
The White Room - Dominion Games

In a desperate fight for survival, four teenagers – Astor, Kaito, Luna, and Rose - find themselves trapped in a sterile white chamber. Their captor, a disembodied entity known only as The Architect, subjects them to a cruel game. Each round brings a barrage of questions, ranging from history and mythology to anime and obscure comics. Can they decipher the hidden clues within the questions and use their combined knowledge of fictional worlds to break free? Or will they remain forever prisoners of The Architect's twisted simulation?

Brad_Indigo · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 8: Deeper Secrets and Shifting Alliances

The sterile white chamber remained eerily silent after The Architect's chilling pronouncement. A tense camaraderie hung in the air, forged in the crucible of the previous round's challenges. They knew the next test would be even more difficult, pushing them to the very limits of their knowledge and their newfound trust.

As if on cue, the holographic screen flickered to life, revealing a single symbol – an intricate ouroboros, a serpent biting its own tail, representing eternity or a cyclical nature. Beneath the symbol, the next question materialized.

Question: Across various mythologies, the ouroboros appears as a symbol of eternity or cyclical existence. However, in some lesser-known interpretations, it represents the concept of what?

This question was different. It wasn't about a specific character or event, but a deeper concept hidden within a widely recognized symbol. A collective frown creased their faces. This was a test of not just knowledge, but also of interpretation and critical thinking.

"Maybe it's about rebirth," Rose mused, her voice laced with uncertainty. "The serpent sheds its skin and is reborn anew, creating a cycle."

Luna shook her head. "Interesting, but the ouroboros is often depicted as a single entity, not separate serpents. Perhaps it represents a cycle of destruction and creation?"

Astor, who had remained suspiciously quiet so far, leaned forward. "Or maybe," he said, his voice dripping with a hint of malice, "it represents a never-ending game, a loop from which there is no escape."

His words sent a shiver down Rose's spine. Was he hinting at their current predicament, or was there a deeper meaning veiled in his observation? The silence stretched on, filled with the weight of his implication.

Suddenly, Kaito spoke up, his voice filled with a newfound determination. "Maybe it's all of these things, and more. The ouroboros could represent the cyclical nature of existence, with creation, destruction, and rebirth all intertwined."

He pointed at the holographic screen. "Look, the symbol itself is a circle, with no beginning and no end. Perhaps The Architect is trying to tell us something about the nature of this game, or maybe even about the universe itself."

A slow wave of understanding dawned on their faces. This wasn't just a test of their knowledge; it was a clue, a piece in the puzzle of The Architect's motives. The seemingly random questions were starting to make sense, hinting at a grander design.

As they delved deeper into the concept of the ouroboros, a new question arose. Could they use their combined knowledge to manipulate the game itself? Could they use the clues hidden within the questions to their advantage?

The silence in the chamber was broken by a low chuckle from Astor. "Interesting theory," he said, his eyes glinting with an unsettling amusement. "But remember, players, cooperation can be a weakness as well as a strength."

His words hung in the air, a seed of doubt planted in their minds. Could they truly trust each other, or were there hidden agendas lurking beneath the surface of their newfound alliance?

Just then, the holographic screen flickered again, revealing the next question. This time, it wasn't a symbol or a concept, but a specific event.

Question: According to historical records, the Library of Alexandria, a treasure trove of ancient knowledge, was destroyed in a great fire. However, recent scholarship suggests a possible alternative theory for the cause of the blaze. What is this alternative theory?

Rose, remembering their previous collaboration, nudged Luna. "Your turn, history expert."

Luna, a spark of determination in her eyes, launched into a detailed explanation of the alternative theory, citing recent archeological evidence and scholarly debates. As she spoke, the others listened intently, their doubts momentarily forgotten.

The chamber echoed with the hum of confirmation as Luna finished her explanation. A sliver of victory warmed their hearts. Collaboration, once again, had proven to be their best weapon.

The Architect's voice resonated through the chamber, devoid of any emotion. "Fascinating. It seems you are learning to play the game."

The screen flickered and went dark, leaving them in the dim silence. The next round had passed, but the mystery of The Architect and its motives remained. Yet, a seed of hope had been planted. By working together, by using their combined knowledge and the clues hidden within the questions, they might just find a way to escape the labyrinth and unravel the Architect's grand design.