
The Werewolf Nextdoor: The 9th Cycle

Highschool can be the places that change you forever, but when Karto moves into a new town that is home to a well-known school, he finds something there that is kept secret from the outside world that will change him for the foreseeable future. Or is his reality fake?....

Karto_Trak · Kỳ huyễn
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Chapter 21- Where Lightning Strikes

Abril's POV

Shifting out the door. I brought my wolf to the spot I last saw Karto and I let her do her thing.

She sniffed around and began to follow his scent.

He went North for 12 miles and it wasn't in a straight line it was all over the place. But as the thunder got louder the trees began to show burning sword slashes that still sizzled but did not burn.

A twig snapped and a large wolf came out and shifted into my father.

"You better have a good explanation for your behavior."

I didn't say a word, I was too surprised to see him even though he was following me.

He continues, "Why are you-... what the hell is that?" He pointed toward the sizzling cuts in the trees. He began to walk ahead of me

"Dad what are you doing?" I asked concerned.

"Did you do this?" He asked pointing to the slashes in the trees.

"Dad you really should be here. I am pretty sure Karto did this."

"This isn't something that can be done Abril." my father spoke and the we reached a small clearing. We began to attempt figuring out we were watching. Karto stood in the center, lightning striking every few seconds around him. How is that even possible... unless.. everything that H had said was actually true. I did bring out something in Karto in the worst way.

But while I was thinking my father walked out into the field. Last thing I expected was for him to go out there and call out Karto's name. After he said that the lightning stopped and Karto turned around without moving a limb. It was terrifying to watch Karto point his sword at my father and say the following in a hollow voice, "You should not have come."

Then as if on command lightning shot out of Karto's sword and struck my father. I screamed in terror as my father slumped to the ground not moving.