

An outlaw named Cayde "The Black Wolf" was tasked to find The Oracle's Tower to get the Great Treasure hidden under The Tower. But he must face the consequences of his Task, as he travels across The Westernlands.

LansJPrince · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

The Black Wolf

The Black Wolf sped across the windy desert of The Westernlands. The sands brushes off his leather sleeves as he rides with his horse. The day was already tough for a man like The Black Wolf himself. The wind was strong enough to resist the horse's movements, as they try to get through the desert to reach for The Bossman's Fortress hidden in the center of the desert.

His horse is thirsty and so does the man who rides the thirsty horse. The horse is beginning to run slowly, as The Black Wolf notices. He gives the horse, a look of disappointment, his eyes is covered in black beneath his dark hat. "God dammit." He whispers to the tired and starving Horse.

His lips are pale white, and sweats rapidly as he tries to focus on his path, but everything he looks at is beginning to spin around, he begins to lose balance while riding the horse. The sand underneath the Horse's foot is starting to blur out, like the last image you saw before you wake up in a Dream.

He looks in the clear skies, as the clouds spins around his head, so quickly. And then his heart beats so rapidly, as he falls down to the ground, hitting his left arm and his head to the endless fields of Sand.

He lies on the sand, removes his beloved hat. And stares in to the shining bright Sun of The Westernlands. Tears begins to fall from his eyes, wanting to live another day. And so he called for a one last request to The Sandman.

"Please for the sake of my terrible Soul, don't take it away from me yet, o The Sandman. My days are not yet finished, or is this my temptation to see my Love beyond the afterlife, Sandman? I am not ready to see such things yet, please save me."

He doesn't know what to do, his body can barely move another muscle in his body. His hands are shaking in fear, but his Heart.. His heart is still breathing. The birds had finally arrived to crowded The Black Wolf's body in the sky. As the birds forms a circle and flies within the pattern of what he sees in his eyes.

And then, his eyes wanted to close. But he tries so hard not to close his eyes. And then as he takes his final attempt move his around to his right side. He begins to noticed three cloaked riders from his east. They wore White cloaks in their heads, and brown horses.

They were like angels riding for his Soul to take and lead it to the Afterlife. The Black Wolf gave them a hint of smile in his face, as he awaits for their arrival. Each seconds they grew on size in his eyes, as they get close to his body. And as they arrive at his body. They removed their cloaks and reveals their faces to The Black Wolf.

"Who are you?" The Black Wolf asks, as the two man who revealed their identities to The Black Wolf, reaches for his arms to help him get up from his feet. And The Man in the middle whom the only who didn't removed his cloaks to The Black Wolf stays in his position. And stares his eyes to The Black Wolf's black eyes.

"The Bossman is waiting for you, Cayde." The Cloaked Man says to Cayde "The Black Wolf". A name that was given to him by the other Outlaws in The Westernlands. And the name that would strike fear into his enemies, as they cross paths with each other. The most feared man is now a weak and tired Man, from a brink of Death.

"Good" The Black Wolf replies. They escorted The Black Wolf into The Bossman's Fortress which is only few miles away from where they are right now. It was a short travel when they reached The Bossman's Fortress. The Cloaked Man escorts The Black Wolf inside of the Fortress. A dark corridor Fortress filled with such a hunting presence to whoever enters inside of The Fortress.

But for The Black Wolf it was like another day for him. He had seen the same Fortress every day in his life. This is where he became the man who he is right now, became one of the most feared Outlaw in The Westernlands.

And as they enter inside of The Fortress, he had already seen the shadows of The Bossman waiting for him in the center of the Hall.

It was like The Reaper standing coldly in the dark. And as he gets closer to him, he begins to see the light on his face each walk he takes towards him. His eyes were cold blue, his bright golden hair struck him down as he finally gets a closer look in his face.

And then there was his smile, carved in his face. The sides of his lips were been carved to make a permanent smiling face that he would never forget until this day. The trails of the scars are so long, that they could even reach his hair, on the sides of his head. They were like worms feasting on his cheeks.

"It seems that you are caught in a little travelling problems on the road, Cayde? You look like shit." Says The Bossman, as he gives him a huge grin on his face

And as soon as he smiles, the scars are beginning to open widely Everytime he moves his lips, or his cheeks.

"Can I have water, please?" Cayde said. As The Bossman nods to his henchman behind him, ordering him to get Cayde a cup of water. And they did. The henchman handed the cup to Cayde, and as he did. Cayde grabs the cup like a hungry animal waiting for food to come in and walk in his trap. He drank the whole water out of the cup, so desperately and tired.

He breathes heavily, after drinking the water. It's likes he's been released in a prison. And then it finally brought back his original colors. His lips are starting to turn to its original color. And yet in his eyes, are still the eyes of a tired Man.

"I have a task for you, Cayde.."