

Talaaq is the Islamic term for divorce, where a husband pronounces the dissolution of his marriage to his wife. It involves the husband declaring "I divorce you" (or similar words) three times, with each declaration separating the couple further. The three utterances are typically spoken on separate occasions, and once all three have been spoken, the marriage is considered irrevocably ended. The scene began In the opulent halls of a grand Muslim wedding, promises are exchanged, vows spoken, and hearts entwined in the sacred bond of marriage. But behind the façade of happiness lies a story of betrayal and heartache, where love is tested, faith shattered, and redemption sought amidst the chaos of shattered dreams. As the newlywed couple embarks on their honeymoon, passion ignites between them, only to be extinguished by a shocking revelation. In the heat of passion, the husband discovers that his beloved wife is not the virgin she claimed to be, unleashing a storm of anger and disbelief that echoes with the first pronouncement of talaaq. Desperate for answers, the husband demands an explanation, but his wife's tears offer no solace. With secrets buried deep within her heart, she refuses to speak, leaving the wounds of betrayal to fester and the rift between them to widen. As days turn into nights, the husband's resentment festers, his love turning to hatred with each passing moment. Refusing to eat the meals prepared by his wife's loving hands, he spirals into a dark abyss of anger and despair, consumed by the bitterness of betrayal. But the wife, devastated and broken, refuses to give up hope. With each passing day, she fights to save her marriage, to prevent the pronouncement of the second talaq that looms over their heads like a shadow of doom. With every ounce of strength she possesses, she clings to the hope of redemption, determined to rewrite their story and reclaim the love they once shared. But as accusations fly and trust crumbles, their marriage hangs in the balance,teetering on the brink of destruction, In a moment of drunken rage , he committed an unforgiveable act, violating the sanctity of their union and leaving his wife broken and alone. With accusations of infidelity ringing in her ears, she stands accused and abandoned, her hearth heavy with sorrow Though the wife was broken and devasted, she refused to give up, with each passing day , she fights to protect her marriage, to prevent the remaining pronouncement of "talaaq" which automatically dissolves , her marriage, along the line something unexpectedly happened an intriguing twist ,.....the question is would she be able to prevent the pronouncement of the remaining talaaqs and what's this plot twist ?

okwumbaleo1 · Thành thị
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

As I stand here, gazing at my reflection in the mirror, my heart races with excitement and a hint of nervousness. Today's the day I've been dreaming of for what feels like an eternity—the day I'll finally be wedded to the love of my life, farhan. I can barely contain my joy, thinking about spending the rest of my life with the person who makes my heart skip a beat. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves, and remind myself that this is just the beginning of our beautiful journey together.

Just then, my friend Lucy bursts into the room, makeup brushes and lipstick in hand.

"Okay, girl, let's get you looking like a princess!" Lucy exclaims.

I smile nervously. "Lucy, my hands are shaking and my heart is racing. I feel like I'm going to pass out!"

Lucy begins applying my makeup with steady hands. "Nothing will go wrong, Ayesha. You and farhan are meant to be. Just relax and enjoy the day. Remember, I'm here for you, and I'll make sure everything goes smoothly."

I take a deep breath. "You're right. I just want everything to be perfect. I want farhan be blown away when he sees me walking down the aisle."

Lucy smiles. "Trust me, he will be. You're going to look stunning. And I have a feeling he's going to cry when he sees you—he's so in love with you!"

My face lights up with a smile. "Really? You think so?"

Lucy nods. "I know so! And I can't wait to see you two exchange your vows. It's going to be such a beautiful moment."

My nerves begin to settle, replaced by excitement and anticipation for the day ahead. "Let's do this!" I exclaim, my voice filled with determination.

Lucy finishes applying my makeup, and we step back to admire her work. The reflection staring back at me is that of a radiant bride, ready to embrace her future. Just as we're about to head downstairs, my mother peeks into the room, her eyes glistening with tears.

"Oh, Ayesha, you look absolutely beautiful," she says, her voice choked with emotion.

"Thank you, Mama," I reply, hugging her tightly.

"Are you ready, dear?" she asks, smoothing down a stray lock of my hair.

I nod, feeling a surge of confidence. "Yes, I'm ready."

Lucy and my mother help me with the final adjustments to my dress, making sure everything is perfect. As we make our way downstairs, the sound of laughter and chatter fills the air. The house is bustling with family and friends, all gathered to celebrate this special day.

I take a moment to soak it all in, feeling overwhelmed by the love and support surrounding me. Lucy gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. "You've got this, Ayesha. Today is your day."

As we approach the doors leading to the hall, The hall shimmered with gold and green, a radiant celebration of my union with farhan. Rows of chairs draped in white satin covers, each tied with an emerald bow, were meticulously arranged, creating a pathway towards the stage. The stage itself was a floral paradise, an arch woven with roses and jasmine, filling the air with their intoxicating scent.

Farhan stood at the front, his heart pounding with anticipation. His black sherwani, embroidered with intricate golden threads, added to his regal presence. He scanned the hall, his eyes searching for Ayesha. When she appeared, the hall seemed to hold its breath. Draped in a crimson lehenga with gold embellishments, her face partially veiled, she was the epitome of grace and beauty.

