
The Whispers of the Wind [BL]

A long time ago, a great prophecy appeared in the world. Evil will rise again! Yue Ling, a heavenly demon, was the biggest threat to the world at that time. Alarmed by the prophecy, the Heavenly Emperor ordered to kill Yue Ling at any cost. So again, heaven and the underworld fell into a fierce battle. Years later, the world basks in uneasy peace, Yue Ling's reign of terror a fading memory. But beneath the surface, secrets stir. Few know the truth: that the most revered god in heaven, the Son of the Sun and Lord of the Wind, Zi Feng, was once the heavenly demon, Yue Ling's lover. Tragically, Zi Feng is reborn not as his glorious god-self, but as Yu Lingyu, a bumbling disciple of the Tianmen Wen Sect. His past life haunts him like a nightmare, a painful echo of lost brothers, sacrificed love, and a world stained with blood of his loved. Will Yu Lingyu ever escape the shadow of his past? Can he forge a new life, oblivious to the whispers of his forgotten glory? Or will he be drawn back into the darkness, forced to confront the life what destroyed by him in past - Yue Ling! ...................................................................................... "Ah, the Mighty Wind Lord has become a crying child." Yue Ling's voice was as vicious as a snake and burst out with joy. "Ha ha, you lost your brothers, lost your soul, sacrificed everything for your victory, but why is it still like this? How ironic, dear Feng!" Zi Feng's face was flushed with hatred. Stumbling up, he directly grabbed Yue Ling's shoulders, sinking his eyes into his eternally dark eyes. "Yue Ling!" he shouted. "You have won, heaven is already bathed from the blood of my brothers. Please get out of here now," he cried in his heart-rending grief. The devil's lips curled into a cruel smile. "Victory is most beautiful with the vanquisher's fury. My wind Lord, where is your anger? Where is your vengeance?" Closing his eyes tightly, Zi Feng let the tears flow down his cheeks. "My anger is drowned in a deep ocean, Yue Ling. An ocean of sorrow and blood. So please leave. do not..........force me...........anymore." “Oh, my lord,” Yue Ling said, running his fingers to wipe away the tears on Zi Feng's cheeks. "If you're like this, it's no fun. How about we go to my palace together? And give a toast to your dead comrades. Oh, for your Li Jiu too." Yue Ling's right hand wrapped around Zi Feng's waist and pressed him against his body. His left hand was tugging at Zi Feng's silky hair. "But you know, making yourself the prize of my triumph isn't so bad." He whispered into Si Feng's ear. Suffering from both physical and mental pain, Zi Feng was unable to escape from Yue Ling's grasp. "Why? Why did you do that? Your revenge was to be taken from me. If you said so, I would gladly hand myself over to you. After all, I had to do it, because I was responsible. But why? Why did they all have to die? Why did Li Jiu have to die? Answer me!" "Shhh! My lord, killing you won't solve my problem. I want you to suffer all the pain in this world and watch everything you love slowly to dissolve into darkness……I want you to," Zi Feng's jaws held. Yue Ling lifted Feng's face up, forcing him to look into his eyes. "I want you to melt away, fall on your knees beside me and beg for all of this to stop. But I won't stop until all your loved ones are dead. Li Jiu is only the beginning……the sun, the moon will all be destroyed. Oh, and also your dear brother too.............Wei Yunhe!”

Shadow_Eun · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
39 Chs

The pierced soul

By the time they came out of the forest, the time for two incense sticks had passed. 

The tired crowd walked towards the dining room, secretly blaming Lingyu. But Wei Yunhe effortlessly carried Lingyu to his hillside cabin. Finally, he carefully placed Lingyu on the couch and quickly closed the door, making sure no one else was there. 

Lingyu nervously removed the robe covering his head and looked at Wei Yunhe with a questioning expression. Even if he had already guessed that he was not Yu Lingyu?

Taking a quick step closer to Lingyu, Wei Yunhe sat on the side of the bed and examined his little Shidi's forehead more carefully. "Is there something wrong, Da Shixiong?" Lingyu asked. The corner of Yunhe's mouth twitched, and he was really nervous.

