
The White Abyss

Hello! This is a Fast paced Solo Adventure Starting in a prison. It’s a fight for Survival and a Fighht to learn the truths of the world. Who can she trust? who is behind the shadows? only time will tell if she can Reach the Goal she so long’s to reach.

B2SP · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Awakening

Amy's eyes flickered open, greeted by blinding white light. Disorientation washed over her as she struggled to make sense of her surroundings. The sterile walls of her cell seemed to stretch endlessly into oblivion, devoid of any distinguishing features save for the seamless joints where they met. She pushed herself up from the cold, hard floor, her mind racing with questions she couldn't answer.

The air hummed with an eerie stillness, punctuated only by the faint whirring of the two robotic guards stationed outside her cell. Amy's gaze fixed on them, their metallic forms standing sentinel with an unwavering vigilance. She approached the translucent barrier separating her from the outside world, pressing her palm against it in futile defiance.

"Hello?" Her voice echoed hollowly in the empty chamber, swallowed by the vast expanse of white.

The robots remained stoic, their impassive visages offering no response to her desperate pleas. Amy withdrew her hand, frustration gnawing at the edges of her consciousness. How had she ended up here? Memories flitted like elusive shadows at the edge of her mind, tantalizingly close yet maddeningly out of reach.

She took a moment to assess herself, her fingers combing through the strands of her long, cerulean hair. It billowed around her like an ethereal cloak, the vibrant hue stark against the sterile backdrop of her confinement. Amy's features were striking, her sharp intellect mirrored in the piercing gaze of her azure eyes.

A surge of determination coursed through her veins as she realized that she couldn't remain imprisoned in this enigmatic void. With measured steps, she began to pace the confines of her cell, her mind whirring with calculations and possibilities. Each corner she turned revealed only more sterile whiteness, a labyrinthine maze designed to confound and ensnare.

Two days dragged on, marked by the rhythmic hum of the fluorescent lights above. Amy's meticulous exploration yielded little in the way of progress, her frustration mounting with each passing moment. Yet, amidst the suffocating monotony, a glimmer of hope flickered in the recesses of her mind.

It was a subtle flaw, easily overlooked amidst the seamless perfection of her surroundings. A hairline fracture in the translucent barrier, imperceptible to the untrained eye but glaringly obvious to Amy's keen intellect. She traced its contours with trembling fingers, her pulse quickening with the realization that salvation lay just beyond her reach.

For now, she bided her time, carefully concealing her discovery from the ever-watchful gaze of her robotic captors. But beneath the facade of resignation, a fire burned bright within her, fueled by the promise of freedom and the tantalizing prospect of retribution against those who had imprisoned her.

As the hours stretched into days, Amy plotted her escape with meticulous precision, her mind a whirlwind of calculations and contingencies. She knew that the path ahead would be fraught with peril, but she refused to falter in the face of adversity. For beyond the confines of her prison lay the truth she so desperately sought, and she would stop at nothing to uncover it, no matter the cost.