
The Die Has Been Cast

Stefan isn't at all fazed that the Noble Blood knew about him. He didn't even find it odd that he chose to reveal that fact as if he only just found out.

'Either that or he's being theatrical.'

He's met more than a few supernaturals who adopt a theatrical flair to their persona. In his experience such beings usually do this out of boredom and the knowledge that they are powerful enough to not take their opponent seriously as a threat and as much as he hates to admit it Stefan is at a disadvantage in this situation.

Looking at his duffel bag he frowned 'I don't have much left.'

He has his sword and at least a dozen explosive rounds but those were made for the modified Desert Eagle he lost earlier. He also has that but he is saving it as a last resort and would prefer to do a proper set up before revealing. Other than those he only had his Beretta M9 and enough magazines to take on a small army.

'I might as well be taking on an army at this point.'

After flicking off the safety Stefan peeked out of cover with his weapon raised. He saw that in the Noble Blood's hand is his previously lost weapon and Stefan's next move became clear.


The bullet aimed at disarming the Noble Blood was halted by a rather large hand catching the bullet.

"Tch" Stefan clicked his tongue as he regarded the two vampire bodyguards.

"Oh you don't like me playing with your toys?" Ji-Hae began to examine the gun "gotta say this looks really nice." He aimed the weapon at the father and pulled the trigger.


Stefan didn't so much as flinch at that though he did shoot at the Noble Blood once again and just as before that same bodyguard intercepted the bullet with his hand. Stefan expected this and used the moment to empty the rest of his clip into both vampires' chests. Normally such bullets only did minor damage to most vampires even when it's a headshot and their healing factor took care of said damage in literal moments. So the two vampires didn't even bother to defend themselves when he shot them.

This would be their last mistake as the vampires did not take into account where Stefan had shot them. He dumped six rounds each directly into a singular spot where their hearts are located. While the myth of vampires having weakness to sunlight was exaggerated in various media there is truth to this. Blood is the currency of life for vampires and as the organ which pumps that currency throughout the body the heart is the most important organ to a vampire.

There is a reason why 'staking the heart' is one of if not the most prevalent means of killing vampires. What really happens is that damages received to a vampire's heart depending on the severity will have major effects on the vampire's abilities. If enough damage is done to the heart then they might temporarily lose their abilities specifically their healing factor as their body prioritizes fixing the heart.

Even then the bullets wouldn't have been that much of a game breaker if not for one thing. The reason why Stefan chose to make a ruckus at high noon is due to the position of the sun. Vampires are nocturnal creatures and while they can operate in the sun their vampiric abilities are significantly weaker when exposed to it. This naturally includes their healing factor and when combined with the damage done by even normal bullets the results are…pretty clear cut.

Neither vampire even realized what happened to them before they crumbled to dust leaving a rather bewildered Ji-Hae looking at what remained of his two bodyguards.


The fact that not even a Noble Blood knew what just happened is very telling to the kind of vampires he is dealing with.


"Ah!" Ji-Hae flinched as the Desert Eagle flew from his hand.

In the same breath Stefan switched magazines, pulled back the slide and re-aimed his weapon at the vampire.

Ji-Hae for his part looked rather impressed as he gave a fanged grin "now that right there is some action movie shit" he chuckled "you know I thought you just got the jump on my guys and used some tricks because they underestimated you but now that I see it, you're actually a real badass huh?"

Stefan waited until the Noble Blood put both hands in his pocket before he emptied all 15 rounds into the vampire. Even then Ji-Hae simply took a hand out and while moving it in a blur caught every single bullet in his hand.

"Now that's just rude" he spoke with his fist raised before opening it letting the bullets fall to the ground "I'll give you an A for effort though since every single one of those would have hit my heart. I'd show you how it wouldn't have mattered if they hit anyway but I quite like this suit."

Once again Stefan waited for an opening and got it when the Noble Blood casually popped his collar. As quick as he can Stefan threw something directly at his face which the vampire casually caught with a raised eyebrow.

"The hell is-"


A bullet hit the canister causing it to explode spewing the same concoction that hit the other vampires before, a mixture of tear gas and concentrated garlic extract which hit him right in his face.

