
The Wells of Truth: The Journey of The Summoned

Each year, everything seems to be getting worse from a disease to famine. It all ends in the year 2099 when a massive meteorite strikes the Earth killing nearly all life. A few survive however and find that the meteor brought a few gifts. New humanoid beings arrived, it was an infinite supply of energy and most important of all, Magic. This magic however, goes out of hand as the remaining animals absorb it. Unable to confront this new danger, the races ask The Creator for help but is unable to until he spots something, a deck of cards. These cards game from a card game that originated before the meteor struck and became quite popular. It was known by the name The Wells of Truth. The Creator uses his power to make the cards into reality. With this newfound power, they are able to safely beat back the threat. 850 years later a new phenomenon happens. Some who died from the meteor strike came back to life. These people later became known as "The Summoned" and were the best of the best at The Wells of Truth. You follow the story of a young man who is one of these Summoned. He faces many challenges along his journey to reclaim his place in this "new" world of his. Updates Every Saturday/Sunday Art Instagram: The_Wells_Of_Truth

Jack_The_Pokexpert · Kỳ huyễn
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👍︎︎♒︎︎♋︎︎◻︎︎⧫︎︎♏︎︎❒︎︎ 🗄︎🖳︎︎ ❄︎♒︎♏︎ 👎︎◆︎♏︎●︎

Chapter 5: The Duel

"You're insane for doing this," Thor frantically said, "He's the number one student of the General. He's also the current Commanding Officer in the Humanian Army!"

"Don't worry about it," the young man reassured him, "I've dealt with entitled shitheads before. This is no different."

"Well then," Bruh said, "Let's get going." He snapped his fingers. The tavern setting began to disappear and in its place was a massive arena. The seats were packed. The young man noticed that Thor was missing and looked around only to see him in a front row seat. Accompanying him were the tavern owner and Bruh's two goons. In front of him stood an older gentleman and next to him was a table. "Take a seat," he continued gesturing to the table in the center of the arena, "I can't wait to smash your face against the ground."

The crowd at this point was cheering loudly. Of course they saw themselves to be superior to that lowly demonoid who challenged their Commanding Officer.

"I haven't really played in a while," the young man stated, "So I was hoping the rules haven't changed too much."

"They haven't", Bruh sneered, "The rules are sacred to us humans, something you demonoids will never understand. It's been the same for over 850 years."

The young man gave a small grin, "Perfect. Let's play." He opened his box of cards and pulled out his deck.

"I assume both parties have accepted the rules of the duel," the elder gentleman said, "In that case, we may proceed."

"3." The two men took a seat and stared at each other.

"2." They each took a deep breath and shuffled their deck.

"1." Their hands were placed on their newly shuffled deck.

"You may now begin!" Each player swiftly drew 6 cards analyzing them quickly.

"I'll give you the honors of calling the coin," Bruh offered.

"Might as well," the young man responded with a sigh. The cards he currently had in his hand weren't the best. "Heads."

He was hoping to call it wrong. Going first in a game like this was usually a hindrance, especially for the deck he had chosen.

"And the coin has flipped," The gentleman announced, followed by silence. "Heads!". The challenged will go first.

"Dammit," he thought to himself, "This isn't ideal but I'll have to make do with what I have."

"I play the card Common Stickman (1/1),"

The crowd grew silent. They stared at the TV like screen that showed what was happening on the small table before them with disbelief. Most of them thought, "Common Stickman? Why is he using such a weak and pitiful card?"

Thor on the other hand slammed his head against the railing. He had lost all hope in his friend.

Bruh began to laugh. "You really think you're going to win with COMMON STICKMAN? Now I know that you demonoids are just a big fucking joke. I play the card Evolutionary Egg (0/1)!"

"Evolutionary Egg? That card normally isn't played without precaution which means that he must have something planned."

The young man drew his card as his thoughts were still collecting. "I play Quadrilateral Fish Swarm. After that, I play Minor Enhancement which gives Common Stickman one extra attack value. Which allows me to attack and destroy your Evolutionary Egg."

