' Da started, 'What did Honedge describe you as?'

'He said it was like the rain.'

'Good, now have you ever seen a rain cloud stay in the same place for long?'


'Then you have your answer.'

'I still don't get it.'

'Fiiine.' His annoyance was palpable, 'Your aura is one of a chaotic force, rain. Like the rain, clouds never stay in one place too long. So it stands to reason that one who has such an aura will never be satisfied being still. You will want to travel, ride the wind. Be free. Am and I knew that a day will come for when you leave, so we are readying ourselves for it.'

Wow. Just wow. To think, so much of myself could be read through aura. It was weird and unsettling.

'That's… I don't know what to say.'

'It must be odd. To realize how different our world is. Each Pokemon connected by thoughts that is then connected to our very souls. And now that connection is open to you.' He paused, 'I have heard rumors from traveling Pokemon about people being able to understand Pokemon, to be able to connect to their hearts. You are different. Your connection is infinitely more intimate then theirs. I can feel it every time you speak. Every time you touch our minds… You may have lost some of your humanity, but what you gained is so much more. Remember that okay?'

I was stock still. There was nothing I could say to that. Nothing.

Minutes later, I break from my contemplation to find Da back to work. Looking the pile he had stacked up, I quickly follow.


Delivering the newly minted helmets, we attached them to their respective user. Boy, was it a sight to see.

On the Spritzee, it nearly covered their entire body, giving them the appearance of floating skulls. Combined with their move set, It would be entirely possible for them to be mistaken as ghost types.

The Pancham looked like vicious tribesmen.

The Psyducks were less intimidating. They were walking yellow puffballs with skulls on. It was rather comical.

'Now that your all suited up, its time to go on to your missions.' I shouted.

'YAAAAAAA!' They shouted.

Gogoat and his crew of Skiddo walked over to me. 'Every one is ready when you are.'

I nod.

'Before everyone leaves on their mission, I would like to say a few words.' I had their rapt attention, 'Today, we fight the plague of this mountain. Today, we defend our sanctity as Pokemon. Today, we give them hell.'


'Follow the plan and show them that we will not be trampled on. Move out!'

Pangoro and the Spritzee headed north, while Psyducks headed south.

'Lets go.' I said, before heading east.


The trek was solemn. The only noise coming from the trees rustling in the wind.

'Was it always this quiet?' I asked Gogoat.

'No, me and my kin would traverse this area of the forest quite often. We could always count on spooking some Fletchling and Scuttlebugs when we passed through.'

'Then Toxicroak came.'

'Yes. Before Alakazam had died, he appeared out of nowhere. He attacked weaker Pokemon at first. Elusive, he was, but the damage he made was minimal. Not worth our time.'

'But.' I interrupted

'But it escalated. He slowly climbed to stronger opponents, always looking for a fight. It got to the point where Alakazam intervened.'

'What happened?'

'He beat Toxicroak black and blue. After that, everything was quiet.'

'What was he like?'


'Alakazam. I heard he was a great leader until Aegislash challenged him and both died.'

'That is the gist of it though the story is much deeper.'

'How so?'

'For one, Aegislash and Alakazam were good friends, until that day that is.'

'Really? How did that happen?'

'Not sure. It never really made sense to me either. Since their both dead, there really is no knowing.'

'That's just sad.'

'Hmm? What do you mean?'

'The betrayal. Imagine having your kinsman, Pokemon that you know and cherish, attack you for something silly as a title.'

'Interesting view. As a title holder yourself, can you hold yourself to that same standard?'

'I don't really want the title. As soon as this is over, anyone can challenge me and take it from me for all I care. I never wanted to pick up something so troublesome in the first place.'

'How interesting.'

Something from that conversation bothered me. Like there was something I missed. Why would Aegislash, a good friend of Alakazam, attack his friend? The change was to drastic, alarm bells screeching foul play.

'Did you know Aegislash at all?'

'What brought this on?' He quirked a brow.

'It just seemed to sudden for Aegislash to change like that. Don't you agree?'

'I will admit the events did throw me off, but Pokemon change like that all the time.'

'Did his aura say as much.'

'I would never claim to be anywhere good at reading aura.'

'That's not what I asked.'

'Can we just drop it? We buried everything in the past, no need to dig up old wounds.'

I flinch.


'Its fine just don't bring it up again.'


After our chat, we continue on in silence. The sun was just setting and the plan was set to occur around midnight.

The hope was that with three of Toxicroak's groups being attacked, he will send reinforcements, thus thinning the guards around the kidnapped Munchlax.

We would then liberate the hostages, with us gaining important tanks.

'Now we wait.' I told the old Gogoat.


We hid ourselves on an outcropping a hundred feet from where Munchlax were being held. The outcropping was on a hill going down to a wide meadow. Croagunk guarded the clearing, their chortle filling the air.

The Munchlax were grotesquely thin.

Sadly, we were to far to pick up on their thought rays. So we waited, listening to their laughter until curtain call.


Soon, the moon was high and the time was now. Thirty minutes after when the onslaught should have begun, a Fletchinder flew in, most likely to call for back up.

We hid under some gathered branches to blend in.

It flew to a lazy Croagunk and started speaking with it. Sometimes, I wished my reception field was bigger, then I could listen in on what they say.

Not to long after, the Fletchinder led a group of twenty Croagunk away, leaving half their force. I smiled. Everything was going to plan.

Once we were sure they were gone far enough, we made our move.

Gogoat and his Skiddo charged down the mountain. After gaining speed, they rammed the enemies.

Wanting to join in, I made my way down the hill.

By the time arrived, only three Croagunk were killed. Watching I could see why. Croagunk were resilient and fast. That and the Skiddo were at a type disadvantage. Luckily, none had died yet.

Swinging my club spear around, I save a Skiddo from an ambush. The Croagunk had a poison jab aimed right where its heart would. Garnering the attention from two more Croagunk, I shouted and joined the fray.

Clobbering one in the skull, I got a nice crunch. Slashing to the second, the blade sliced across its chest. Burgundy blood splattered to the ground. Smiling, I climb further in, chopping and smashing.

I moved to the next set of three. Stabbing the first, I dodge under the third's poison jab. It grazed my stomach and left a bruising mark. Turning to it, I spin and bash on the side of its head. Jumping back from the second, I go for another stab. It dodged to the side, I followed with a slash and it hits. The toad falls, dying.

Gogoat finished off with another two and we were down to the last five.

We backed them into a circle. Coming forward, I point my spear and say, 'Surrender, you might last longer.' Seeing that they were out of options, the dropped their stances. Taking the opportunity, I knock them out, before having Gogoat restrain them with vine whip.

Turning to the hostages, I call, 'Carry the Munchlax on your back. Be careful, they look like the wind could blow them over.'

Nodding, they went to work.

'Not bad for a late nights work' I yawned.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon in any shape or form.


New chapter from yours truly, The Quibbler. Enjoy!

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