
Meeting Victoria!

Raymond POV

I was barely nineteen years of age when I left Chameau.

I had a vision for the future. I wanted to achieve success so that I could help my community. I knew what I wanted and leaving Chameau was the only way to secure a better life for myself and Paulette, the woman I loved.

Once I arrived in PauP, I made a list of all I wanted to accomplish. First I needed to find a place to stay, get a job, and then night school. Soon after I arrived, I landed a job waiting tables at the most prominent hotel in the city. I was determined to work hard and decided within six months I would make enough money to send for Paulette.

Within six weeks of working for HL hotel restaurant, I became the most valuable employee. And was given a reward for employee of the month. I learned that the regular customers voted for me for the reward. They enjoyed having me waiting at their tables.