"Ah!" Ji-Hae flinched immediately tossing the canister away and started coughing "koff koff what the hell is this!?" he coughed.

Stefan used this as his cue to unleash fifteen rounds into the Noble Blood's chest cavity causing him to stagger to one knee. Despite this Ji-Hae seemed to pay the attack little mind as he worked to clear his lungs and eyes of the irritant that got into them. When he finally did acknowledge the results of the attack it became clear that his priorities were skewed.

"Ah fuck you put a hole in my suit! Shit it's covered in blood too. Do you have any idea how expensive this shit is?"

Stefan ignored his words to rifle through the duffel bag and pull out his last resort.

Meanwhile Ji-Hae finally got to his feet "I hope you're ready to compensate me for…this…"

Ji-Hae trailed off as his yes locked onto the priest and the newest weapon he brandished out of seemingly nowhere, a bazooka. The priest had already lined up his sights and Ji-hae became aware that even his prodigious healing had not completely dealt with the bleeding wound over his heart.

With a nervous lilt in his tone Ji-Hae held up a hand "hey now wait a minute-"

Stefan fired a rocket directly at Ji-Hae's chest cavity and in the same breath dived into the alley just as the rocket exploded covering the immediate area in fire and shrapnel.

"Ugh, ow" he groaned cradling his wrist. Only his training and discipline enabled him to not make an outward big deal about it but all this strenuous activity isn't doing his broken wrist any favors, it hurts like a bitch.

'At least I got him' he pushed himself to his knees 'just need to double tap for good measure.'

Stefan stood up and turned around to find Ji-Hae standing just five feet away from him.

No longer wearing a smile Ji-Hae coldly remarked "that fucking hurt."

The top half of his suit is completely gone and he has soot marks on his chest but otherwise looked none the worse for wear.

Stefan brought the bazooka up again but before his finger could even twitch on the trigger the weapon is wrenched from his hand. Faster than Stefan could react Ji-Hae ripped the bazooka out of the priest's hand in a single swipe. The priest leapt back taking out his berretta and unloading it into the vampire.

"Where the hell did you even get this stuff?" spoke the vampire who did not even make the effort of dodging the bullets.

Stefan decided right then to cut his losses for the time being and tossed his last flashbang as cover before running away. As the sound went off behind him he turned several corners in the winding maze of houses to enter a familiar street. Familiar in that it is the street where he lived and just a few meters away is the sight of his burning home. Despite knowing that it would come to this sooner or later it still pained him to see his home up in flames.


His thoughts halted as the mangled remains of the bazooka landed at his feet. Immediately he swung his gun in the direction it was thrown only for his hand to halt halfway. Ji-Hae now stood before him with his hand closed around the gun crushing it in his grip. Then quick as a flash Stefan was struck by a palm strike that sent his body tumbling down the road. He ended up landing heavily almost next to the inferno that was his home. The distant sounds of sirens could be heard.

'Just a little more' he thought whilst staggering to his feet only to coughed up a few flecks of blood and winced 'I think he cracked a few ribs with that.'

Ji-Hae hummed "guns, grenades, flamethrower and a bazooka" he chuckled "seems like you're prepared for war. Got anything else up your sleeve?"

In response Stefan brandished…

"A sword?" Ji-Hae guffawed in incredulity not believing his eyes "I'm not even surprised."

"Aaah!" with a war cry Stefan charged at the vampire prepared to stab him through the heart.

Ji-Hae easily caught the blade of the weapon between his fingers before snapping it and sent the blade stabbing through his left thigh with a casual flick.

"AARGH!" Stefan went down clutching his bleeding leg.

Meanwhile Ji-Hae looked at the blood on his hand from where the blade bit into his skin and licked it off "gotta say you did more damage to me than most vampires" he commented "you're definitely a cut above the rest of your species but in the end you're still only human."

"Better than being a leech" Stefan spoke for the first time since their battle began.

"Heh, I like you priest, how about working for me? I'll turn you into a vampire and we can forget all about this unpleasantness" he held his hand out with a smile "so what do you say?"

Stefan looked between his face and his hand before spitting on it "eat shit and die."

