
The White Rose Princess

Long ago in the royal kingdom of Shadowfen, king Richard and Queen Adriana had given birth to a baby girl Elizabeth Jane Marie. But what they weren't expecting was for someone to steal their beloved child away. For years the king and queen lived in hope that one day they will be reunited with their daughter. Soon to be king of Ashbourne Dominic Williamson, was passionate about his family and his people which led him to an unknown cottage on the outskirts of his town. Where he saw a girl, a beautiful girl trimming roses, white roses. But what happens when he finds out she is the missing princess of Shadowfen? What happens when many want the reunion to never happen? For the princess to be lost forever?

AnneMarie_Herd · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs


Ever since Elizabeth could remember, she has always tried to help those she could put. Her family never stayed in one spot for too long, they claimed it was dangerous for them to do so. She never questioned why just followed along.

It was hard for her to make friends because of how much she and her family moved, her mother Tina and her father Patrick were just simple folk who worked small jobs at different towns to earn coins. Which they used on Elizabeth.

But when they got sick, she had to stop. She needed help, that's when she found this little area just outside of Ashbourne. That's when she became close to other people and began helping them out, she spends every day helping everyone out she forgets about herself.

Elizabeth was surprised to see the prince, she's heard that the townsfolk don't see much of him. Ever since his father got sick, he's been hiding away in the castle.

"Elizabeth is your name, right?" Dominic asked Elizabeth.

"Yes, it is. How does it feel being the prince?" She asked.

"Well it has its moments but it isn't too bad, my father wants me to marry someone pretty soon. He doesn't understand I'm waiting for the right person," he explained.

"That must be hard, is not every princess the same?" Elizabeth asked, turning towards him.

Dominic sighed softly, "They are all the same but not in a good way, all the princesses I have met are spoilt and don't care about anyone but themselves. I want a wife that will support me and help my people out when needed. I want someone who cares for everyone, not just themself."

Elizabeth smiled at that, he was the first prince she saw that had a mind like that, "Wow, you have thought a lot about this. I'm sure there is someone out there for you."

Dominic couldn't help but smile at her words, "What about you?"

"Me? My parents move around too much for me to settle. I don't even get comfortable being able to find someone. I don't have many friends due to this, the only reason why we've been here so long is that my parents are sick," she replied.

Dominic frowned at how quickly her voice changed, one moment she was happy and the next it switched. He knew having a sick family member makes him sad, but this was different, it was like she wanted to stay at places but was always forced to leave.

"What do your parents have?" He asked.

"I'm not sure, Samuel has checked them but he can't find the answer either. I just make sure that their fever is down and that they eat when they can," Elizabeth replied.

Dominic didn't know what to say, he gently reached for her shoulder and squeezed it reassuringly.

"It'll be okay," he replied.

"Alright my lord, I've done my rounds. I'm ready to head back, are you?" Samuel asked as he walked up.

Dominic didn't want to leave, he wanted to stay and help. He also wanted to get to know Elizabeth a little more.

"I guess, are we coming back tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yes my lord, I come here every day, Elizabeth did you want to come to the local market to buy some supplies that will last you the night?" Samuel asked Elizabeth.

"I would Samuel but I spend the last of my coin yesterday buying some blankets," she replied.

"I will pay them for you," Dominic spoke.

Elizabeth gasped, shaking her head instantly, "No my lord, I couldn't honestly accept that."

"Please Elizabeth, it's the least I could do. I haven't been able to help as I should and for that, I am truly sorry," Dominic pleaded, crossing his hands together hoping she would agree.

Elizabeth sighed, "Fine, let me grab my basket."

She headed over to her cottage, grabbing the basket. The back of her shoulder blade fell a little, showing the two boys her birthmark. Dominic gasped.

'She can't be? Can she?' He thought to himself.

Samuel looked at Dominic in shock, "Is that the lost princess of Shadowfen?" He asked.

Dominic didn't know what to say, he was shocked. The two of them cleared their throats as she began to walk over to them.

"Here it is, ready to go?" She asked.

"Yeah," Samuel's voice squeaked earning a look from Dominic.

Elizabeth didn't seem to mind as she headed off in front of them, allowing Dominic and Samuel to speak.

"She's been lost for 21 years, how has no one found her yet?" Samuel asked Dominic in a hushed tone.

"I don't know, she mentioned before that her parents moved around a lot, maybe they did it to keep her hidden," he replied, gritting his teeth.

He was angry, not at Elizabeth but those who stole her from the king and queen of Shadowfen. They were good friends of his parents when they heard the news. Even they were shocked.

Heading into the market they kept quiet and watched as Elizabeth picked up some fresh fruit and vegetables, not to mention some fabric, to make clothes out of. Those in the market watched as their king looked fondly at a girl.

"I hope this isn't too much," she said startling Dominic.

He smiled fondly shaking his head, "Not at all, Elizabeth. Take as much as you need."

Elizabeth nodded, taking a few more things. "All right I'm done."

Dominic walked over towards her checking her items, he knew it wasn't much but he couldn't force her to buy more. After all, she didn't want to spend his money anyway. He took it over to a vendor.

"How much for my friend?" He asked.

"Take it, my lord, it's free," the vendor replied.

He shook his head, handing over about 50 pieces of royal gold.

"My lord, I can't take this," the women mumbled.

Dominic shook his head, smiling at her, "Take it. You all deserve it for your hard work."

The woman said nothing as she bowed her head, Dominic handed the basket over to Elizabeth.

"Thank you again, my lord," she replied.

"Please call me Dominic," he replied.

She didn't say much after that, giving them both a nod before heading back to the cottages outside the village.

"Samuel, tell Edward that we may have found the missing princess of Shadowfen. Make sure you do it quietly who knows who is listening in," Dominic whispered to Samuel.

He nodded and headed towards the castle with Dominic following behind, he took one last glance at the cottages behind him. He will find out the truth about everything, he will return the lost princess of Shadowfen. No matter what it takes.