"Not so fast. I play from my hand, Surprise Double causing me to have two Evolutionary Eggs on my side which activates its ability. Now by sacrificing both eggs, I can play a unit that costs 5 mana! Come on out Knight of Red (3/5). Knight of Red ignores all damage the turn it's played and deals 2 times the damage towards any unit that attacks him that turn which means your Common Stickman is destroyed instead!"

The crowd let out a massive cheer and Bruh had a smile on his face. He looked over at his two "friends" who were cheering the loudest. He then looked right next to them right at Thor who at this point looked like he wanted to die.

"Now it's my turn 2! I draw my card and play the card Blacksmith's Smith. Blacksmith's Smith allows me to play any Equip card from my hand in exchange for using the rest of my mana. And the Equip card I play is Brazidon, the Arsenal of Flames! This card gives Knight of Red 3 more attack value and allows him to attack 5 extra times."

"I use Quadrilateral Fish Swarm's ability!" the young man said in a panic, "By sacrificing it I'm allowed to play up to 4 Quadrilateral Fish from my hand or deck."

"Doesn't really matter now, does it?" Bruh taunted, "I'm still clearing your field. Plus I'm also dealing damage to you directly. You're only delaying the inevitable."

The crowd cheered once more. The game seemed almost set. Bruh had a 6/5 unit on his side while the young man was left with nothing and had a deficit of 10 health points. But the young man wasn't going to give up yet.

"M-my turn. I play the Truth Quadrilateral Fish Tank which boosts the power of all of my Quadrilateral Fish cards by 1/1!"

"A little late though isn't it? All your cards are destroyed how are you going t—"

"I play the card Element of Revenge. For every card of mine that has been destroyed, I'm allowed to deal 1 point of elemental damage which totals to 5 water elemental damage and 1 normal elemental. Since I only need 3 to destroy your Knight of Red, I can deal the others directly to you!"

"Damn it," Bruh thought to himself, "I really thought it'd be that easy. No matter, I still have the advantage."

"Finally, I play the cards Extract Nutrients, and Tiny Wall. Extract Nutrients allows me to draw 2 cards as well as heal 2 health while Tiny Wall allows me to sponge 3 damage. Your move"

Bruh thought to himself, "He's still playing too slow. I should be able to get another combo off soon enough."

"Alright then," He took a deep breath. "I play the card Refill. I'm allowed to draw back up to 6 cards, and Here. We. Go. I play the cards Soldier of Blue and Soldier of Red." He thought to himself, "Neither have effects but having two 2/4's on the field is good enough for now! His Tiny Wall's a bit of a nuisance but it'll be gone after I attack." "Now," he announced, "I deal 4 damage directly to you, 3 of which is stopped by your Tiny Wall, but one damage goes through. And that is how I end my turn."

The young man cracked his knuckles, "It's turn 4 now." he thought to himself. His heart pounding loudly inside. He knew that the next 3 turns would be crucial to winning this match. "I play the card Magical Magic Man (3/3). I now play the card Earth Shield which gives Defense 3 to Magical Magic Man. Finally, I play the card Quadrilateral Fish Tank A (4/5) and place a card in my Counter Zone. With these two cards, I can destroy both your units without taking any damage thanks to MMM's Defense and QFTA's Ranged.

"Not so fast. I play the card Instant Castle Wall which gives all my units 5 Defense for this turn only at the cost of Emptying my Earth Well. Now I draw. I play the card Soldier of Green as well as the Truth Military Training which gives all my Soldier cards an additional 2 attack and health. And since it has the effect: Active, it stays on the field. I end my turn by placing a card in my own counter zone."

"Alright, I play the card Search For Gold. Now I roll a dice and the result is the number of cards I draw and if I roll a 6, I can also select one card from my deck." "Please don't be a one," the young man pleaded to himself, "Please don't be a one. Please don't be a one. Plea—" The dice rolled out of his hands. His heart almost burst from his chest when the result appeared. 2. "FUCKING DAMMIT!" He cursed to himself. He quickly tried to erase any sign of anger or worry from his face. "2 cards into the hand… Now I play the card Quadrilateral Fish Tank B (5/6) and I play the card Unit Combination. By sacrificing both Quadrilateral Fish Tank A and Quadrilateral Fish Tank B, I can play the Card Quadrilateral Fish Tank S (8/8)!"

