
The Whispering Shadows of Valhalla

This is the initial arc of the "Siege of Valhalla." In this first section we get to know a bit of the world and important characters on the planet of Valhalla. Valhalla is proving to be a garden of the future for the Pimogie Empire. Things get shaken up when Robertus, a Caesar in the Pimogie Empire and the planetary governor of Valhalla, is invited to a party being hosted by the Federation. Seeing this as an opportunity to mend the relationship of the Pimogies and the Federation, Robertus needs to see if it would be a wise choice to attend, for his life could be on the line, and that Valhalla is safe in his absence.

Hulkpoolza · Khoa huyễn
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7 Chs

The Unexpected Invitation

aron is already waiting for them in the hallway, he and the other Imperial guards are kitted in their lighter casual armor. Aaron a few others don't have their helmets on opting for only their body protection. They kneel at the sight of the Caesar."My Caesar, I had been wishing to talk to you," Aaron speaks up as he rises back to his feet.Robertus is taken aback by this, Aaron doesn't usually speak out. "Yes Aaron what is it? Has something happened?""I am just concerned with your offer to the Cherwinski Corportation, I am not saying this due to Tyrell or Kata, my interests lay in that of the Deus, and he would not like it if something were to happen to you. I think its more imperative to ensure your safety over that of even the Pimogies of Parba. I will admit that both Tyrell and Kata were in agreement on those sentiments, but that Tyrell was more insulted but what seemed to be your lack of trust in him and the military to solve these issues. I don't see an issue in flexing our might on the Cherwinskis or the Nest. I think its fair that they know what we are capable of. Especially the Nest, the need to know if needed we need to we can put the boot down on them."Robertus smiles as he places his hand on Aaron, if I even just had five of you, I could sleep assured that if the Nest tried something they would all be dead. Thats without even taking into account that I also have thirty royal guards.""Caesar, we will make sure your faith is not unfounded." Aaron salutes, "To the throne room?"Robertus nods, Aaron leads the way. Robertus starts to ponder on Korë. He does love her, he has to chuckle a bit to himself at how she didn't show him her unshackle excitement. He smiles, he is glad she is happy. He will have to go see Juniper at some point today so he can get her thoughts on everything. He actually thinks she will be pleased, Juniper while initially displeased, with Korë when they first met, they have grown close to each other, there is a love there, if only he can help it to blossom. He wouldn't be the first Pimogie, let alone the first Caesar to have multiple Gözdes. Deus Gaia Maxima was a secondary Gözdes of Deus Gaia Tata, she feel into the position of emperor when Deus Tata was assassinated. She helped to put Tata's vision into action, she helped the Pimogies to come together and form the empire. If it wasn't for her Robertus wouldn't be here, who could say what the world would look like if there was no Maxima.It's a scary thought to have, a world without a Pimogie Empire. The prosperity and the peace that the empire has brought to the billions and billions of people who live with in it. All the nature that has been preserved and the technology they have created. They have made the universe a better place, the hollow Federation has done nothing but exploit anything they could get their hands on. They rob the land murder anyone who won't bend the knee to them, they are nothing but a vile disease on the universe. Its no wonder the Pimgoies left Earth Prime the first chance they got all those centuries ago. Only the Artimites and some Domine Militum remain behind, helping the ruins of the old american cities to decay back into the ground. Robertus starts to remember he had some of his Mirlings were going there at somepoint to do some excavation work on Earth Prime, sounded like it could be interesting, there are many Natu who believe there are still many secrets left behind. The old myths of stars falling from the sky and angels were never much of Robertus' interest, Claudius and even Solomon tried to get him to look into those ancient stories.They climb down the stairs of the palace continuing on their way to the throne room. Robertus wonders what his mom would think, he is tempted to ask Kata, but she will likely be too heated with his decision to take away the protection that is offered by her. He didn't over step his command she does bend the knee to him, but he is starting to come to terms with he was too rash and should have brought Tyrell and her into agreement first. It was still a better move to send in the suits to handle the work of cleaning Zaozer, it requires a delicate touch, a concealed hand to take care of the troublemakers. A large show of force would cause too much commotion and trouble in general, its just not worth it. Things must be played quiet as to not erupt violence across the whole planet.The