 "Shidi, did something happen in the forest?" he asked. Surely, he didn't know the problem with his forehead, but Lingyu carefully composed the words.

"Nothing. Just chased after rabbits and got lost." Wei Yunhe is looking at nowhere like his soul left his body. 

Yu Lingyu got off the couch and hurriedly walked over to the mirror hanging on the side of the room. He needed to know what Wei Yunhe was so upset about. The mirror reflected a very small but handsome figure, and Yu Lingyu could see anything wrong with it. He brushed his hair away and looked down at his forehead. Lingyu's lips tightened into a thin line.

In the center of his forehead was a red mark. But more distinctly it looked like a flame and sometimes a gust of wind. Indeed, the red mark was shaped like a combination of a flame and a wind wave. No wonder Wei Yunhe was so upset. His little shidi had a devil mark on his forehead.

Be it a demon or a deity, common people commonly call these marks as Devil marks.

 This is also a basic way of distinguishing demons from humans. Even if the most powerful demons were able to hide their devil mark, the mystics had more than enough methods to expose them.

 If anyone saw Lingyu in this state, he would surely be beaten to death. He placed his hand on his forehead as if to erase it, but the red mark remained unchanged.

"Yu Shidi, don't go anywhere until I come. Stay here." Wei Yunhe said and quickly left Lingyu's chamber. 

Yunhe was protecting Yu Lingyu despite the obvious demon marks. Lingyu didn't know whether to cry or laugh. In fact, this mark was inflicted on the poor Yu Lingyu by him.

 After a little quieter, he feels more complete than ever. Silently raising his fist, he made a hand seal. He felt spirit energy flowing through his body. What kind of prank is this? Wasn't Yu Lingyu equal to an ordinary man before? Now why is the spirit energy in his body so strong?

Yu Lingyu, who folded the other fingers of his hand and raised only the forefinger and middle finger, directed the seal towards the scar on his forehead. The light blue color of the soul energy was absorbed by a red glowing mark and Yu Lingyu felt a pain as if his entire scalp was being bitten by a hundred of rats. 

Even though the hand seal was removed, the pain did not go away, and Yu Lingyu was panting. Hugging his head and lying on the ground, he twisted on both sides and tried to breathe.

Over a hundred memories that he had never seen before were coming to him. They enter into his mind like sharp knives. "Da Shixiong!" Yu Lingyu shouted involuntarily. Those were the thoughts of the real Yu Lingyu. He needed Wei Yunhe to save him from this pain. "Da Shixiong, please"

But Yu Lingyu, who was twisting from side to side like this, suddenly became still. His eyes were open, but consciousness was not in him. A drop of tears was falling from the side of his red cheeks. The harshest truth was dawning on him.

From the beginning, Yu Lingyu and he were not two. who they were, was one hapless soul that was unfortunately broken into two remnants. 

Yu Lingyu must have waited a long time for his reincarnation as he reincarnated in various places with all his soul energy.

Once a fish, once a bird, once a poor goblin spirit, and finally a rabbit, he lived through many bitter souls. Hadn't he been diligently searching for Yu Lingyu throughout that period? But now that he had regained his full consciousness and a new physical body, but no happiness arose.

The history of his true identity was by no means satisfactory. 

Even sharp stabs were painless to him compared to those memories. As his head burned with pain, Yu Lingyu silently moved his right hand to his forehead and touched the red mark with trembling fingers. His lips were dry and chapped. He was unusually pale. Still lying on the ground with tears in his eyes, he was silently looking at the ceiling.

Suddenly the portal opened, and a gentle gust of wind swept around his body. 

Standing by the door, Wei Yunhe froze in place. Something vague was moving in his right hand. Yu Lingyu awkwardly turned his head towards the door and whispered to Wei Yunhe, who had stopped in shock. "Da Shixiong!"

Yunhe regained consciousness and rushed to Yu Lingyu screaming. He quickly turned to examine his small shidi and let go of the object he was holding tightly. Lingyu barely caught a glimpse of the object before the world in front of him went completely dark.

It was a half mask shaped like a bird's wings!