"Not so fast, I play the Counter Truth, Heavy Missile which destroys your Quadrilateral Fish Tank S!"

The young man let out a sigh, "Well, I play the card Consolation Prize. Since I rolled lower than a 3 when I played Search For Gold, I can draw 3 cards; however, I'm not allowed to play them this turn which means it's your turn now."

"This game ends now! I play the card, The Sin of Pride!"

The crowd grew silent. The Sin cards were known for their immense power, but they were super risky since they were very vulnerable to the card Purge.

"I also play the card, Bounty of Bounty!" Bruh continued, "I can now draw a card for every unit that you have destroyed which amounts to 10 cards! I now play the card, Well Swap, I swap my Nature Well with my Earth Well which allows me to play the card Soldier of Brown and Soldier of Colorless! Now I play the card Promotion which promotes my 5 soldiers into knights! Now with 5 Knights I can sacrifice them and play for no extra cost Rainbow Knight (6/10). Since I sacrificed 5 Knights, Rainbow Knight has 6 attacks and gains 5 extra attack and health. Since I have The Sin of Pride on the field, I activate these effects again causing Rainbow Knight to have 11 attacks and 10 extra attack and health which means I have a 16/20 unit on the field with 9 attacks and you only have your puny Magician. I WIN!" He shouted those last two words.

"Floor Gun!" the young man shouted in a panic, "I play the counter card, Floor Gun which deals 8 damage to your Rainbow Knight as well as giving it Cooldown 1."

"Tch.," Bruh cursed quietly before speaking to the young man, "You've lost can't you see? You're just delaying the inevitable! There's no way you can win."

"And that's where you are wrong," the young announced, "I play the card Combine Wells! I now have a total of 19 mana which allows me to play Reborn Phoenix!"

The crowd gasped.

"R-r-reborn Ph-ph-phoenix? A-a-a L-legendary? There's no way. That's a fake. You can't. Someone like you can't possibly have a card like that!" Bruh sputtered.

"Oh it's real alright. Just like your defeat. Reborn Phoenix revives my previously destroyed units which means now I have a full field of 10 units. I now attack and destroy your Rainbow Knight and attack you directly for 24 damage!"

"I-i-i can still win this, I d—"

"Not so fast I play the card Final Push! I can have my units attack again at the cost of destroying them at the end of the turn which won't matter because I WIN!"

"Th-the winner is this young man!" the gentleman announced. The crowd began to cheer and Thor jumped over the railings to congratulate the young man.

"I-i-impossible," Bruh slumped over, "How? How? How? H—"

"You really want to know?" The young man asked, "It's really simple, you played The Sin of Pride. Pride was your downfall. You only saw that you were beating me and not knowing that you fell right into my hands."

"You did it! I can't believe it!" Thor cried, "I thought you were toast!"

"Nah, I was controlling that whole game even if it didn't seem like it." the young man responded.

The pair continued to chat as Bruh's two soldiers tried to comfort him.

"B-boss, are you alright," one asked.

"Of course he's not alright you fucking idiot, he just lost to a lowly demonoid!" the other spat back.

"You're right," Bruh said in a monotonous voice, "He's just a lowly demonoid, I can do anything. I'm superior. I'm going to crush his fucking skull into the ground were it belongs."

He left his chair and immediately turned around to face the one who defeated him and bolted towards him. The young man saw out of the corner of his eye a crazed lunatic sprinting towards and made the mistake of turning around. Bruh lurched forward and grabbed his neck pinning him to the ground while his two goons quickly apprehended Thor. Bruh, with his other hand swiftly threw punches at the young man. It was at about his third punch when a deep voice called out, "That's enough young man," and grabbed his arm.

"WHO ARE YOU TO" Bruh screeched. He turned around to see a man in his late 30s, dark brown hair, green eyes, and a well trimmed beard. His pupils shrank in horror.

"Me?" the man let out a chuckle, "I'm your teacher and you're my student. I am The General."

Chapter 5: The Duel END