
The Wereworld: Rise Of The Hybrid

{NOTE: THE NOVEL IS RECOMMENDED FOR 18+} He is an Hybrid of a Werelion and a Weretiger, who fell in love with the daughter of a Supernatural hunter. Luther was Seven years old when his Planet the Wereworld was invaded by the old therians. The Wereworld is the birth place of all Werecreatures, including Werewolves and others. He was transported to earth with his mum, but she eventually died, leaving Luther alone in a strange world, he was taken by a policeman named Bruce, and his wife Helen. In order to keep Luther safe from his true identity, Bruce and a doctor named Collins, used a medical device to wipe away Luther's memories. Luther's identity was changed, and he was now called Kenneth; he grew up in New York city, with no knowledge of his true self. However Kenneth finds out who he really was, and by then it was too late, as he had already fallen in love with Nora, a supernatural hunter. What will happen now? Will this be the end of their love story?

Anthony_Destiny · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

CHAPTER ELEVEN: Fallen in Love

‡Inside Nora's Room‡


I keep thinking of him, I can't get my mind off the way he saved me from that beast, is it that I'm thinking about him, because he saved my life, or because I've fallen for him, well if it is, I'm glad.

He just showed me the true meaning of love, risking your life for your partner, that's the greatest form of love anyone could show.

I wish I've fallen in love with him, earlier than now, but it's not too late, I'll play back the love he showed me, oh God, please save his life, don't let anything bad happen to him, I'm exhausted already, not able to see the eyes I've fallen for.

My whole life was nothing but, fighting for the innocent, ever since my mum was killed by those monsters, my Dad decided to train me better, hard enough to defend myself and others.

I never meant to fall in love, but you made it so easy. To say I've fallen in love with you is understatement, I found my other half, and I think I'm sure of that.

I've waited my whole life for a love like this, now I can't imagine a day without you. I still don't know how on earth I managed to fall in love with you, it's a connection we can't explain.

If I had my life to live over again, I'll find you sooner, so I can love you longer. Every second is a countdown to when I'll see you again, your handsome face, keeps flashing in my memory.

I always ask God to give me the best gift, and I think that prayer is answered, you're the best gift I ever want. Hours have passed, and I'm still in my room thinking about you. I've not taken a shower, I've not eaten, nor arranged my room, this is madness, I'm madly in love.

‡The Divine Hospital ‡

Kenneth was still lying unconscious on the sick bed, his mum, Dad and Collins were near him.

"I think you should go home Helen, you need to rest, me and Collins will handle things here." Bruce said.

"My child is lying down there, and you expect me to have some rest?" Helen asked.

"Helen, I insiste, you need to get some rest." Bruce insisted.

"Ok, fine, but if he opens his eyes, or anything bad happens, make sure I'm the first one to know," She said.

"Sure, I will"

Helen then smiled, she carried her purse from the bed and left.

"Thank God she's gone," Bruce said.

"You think hiding such a big secret from her is the best idea?" Collins asked.

"Do you think that it's easy for me, well it's the only way to keep my family together" Bruce said.

Him and Helen were married for five years, but no child, Collins ran a test, and the problem was that Helen is barren, this made her so sad, and it started to bring problems in the their relationship, but when Bruce found Kenneth, he knew it was a bright opportunity for them, when he brought Ken to the house, Helen was really happy, he told her that he saw him on the street, and the next day, they did the legal adoption, ever since, Kenneth has been an important part of their lives, he was the reason they smiled each day.

"We have to bring Kenneth back from this coma, he's lost between his past memories and his present memories, if we don't get him fast, and he finally remembers, then it'll all be over" Collins explained.

"No, I can't let my son turn into a monster, what do you suggest we do?" Bruce asked.

"That's exactly the problem, I'm out of ideas, in all of my years in medical service, I've never been stranded like this," Collins said, scratching his head.

"Hmm...What if we try to make him remember his present memories, instead of making him forget about his past" Bruce suggested wisely.

Collins thought for some seconds.

"Bravo Bruce, I never thought of that, I think you should leave this police job and help me here in the lab" Collins joked.

"Nice joke, but we're serious here" Bruce said

"Right, let's get to work"

Collins placed the device on Ken's head, then connected the code to his computer.