Ji-Hae's smile dropped as he looked at his hand "so business is it then" he chuckled before stepping on the blade stuck in Stefan's thigh and twisting it painfully eliciting groans on pain from the man "I'm just about done playing around so I'm going to ask you this only once" his eyes flashed red while a terrifying aura exuded from him causing the priest to shiver as a feeling of dread washed over him "where is the Pureblood?"

"Right here asshole!" came a voice from behind causing Ji-Hae to whip his head around in shock only to come face to face with a fist.


First came the crunch of bone as fist met face and flattened Ji-Hae's nose.


Then a shockwave as the Noble Blood is sent careening into the flaming building causing it collapse further from the force of impact.

Soyun has arrived sporting a nondescript disguise similar to Stefan in that it was in all black and consisted of combat boots, cargo pants, gloves and a face mask. Instead of a trench coat and ski mask however Soyun instead wore a black hoodie, mouth mask and sunglasses to cover her most distinct features.


With her ambush a success Soyun is immediately at Stefan's side with a worried expression however Stefan remained focus as he reached into his coat pocket and handed her a belt of grenades.

"You remember how to use these?"

"Pull the pin, count to three and throw" she rattled off.

"Do it before he recovers!" he ordered.

Soyun followed grabbing the belt of grenade and practically teleporting to the front of the house where she saw the Noble Blood already getting to his feet. His face was bloody however his nose was already healed.

"You" he snarled about to make his way out the flames attempting to bur his skin to now avail.

Soyun said nothing having already pulled the pin she simply threw it directly at the vampire's face faster than a bullet. Still she could see the vampire's eyes widen as he tilted his head to dodge however Soyun anticipated this and the moment it soared next to his face…



The unexpected force of explosion was such that the unprepared Soyun is pushed off her feet momentarily but managed to land back on her feet. The heat, force and shrapnel bit into her clothes and skin however her prodigious healing made short work of the minor injuries.

"Sheesh" for a moment she stared at the now crumbled burning remains of her home before a groan caught her ears.

Moving as fast as only she can Soyun arrived at his side in a blink. He too was affected by the explosion but thankfully (and bafflingly) he used the trench coat as protection which seemed to actually work.

'Thank God' she thought but scowled.

"Why didn't you tell me the explosion would be that big!?" she complained.

"I told you throw it at him not stand in front of the burning house like an action hero! What do you think this is? A movie!?" he shot back with gritted teeth.

Just then a nondescript van came down the street and stopped in front of them before the door opened to reveal a man wearing a cap and mouth mask

"Get in!"

Soyun was quick to comply and with the man's assistance carried Father Joseph into the van before driving off.

As they drove the driver yelled out to them "taking on a group of vampires by yourself!? You're damn insane Joseph!"

"It worked didn't it" the priest grunted from his place on the van floor.

"We need to get you to a hospital" Soyun spoke.

"Don't worry about it" he whispered faintly.

"You're bleeding out" she said with even more worry.

The stench of his blood is intoxicating however her worry over his life distracted her from the sudden thirst in her throat.

"We're taking him to a friend who runs a clinic" spoke the man as he administered first aid "they should be able to fix him up."

"I want…keep…my leg…"

"Keep him talking" the man spoke to Soyun as he frantically worked to keep him alive.

It seemed that the interior of the van itself was made into a makeshift ambulance of sorts. There were a few medical supplies lying around and even a futon on the floor where Stefan currently lay.

"After what you just did I doubt losing a leg would even make a difference with you."

Suddenly a blood bag is shoved into Soyun's hand with the man giving her instructions while he hooked up the attached tube into Joseph's arm.

Meanwhile a slightly delirious priest continued on "crutches…wheelchair…annoying…"

Soyun kept him talking more as they drove to the friend's clinic. While the immediate worry for the man lying before her stayed at the forefront of her mind, she could not help but worry about the future. With this act they have essentially declared war on the Noble Bloods.

'This was always going to happen, sooner or later' she reminded herself.

They just made the first move and now as the saying goes the die has been cast.

~To Be Continued~

Six Advance Chapters available on my Pa treon, link is in the synopsis

Streggaecreators' thoughts