Imperial guards stop at the door, two of them open the doors for Robertus and Claudius letting them go through them into the empty throne room. Robertus sits on the throne, deep in thought. He will have to have a meeting with Janis and Conar. Thankfully the suits shouldn't ramp up tensions or even allow for the Nest to sow trouble, pumping out propaganda on the Pimogies stamping down on the necks of everyday people. The thought of building up some defenses in Parba for if things get worse.He brushes off the idea quickly as that would only cause tensions to rise up quicker people would start to think something is coming and get scared. Fear only causes trouble. Meeting with Conar and Janis might help to clear things up and alleviate the quickly building pressure. Peace needs to be maintained.Robertus snaps back to reality, giving a nod and smile towards Claudius who had been sitting quietly below him in the first row of benches, "So the Federation has reached out to us?"Claudius nods, "Yes, I did find it strange that they would do that too, the Federation delegation hasn't been on Valhalla for what two, three years now, we haven't had heard from them, their manor here has laid vacant. It's strange that they would want to reach out now."Robertus looks down at Claudius, "I have been thinking on it, it could be a good call to go. It very well seems worth it to try and smooth over some of the bad blood we have with the Federation. I am sure my friend, if we can really call him that, King Fredrick would be happy to see me again. It has been quite a while."Claudius is surprised, "I would have thought you would have refused the invitation, you have never had the highest opinion of the Federation what is with this change of heart? Where is the man who threatened to destroy the Federation's manor over a small insult."Robertus chuckles, "but I didn't now did I?"Claudius smiles, That is true," he turns serious again, "But my Caesar, I tried to confirm if King Frederick would be there, but I am sorry, I don't think he is going to be there. From what I was able to gather was he is too busy on Earth Prime, not sure doing what though." Claudius takes a deep breath, "I don't think that bodes well for your safety. I also find it to be quite insulting for them to not have him there he is of the closest rank they have to you, with you both being hiers to empires. I would rather you didn't go purely got that, but more than that, I am not sure how well Valhalla will hold in your absence.""King Fredrick won't be there." Robertus says, his voice growing concerned, "I can't bring the suits with me. I can't break my word with the Cherwinskis and pull back the suits to bring them with me." Some confidence comes back into Robertus' voice, "I doubt they would do it even still, they would be declaring war if something were to happen. The trouble that harm to me would bring upon them would be on par with the what they got for their massacre on Roma."As if hearing the need for another opinion Romulus comes into the throne room. "Sorry I am late, I got caught up with some things." A sneer runs across his lips, "Don't worry Robertus. I can come with you. It would be good for us to get off the planet for a little while and get a fresh view on things. You know I got your back Little Caesar." Romulus is all smiles to the stern face of Claudius. "Plus Robertus, Claudius would be in charge while you were gone, so you know its in good hands."Robertus leans back in his thrown, he places his hands in a cradle under his chin as he thinks, "Romulus, do you really think this would be a good idea."Romulus irradiates nothing but excitement, "Of course Robi. I think you deserve to be going to a party, blow off some of that anger on the dance floor.""And busting it down on the dance floor is worth risking his life?" Claudius grows annoyed at Romulus' lack of concern at the possible seriousness. "Come on Romulus think of the consequences if something were to go wrong.""Oh shut up Claudius, I am going to be there, he will be fine." Romulus interjects. "I feel you are just jealous that you don't get to come."Claudius looks angry but he doesn't say anything else. He looks over at Robertus waiting for his response.Robertus stands, looks at both of them, walks down the steps and then turns to face them. "Claudius please make preparations for me and Romulus."Before walking through the threshold of the throne room Robertus turns around again. ""I understand your concerns, Claudius, but I believe it is important for me to show face at this party. It could be a good opportunity to possibly strengthen the relationship between the Pimogies and the Federation, or at the very least start one. Its possible I could even gather more information about what they might be planning. I think I would also be making a powerful statement on our power and strength by only bringing Romulus to protect me. I have the feeling the Federation would use my refusal to make us appear weak. I believe this path helps to keep the delicate balance of illustrating our power and possibly even strengthening this time of peace. I believe this is worth any risk."