
The Wereworld: Rise Of The Hybrid

{NOTE: THE NOVEL IS RECOMMENDED FOR 18+} He is an Hybrid of a Werelion and a Weretiger, who fell in love with the daughter of a Supernatural hunter. Luther was Seven years old when his Planet the Wereworld was invaded by the old therians. The Wereworld is the birth place of all Werecreatures, including Werewolves and others. He was transported to earth with his mum, but she eventually died, leaving Luther alone in a strange world, he was taken by a policeman named Bruce, and his wife Helen. In order to keep Luther safe from his true identity, Bruce and a doctor named Collins, used a medical device to wipe away Luther's memories. Luther's identity was changed, and he was now called Kenneth; he grew up in New York city, with no knowledge of his true self. However Kenneth finds out who he really was, and by then it was too late, as he had already fallen in love with Nora, a supernatural hunter. What will happen now? Will this be the end of their love story?

Anthony_Destiny · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs




Luthor and his mum arrived at Luthor's school, they arrived with a horse and accompanied by two royal guards.

The school was named "SUPERNATURAL ACADEMY ''. All the students looked at Luthor as he got down from the horse, many of his classmates were jealous of his royal life.

"Bye mum" Luthor said, waving his hands.

"Bye sweetie"

Luthor then went to his class.

Luthor sat alone on the second seat of third row, shortly four kids of his age sat with him on the same seat. Ella a future wereeagle, Lia a future werelion, wolly a future werewolf and casio a future werecheetah and Luthor best friend.

"Hey guys, " Luthor said.

"Hi Luthor" they all replied.

"Are you guys coming at the party tonight" Luthor asked

" you mean triumph's day party? of course everyone is going to attend"

"My mum is making a new dress for me, I'm going to look very pretty," Ella said.

"Really, I wish my mum will do the same" Lia said

"You don't need a new dress Lia, you already look pretty on your old dress" Luthor said. He has always had a crush on her.

"Really? thanks Luthor"

Suddenly a male teacher came in, as everyone stood up to greet.

"Good morning teacher" they greeted.

" Good morning kids, you can have your seat".




Men and women of different kinds were seen in the palace, they all wore beautiful dresses, the Werelord wore a red royal attire, he held a glass of red drink, and his wife was at his side, she wore a lovely pink dress and packed her long hair stylishly.Suddenly a guard interrupted their love talk.

" My lady, someone is here to see you," he said.

"Who is it?" Tyria asked as she turned to see a young handsome man, brown thick hair, in a red suit and a pointy nose. He is Teo, Tyria's elder brother, and he was also accompanied by two aged couples, Mr Ted and Mrs Tera, who are her parents.

"wow! mum dad" Tyria greeted, as she went closer and gave her mum a hug.

"You guys actually made it" she said

"We wouldn't miss this day in a lifetime, " Ted said.

Luthor and his friends were playing hide and seek, before his eyes caught his grandparents.

"Grandma! Grandpa!" he said in amazement.

Luthor ran and jumped and hugged his grandpa who caught him in midair .

"Wow! my grandson has grown so big" Mr Ted said.

"Hey Luthor, how are you?" Teo said

"Am doing great uncle"

Leon later joined his in-laws.

"hy mum, hy dad"

"Bless you my child" Tera said

"Hey Leon," Teo greeted.

"Hey" Leon said, then they gave a handshake.

"Hum!, my friends are waiting for me, I gotta go bye" Luthor said.

"Be careful sweetie," his mum said.

"I will," he replied as he ran off.


The party has just started, as everyone in the palace was drinking, cracking jokes, kids running to and fro, and some are other activities.

Abruptly a werewolf walks in, he was badly injured, as if he was in a massacre. The werewolf roared in pain, attracting everyone's attention, he then moved to the werelord. Afterwhich the werewolf starts transforming to his human form, loud cracks of bone were heard, his size reduced gradually, his furs changed to skin, his fang and claws went in. Then gradually his wounds and bruises healed up. Leon recognized him, he is Gabriel, one of the wolfwarriors.

"What happened Gabriel?" Leon asked.

" It's him, he's back" he replied


"The dragonlord and serpent queen, and they are heading to Pride lands, with all of the old therians, I was the only one who managed to escape among the others"

"Luc, summon the Lion guard, it's time for battle" The Werelord ordered.

