
The Wereworld: Rise Of The Hybrid

{NOTE: THE NOVEL IS RECOMMENDED FOR 18+} He is an Hybrid of a Werelion and a Weretiger, who fell in love with the daughter of a Supernatural hunter. Luther was Seven years old when his Planet the Wereworld was invaded by the old therians. The Wereworld is the birth place of all Werecreatures, including Werewolves and others. He was transported to earth with his mum, but she eventually died, leaving Luther alone in a strange world, he was taken by a policeman named Bruce, and his wife Helen. In order to keep Luther safe from his true identity, Bruce and a doctor named Collins, used a medical device to wipe away Luther's memories. Luther's identity was changed, and he was now called Kenneth; he grew up in New York city, with no knowledge of his true self. However Kenneth finds out who he really was, and by then it was too late, as he had already fallen in love with Nora, a supernatural hunter. What will happen now? Will this be the end of their love story?

Anthony_Destiny · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter Ten

"You and Lia have a lot of explaining to do, '' Wilbert said before leaving.

Wolly was still naked, so he dashed away straight to his room.


Kenneth was taken to the Divine hospital, which was the best in all of New York. His mum, Dad and Collins were there with him.

Collins did some stitching, Ken's chest had a plaster on it.

"His wounds are deep, hopefully he is alright, he will be awake soon"

Collins said.

"I hope so, I'm already feeling uncomfortable, seeing him hurt" Helen said.

"He'll be alright darling" Bruce assured.

"Bruce, I need to speak to you, in private," Collins said.

"OK, Helen, you can stay here with Ken, if he wakes up," Bruce said.

"Ok, I will," Helen said.

Collins and Bruce went to another part of the building, it was like a private room.

"Bruce, something is wrong," Collins said.

"What is it?" Bruce asked

"The attack from the beast isn't the main reason Ken fell unconscious," He said.

"Well, what do you mean?"

"Ken is starting to have a flashback of his past, in doing so it triggered his mental state making him dizzy and fell unconscious, and only a glimpse of his memory is becoming something else '' Collins explained.

"Well just go straight to the point, Collins".

"Kenneth immune cells which are promoting cellular cross-talk via secreting signaling molecules, including cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors.Are....

"Speak English Collins" Bruce interrupted his long biological explanation.

"Okay, sorry, what I mean is his wounds are healing rapidly fast, almost twice as fast as an average human, and if he continues to have such memories, it may be dangerous." Collins said.

"Not good,not good." Bruce said

"Indeed it's not good, the monster hidden inside of him, may finally come out, and you know what that means" Collins asked.

"I know, but how can we stop this?" Bruce beseech.

"The only way is to stop him from having such memories, make him believe it's just a dream or hallucination." Collins advised.

"Hallucination?My boy's not a drug addict," Bruce said.

"Well, you have to find a way to make him forget completely, '' Collins said again.

"What if we do what we did fourteen years ago?" Bruce suggested.

"You mean, the memory warper?"

"Yeah that"

"Well, I don't think that's a good idea, he's a grown man now, taking away his memories will make him look illiterate, an imbecile, he'll forget you, everyone and everything he knows. Do you still want to proceed with that idea?" Collins asked.

"No..no..no. Let's forget about that"



{Unknown Place And Time}

Kenneth finds himself in a white plane of void. "Where am I? where is this place?" Kenneth thought to himself.

He looked around, hopefully to find something or someone, but nothing, the reality was totally empty. All of a sudden a full grown giant male Lion appeared from nowhere, Kenneth was scared when he first saw it, he moved back slowly.

"Don't be scared child" The Lion said in a divine voice, his gold furs, and brown mane, made him look glorious, he was like an aesthetic creature, with a gold aura around it.

"What are you?" Kenneth finally asked.

"I'm Leon, your father," the creature replied.

"What? my Dad is Bruce, and a Lion can't be my father, what the hell are you saying" Kenneth wonders

Then the Lion transformed to Leon, he had some little gray long hairs, donned in a pure white robe, his presence was powerful and sacred.

"What! your one of those monsters, your one of them, are you going to eat me now?" Kenneth asked.

"We are not monsters, and you are one of us, the strongest of our kind, you have a special gift in you, one which no other Werecreature has. The roar" the creature said.

"I don't get the shit, of what you're saying, I just want to go back" Kenneth said.

"Remember who you are," Leon said, releasing a whitish aura that slowly engulfed Ken, causing him to have painful flashbacks. He saw blurry images of a child crying, a dragon fighting with other two creatures. Kenneth screamed out loud, the memories were hard and painful to recall, he held his head yelling bitterly.


All these were actually displaying in Kenneth's head, in the real world, he was still on the sick bed, he began to vibrate on the bed, his body was as if they had been electrocuted.

"Ken! Ken!" Helen called. But it was getting worse, his temperature was very high all of a sudden.

"Doctor!" she yelled, as she ran to call Bruce and Collins.


Lia was in her room. She sat like a child on a bed, her head was buried in her knee, with a white blanket that covered her nakedness.

Then a knock was heard from the door.

"Who is it? I don't need any visitors"

She said out loudly.

But the person still opened the door, and it was Wally her friend.

"What are you doing here, do you come to mock me? You're happy huh? you finally proved you're stronger" Lia said, clearly in anger.

"I'm sorry for what happened Lia, it wasn't my fault, you're well aware of the Lunar madness right?" Wally asked.

The Lunar madness is a condition most Werewolf face, it's a state where a werewolf is unable to control themselves when in their Werewolf form, the only thing that comes to their mind is to cause damage.

"That's not an excuse, and I don't care," Lia said.

"To tell you that I'm sorry, I'll agree with your plans, of leaving and helping the humans" Wally said.

Lia looked at him, she was excited he agreed with her, but didn't want to express it outside.

"But only on one condition, I'll be going with you" Wally said.

Lia still remained quiet, she only watched him, with a blank experience.


The view showed an expensive semi-detached duplex building, with several cars packed outside. It was Mr Stewart apartment, being the Leader of the SNH is no small business, the safety of the city against these creatures lies on their hands, so the government paid them handsomely, With not less than ten million us dollar, annually, and since Stewart is the leader, he's will be more than theirs.