"Alright Bruce, you'll do the same thing you did, fourteen years ago, but add more pressure this time, say it like you mean it, try to convince him and not confuse him" Collins said.

"Ok, I'm ready"

A black flashy car stopped at the towering hospital, the right door of the car opened, and behold it was Nora, she wore a skin tight jean, and red silk peasant blouse, her midnight black hair, spread to her shoulders.

"You can wait for me here," She said to the driver. Then walked straight to the building.

Meanwhile, Collins was typing some unknown keys on his fancy computer.

"Now Bruce", he ordered.

"Listen to me Kenneth, I know you can hear me, I and your mum really miss you, you need to come back to us, your Kenneth Bruce, my son....

Ken in his unknown world, has already gotten along with his Spiritual father, Leon takes him round the lost planet, Wereworld.

"The Wereworld is divided into seven district parts...

Leon was explaining to his son, just the way he did a long time ago, trying to make him remember his past memories. Abruptly Ken starts hearing his earthly Dad's voice. "We need you Ken, come back, you are Kenneth Bruce my son" The voice rings out loud in the strange reality.

"No Luther! He's not your real father, I am" Leon said. Ken was confused on who to believe, but the aura Leon sent to him made him trust him blindly, not even listening to Bruce's voice, the aura was like a mental charm.

"It's not working," Bruce said.

"I don't know why, he was supposed to be awake by now, this is beyond my knowledge" Collins said. Then they began to hear noises from the outside.

"Let me in!" A lady yelled out loud.

Then suddenly the door was forced open. It was Nora struggling with two security men. "What the hell! this is a private room, can't you security men do your job?" Collins yelled in anger.

"we're sorry sir, we tried to stop her, but she's too strong, she beat up five of the others" One of the security complained.

"What! look here lady, if you seek to see a patient, here's not the place, you better leave" Collins said to Nora.

"Please, I know it's wrong for me to come in here, that's just to tell you how important it is for me, can I please speak to Ken, just for a few minutes?" She requested with tears on her face.

"Are you blind? can't you see, he's still unconscious? Look girl, I k know your father is a very important person in this city, that's why I'm saying it nicely. Now!" Collins ordered.

"Let her come in Collins". Bruce said

"What really?"

"Yes, if she wants to speak to him she should come, who knows it might help us" Bruce said wisely.

"Ok, let her in," Collins instructed.

"Thank you sir" Nora said, as the security men let her go.

She walks closer to Ken, as she wept more seeing him in such a state.

"You've got five minutes, so make it quick," Collins said.

She nodded in agreement. "Ken, I know you're unconscious, and it's such a shame that I can't tell you this when you are awake...

Ken stopped the moment he heard her voice, he looked straight in the skies.

"When I attended Bristle Collage, you were the first person I spoke to, despite other boys around. I had no idea that you'll become so important to me...that you'll become my life, my heart, my everything, but you did, you captured my mind and my heart, ever since that incidence, I couldn't stop thinking about you, I couldn't control my self, I wish I could have the power of bringing my past into my present, and spending it with you.

I wish I could have you written on my destiny, and to become yours forever and ever. I love you Kenneth."

The moment Ken heard those last three words, his present memories were instantly restored, his body began to evaporate, disappearing gradually from the reality.

"Noooooo!" Leon yelled.

Nora buried her face in his shoulders. And while the truth still scared her, being in his arms made her feel like the sea finding his shores, like a traveler returning home, after a long, hard distance trip, like a lost sheep finding his shepherd.

"Alright girl, time up, now is not the time to get emotional" Collins said.

Bruce on the other hand understood her feelings, but then something unexpected happened, Ken opened his eyes, indeed, love can prove the impossible possible.

"What? he's awake" Collins said in excitement.

Then Nora raised her head slowly and, to her greatest surprise, it was true he was conscious.

"Nora," He called out gently.

"You know girl, when you first came in, I had a feeling that things would get better. I saw the spelling of love on your face, for with love, we can accomplish more," Bruce said smiling.

"I'm sorry, for how I reacted lately Nora" Collins apologized.

"Ok, we'll give you some space to talk," Bruce said.

"Yeah right, let's go," Collins agreed.


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