
The Wereworld: Rise Of The Hybrid

{NOTE: THE NOVEL IS RECOMMENDED FOR 18+} He is an Hybrid of a Werelion and a Weretiger, who fell in love with the daughter of a Supernatural hunter. Luther was Seven years old when his Planet the Wereworld was invaded by the old therians. The Wereworld is the birth place of all Werecreatures, including Werewolves and others. He was transported to earth with his mum, but she eventually died, leaving Luther alone in a strange world, he was taken by a policeman named Bruce, and his wife Helen. In order to keep Luther safe from his true identity, Bruce and a doctor named Collins, used a medical device to wipe away Luther's memories. Luther's identity was changed, and he was now called Kenneth; he grew up in New York city, with no knowledge of his true self. However Kenneth finds out who he really was, and by then it was too late, as he had already fallen in love with Nora, a supernatural hunter. What will happen now? Will this be the end of their love story?

Anthony_Destiny · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

CHAPTER SEVEN: Changes Begins

Both Lia and Wally were short of words then. "We just went for a stroll uncle" Lia said. "Yeah" Wally agreed"

"A stroll? You know, it's very dangerous, what if the SNH saw you guys, that would have been your end." Wilbert said.

"We're sorry dad" Wally apologized.

"Fine, you can leave now, except you Wally." Wilbert ordered. As Lia went to her room. Her room was neatly decorated with pictures and frames, she sat on her soft bed, covered with a white blanket. Her room was on the upper floor of the tall mansion. She stood up from her bed, then stood by the window, looking down on the estate, which was brightened up with artificial lights. It looked like a small city.


It just looks like home, it reminds me of The Wereworld, after our world was invaded by the old therians, everything changed, I lost my parents, my happiness and everything, I could still clearly remember how my parents were killed mercilessly by those monsters. It was a good thing the Werelord transported us here, with his powers. It's just too bad that after much effort he couldn't save his own family. Even Luther, my friend, didn't make it, I really missed him, he was the cutest when we were kids. If Luther really died, then it means, the roar is lost, forever, it means no more Wereworld. When Wilbert and the rest finds Tyria's dead blood, it was assumed, she and Luther died, so Wilbert was made the new leader, many of the werecreatures didn't agree with the decision, and didn't want to stay under his leadership, so they left, that's when we became separated, we became divided, only few Werewolves and other Werecreatures stayed under the leadership of Wilbert, since he is a very powerful Alpha Werewolf, and leader of the wolfwarriors.

The betrayals who left, started making chaos and trouble in the city, they couldn't control their inner monster, they took advantage of the weak humans, the humans weren't weak after all, they created an organizational group, known as the Supernatural Hunters, the humans were smarter than we imagine, they discovered our weakness, something even our ancestors didn't know about, probably because we didn't have such resource on our planet. Silver, this was their greatest weapon against us, it's capable of penetrating our skins, and can even kill us, only the most powerful of our kind can survive it, like the Alpha Werewolves, Grizzly Werebears, and Mane lion, ever since, the humans became the hunters, and we became the hunted. It was difficult at first, been in a new world, we have to make a new life, so Wilbert made a law, for any of not to involve with any human activities, be it war, or celebration, since they now have devices which can easily detect our kinds.Wilbert and the council of elders created this estate, the government first investigated, then inquire about the use of the estate, but, they were wise enough to come out with a better excuse, which I know nothing about. But I wish one day they could see that not all of us are bad, not all of us are dangerous, we might be different, but were are still the same, we also have emotions, we feel pain, we get hurt, we cry, we laugh, we love, and also have families, that's more of a human to me. It is not our differences that divides us, it is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.

I wish things can go back to the way they used to be. If there's anything I really want, is for Luther to come back to us, only he can return our world back to us, but that's impossible, since he is dead. Goodnight mum, goodnight dad, goodnight Luther.


Lia lied gently on her bed, covered herself with a blanket then closed her eyes.

Wally and his Father were having a serious conversation.

"I only went after her to see if she was safe" Wally explained.

"Well you know it's dangerous, what they caught you?"

"Dad, our main priority is to be united, helping each other when in need, we have to keep an eye on each other, be each other's back." Wally argued.

"You sound like you've fallen in love with Lia," Wilbert suspected.

"What? I can't believe you're doubting me Dad. OK what if I am, is it wrong for me fall in love?" Wally beseeched.

"I'm not saying it's wrong, all I want to tell you is, use your head, don't only follow your heart, or else you'll get in a serious problem," Wilbert said, then he left. Wally clenched his fist in anger, his eyes turned blue. Wally is one of the Strongest Beta wolves around, he's also a hot-tempered person, sometimes he even challenged the Alphas, making him one of the most feared werewolf in the estate.

The Next Day

[Kenneth's Room]


The daily light penetrated into Ken's room, illuminating every part, but something was odd in the room. Ken was not sleeping on his bed, rather he was having a shower in the bathroom. Strange, what could possibly be the reason for him to be up so early?

Kenneth came out of the bathroom, with a white towel. He went to the mirror, looking at himself over and over, like he had an appointment with someone, he combed his hair, applied a hair cream, then smiled looking at his handsome face in the mirror, he caressed his hair softly. "I'm so sharmy, any girl would fall for me," he said to himself.

After some few minutes, Kenneth was done, he came down gently from the stairs, his mum, was as usual on the couch, watching her favorite series, all the senior staffs in the hospital she is working, which was the Divine hospital, was given a leave, for two weeks, so she decided to enjoy it very well. She heard the foot step, so she turned, and was exceedingly surprised to see Ken, he was looking very hunky, he was quite dapper on his red shirt, black jeans, and a pair of blue shoes, but that's not the main reason for her surprised state, the thing is seeing Kenneth early, was like seeing a lion eating a grass.

"O.M.G, Ken, what happened to you?" She exclaimed.

"Nothing, do I look bad?" Kenneth asked. Not short his dad came out from the kitchen, with a black apron tied around his waist, signifying that he was cooking. "Dad?" Ken called out in excitement, he ran to give his dad a hug. "Oh that's my boy, what happened to you?" His dad asked the same question.

"Why are you both asking me the same question?" Ken wonders.

"Because it is not your thing to wake up early," his mum said.

"Yeah, I've changed, I guess" Ken said, not also sure of the reason he woke up early.

"And, you wore your favorite clothes" his dad asked, observing his dressing

"Yeah, it's getting old, so that's why" Ken said.

"I hope it is not what I'm thinking?" Bruce asked mockingly.

"What do you mean Dad?"

"Looks like my son has found a precious flower huh?" He said again, moving his eyes in a funny manner.

"What?, no Dad, I'm not interested in girls, I'm only focused on my studies." Kenneth said.

"Well if that's what you said"

"Since you are early today, you can join us for breakfast, you've skipped breakfast throughout this week, your dad specially made your favorite, he said he wanted to surprise you" Helen said.

"But he already ruined the surprise, he woke up early, which was unexpected" Bruce complained.

"You mean baked pretzels? common dad, I'm more than surprised, I'm excited!" Ken exclaimed.

"Then, to the dinning we go!" Helen said.