"yea brother"

"Not just the Lionguard my lord, we need all of the five legions, Gazz is now more powerful than ever, His powers matched that of a Primordial" Gabriel said.

"You heard him, raise the alarm, evacuate everyone" Leon said.

"Oh no!" Tyria said.

"Tyria, take the boy out of here"

"OK, be careful"

Leon walked to the highest peak of the palace, and made a thunderous roar, the roar spread all over the planet, Then everyone knew it's time for war.

The five deadly leagues were all ready for battle, The Lionguard, wolfwarrior, Bearsoldiers, Eaglelegion, and the Tiger combatants.

Luc was the leader of the lionguard and Teo the leader of the Tigercombatant.


Tyria dragged Luthor to her room. Her parents followed them.

"Mum, what's happening?" Luthor asked.

"No time to explain Luthor, let's just go to my room. I will tell you later."


Leon dressed in his battle outwear, and his team (the werebeasts) stand by his side, Wilbert an alpha werewolf, Luc, Teo, Edward a wereeagle, Gilbert a werebear, Tyria was also part of the team, but she's busy with her son. And the Five legions stood at their back, they all matched forward as they approached the old therians, who were also coming in their direction.

"How dare you come back here Gazz" Leon said with a grin.

"The throne belongs to the dragons and the serpents, hand it over or we'll take it by force" Gazz said.

"I'll make sure you regret ever coming back here" Leon said.

"we're are prepared for the worst" vela responded.

"Lions!, Tigers!, Wolves!, Eagles!, and Bears, are you ready?" the werelord asked.

"Yes, we are," they replied.

"Serpents attack" vela ordered.

" Attack my dragons," Gazz said.

The old therians transformed to their beast form as they all charged at them.

" Attack" Leon commanded.

immediately the five legions also transformed to their animalform, the sudden incursion of both forces was a deadly one, Leon was the only one who didn't transformed fully, only his claws and fangs were out, the werelions tear up the serpents, though the old therians outnumbered them. Luc in his beastform, 10ft tall, sharp silver claws, fangs, brownish fur and mane, he fought by the side of his brother,The dragons fire spread across pride lands, The wereeagles were the only ones who could fly so they fight the dragons, the werelions could also leap more than 60ft high so they also attacked the dragons on midair. The dragonlord seeing how his armies are diminishing, and losing the second time is one thing he would never allow to happen.

His eyes turned red, his size increased to 16 to 20ft, large long claws that are 7inches each, and his wings spread up to 6ft each, brown thick rough skin and long fangs.


"Mum, I need to help the others," Tyria said.

"No Tyria, I know you're a powerful tigress, but your son needs you more."

Mrs Tear said.

"Your mum is right, your son should be your first priority," Ted said.

All of a sudden a dragon bursts into the room, breaking the wall, looks like he was tossed there.

"mum!" Luther screamed.

Seeing this Mr Ted quickly transformed to his weretiger form, he then jumped and bit the dragon on his arm. The dragon roared in pain and smashed him with his other hand, but Ted still gripped him tight with his fangs, the weredragon then swung his arm as Mr ted hit his back on a wall causing a large crack. Mr Tera also transformed to her beastform and headed on to help her husband, meanwhile, Tyria held her son and consoled him.

Mrs Tera used her claws to deliver an uppercut, the dragon was raised up his feet and burst the roof of the room. The weredragon fell on the floor as little stones dropped on him from the broken roof.


Leon saw Gazz in his powerful dragon form, he breathed out blue flames mixed with lightening. He started having a doubt if they could actually make it.

The werebear used their powerful bite force and brute strength to overpower some of the old therians. Gilbert gave a powerful punch on a weredragon's chin, the Weredragon sprayed out flames, but Gilbert shielded himself with his arm which got burnt, but he cared less as he used his razor sharp claws to slash the dragon's chest, the gave an uppercut that sprints out blood from the dragons mouth, then he grabbed it by the tail and throws it over another dragon, then he gave a loud terrifying growl. Gilbert is a Grizzly bear, and also the strongest werebear in Wereworld.


The two old couples were struggling with the weredragon, but they were no match because of their old age.

Mr Ted leaped on top of the dragon and smacked it with both hands, trying to get off the dragon flies up with force causing Ted to hit the roof, immediately Ted fell to the ground, without wasting much time, the dragon sinked his long sharp claws into Ted's chest.

"Argh!" Mrs Ted yelled bitterly in pain, after which he turned back to a human lifeless.

"No!" Mrs Tera screamed.

"Dad!" Tyria also exclaimed.

Mrs Tera charged at the beast, she used both her feet to kick its face, the dragon roared out flames at it blasted the old tigress into an already cracked mirror on the wall, it's clear that she's really weak.

Tyria can't take it anymore, her anger fuels her inner monster, loud bone cracks was heard, as she shapeshifted into a weretigress, 9ft tall, sharp fangs popped out, brownish metal claws replaced her fingers, tiger like stripy fur and a brownish gold eyeball. She turned and looked at her scared son, who was hiding behind the bed, then she turned again and looked at the weredragon, the dragon immediately poured of fire via its mouth, but Tyria dodged it with her superspeed, then picked up a broken wall to shield her from another incoming blast, then get closer and slam the wall at his face breaking it completely, the dragon retaliated with a slash from his claw, but Tyria was quick to bend dodging his attack, then she dropped kick on his gut. He roared out more flames, making Tyria spin on the air and landed with both feet, then washed towards him with supernatural speed and pierce her claws in his heart, her hands penetrated out from his back.

She then removed her hands, as the dragon fell down resulting in its death.


The dragonlord powerful flames destroyed many of the Wereworld's warriors, Leon watched as half the planet was in chaos. He clenched his fist, then his eyes turned gold, fangs and claws shot out, furs grew out, his weight increased upto 60ft, brown and black mane replaced his hair, it poured covering his neck and shoulder. His appearance was majestic, some of the old therians stepped back the moment they witnessed his transformation, they couldn't beat him in his half transformation, not to mention now that his transformation is complete, Leon's main target is Gaza the dragonlord.


After killing the dragon, Tyria transformed back to her human form, but naked, she ran to her already dead Dad, then to her mum, who was struggling with death.

"Mum, come on I'll get you treated"

Tyria said.

"No need, my daughter, I'm already too old."

"No mum, don't leave me"

"I'll always be with you" Tera said as her voice turned to a death rattle, and finally left the world of living.

Tears ran down Tyria's cheek, as she went to her son, who was already tired of crying.

"It's okay Luthor, don't cry hop on" Tyria said as she transformed to a full giant tigress, transforming to a full Animal is a special ability, only few can do it in the Wereworld. She then gave Luthor a sign, as he instantly climbed on her, then she bolted out of the room Via the window.


Leon, now in his Beastform, made a loud roar! The roar was a call upon the Werebeasts. They immediately responded by standing by his side, he then commanded them to attack Gazz since he's the main problem.

The werebeasts beset their rage on the Dragonlord, Gazz dragons came to help him, the werebeasts faced them, while Leon battled with Gazz himself. Leon swiftly lands a punch on his chin, the Dragonlord, blasted out his lightening flames, but Leon was just too fast, he easily dodged it and slashed him with his claws, the Dragonlord looked untouched, his skin is impenetrable. He then grabbed Leon by the neck, but Luc came to his brother's rescue and punched Gazz away.

"He's too strong, we can't stop him, take everyone to a safe place" Leon said.

"There's no safe place brother, the entire Wereworld is in havoc" Luc said.

Gazz recovered from the attack, then purged out his powerful flames at the duo, Leon quickly countered it with the roar, it created a powerful wind that knock the blast of it's main direction.,

Leon realized what his brother was saying, there's no safe place.

Leon then Made a powerful roar as it commands a big portal, he then tells everyone to go. Many of the Wereworld went in. Tyria also tried to get, in but was confronted by two wereserpents. Tyria roared at them but it wasn't enough to scare them off, they poured at her their acid venom, she dodged it swiftly, she then dived widely, then bite off the head of one of the old therians, then used her sharp claws to slash off the head of the other, from its neck.

Then she continued her endless run.


"Luc, you should go in too"

" There's no way I'm leaving you here brother" Luc said.

The old therians tried to go into the portal too, but Leon used his roar to create a larger wind barrier that accepted everyone except the old therians....

Don't stop now! Not now that the old therians are back, will the Werelord win this time? Read to find out.

Anthony_Destinycreators' thoughts