As Ayesha approached, the murmurs of the guests grew softer, replaced by the harmonious recitation of Quranic verses. The imam's voice was deep and resonant, weaving a spiritual atmosphere that enveloped the gathering. Ayesha walked slowly, her steps measured and graceful, her gaze lowered in modesty. The intricate henna designs on her hands and feet added to her ethereal beauty, and the delicate jewelry she wore sparkled under the soft lighting.

Farhan's heart swelled with pride and joy as he looked at his beautiful bride. The moment she reached his side, they exchanged a brief, shy glance, and a soft smile touched Ayesha's lips. It was a smile filled with promise and hope, a silent assurance of their shared future.

The ceremony proceeded with the Qazi's solemn recitation, the words of the Nikkah echoing in the grand hall. Farhan and Ayesha repeated their vows, their voices steady yet filled with emotion. When the Qazi pronounced them husband and wife, the hall erupted in applause and congratulations. Rose petals rained down upon them, a shower of blessings and good wishes.

Following the ceremony, the couple moved to the reception area, where a lavish feast awaited the guests. The tables were covered in white linen, each adorned with a centerpiece of fresh flowers and candles that flickered gently, casting a warm, inviting glow. A variety of dishes were spread out in a grand buffet, showcasing traditional delicacies and contemporary cuisine.

Farhan and Ayesha were seated at a specially decorated table, slightly elevated, allowing them to observe and be observed by their guests. Farhan couldn't help but steal glances at Ayesha, marveling at her beauty and elegance. Despite the whirlwind of emotions and the overwhelming nature of the day, he felt a deep sense of contentment.

As the evening progressed, friends and family members approached the newlyweds, offering heartfelt congratulations and words of wisdom. Farhan's friends teased him good-naturedly, while Ayesha's family showered her with blessings and affectionate advice, not forgettingthe numerous gifts presented to the newly wedded couples. Amidst the laughter and joy, there was a palpable sense of love and support surrounding the couple.

As the night wore on, it was time for Farhan and Ayesha to depart for their honeymoon. They were escorted to a sleek, black limousine that would take them to a luxurious resort by the sea. The car was decorated with a "Just Married" sign and streamers, adding a touch of festivity to their departure.

The drive to the resort was a quiet one. Farhan and Ayesha sat close, their hands intertwined, both lost in their thoughts. The city lights gradually gave way to the serene darkness of the countryside, and the rhythmic sound of the car's engine lulled them into a comfortable silence.

Upon arriving at the resort, they were greeted by the staff with warm smiles and congratulations. The honeymoon suite was a vision of romance. A king-sized bed, adorned with white linens and red rose petals arranged in a heart shape, dominated the room. Soft, ambient lighting cast a warm glow, and the gentle sound of waves crashing against the shore drifted in through the open balcony doors. A small table near the window held a bottle of champagne and two glasses, ready to toast the beginning of their new life together.

Hand in hand, they entered the room, both nervous and excited. Farhan poured the champagne, handing a glass to Ayesha. They toasted to their future, their eyes locking with promises of love and commitment.

As they sipped the champagne, Farhan noticed Ayesha's hand trembling slightly. He placed his glass down and took her hand in his, his touch gentle and reassuring. "Are you okay, Ayesha?" he asked softly.

Ayesha nodded, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I'm just a little overwhelmed, that's all. It's been such a big day."

Farhan smiled, his thumb caressing the back of her hand. "I understand. It's a lot to take in. But we're together now, and that's all that matters."

Ayesha returned his smile, feeling a bit more at ease. They sat down on the bed, the soft mattress sinking slightly under their weight. Farhan leaned in, his lips brushing against hers in a tender kiss. Ayesha responded, her arms wrapping around his neck, pulling him closer, her breath quickening with anticipation.

As the night deepened, farhan's passion grew. He kissed Ayesha with fervor, his hands exploring her curves with increasing intensity. Her skin tingled under his touch as he traced the lines of her body, his fingers lingering on the soft fabric of her dress before slipping beneath to find the warmth of her bare skin.

Ayesha's hands roamed over Farhan's back, her fingers pressing into the firm muscles beneath his shirt. She could feel his desire, matching her own. Their kisses became more urgent, more demanding, as they lost themselves in the heat of the moment. Farhan's hands roamed over her body, savoring the softness of her skin beneath the delicate fabric of her dress.

Her breath came in soft gasps as his lips traveled down her neck, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. Ayesha arched her back, pressing herself closer to him, her body aching for more. Ahmed's hands moved to the small of her back, pulling her tightly against him as his kisses grew more insistent, his touch more possessive.

But then, he hesitated. Something in her touch, a fleeting moment of tension, made him pull away slightly. He looked into her eyes, searching for the reason behind the sudden shift. His expression was a mix of confusion and disappointment.

"Ayesha," he whispered, his voice trembling. "You're not… a virgin?"

Ayesha's face paled. Tears welled up in her eyes as she tried to speak, but the words caught in her throat. She had dreaded this moment, hoping it would never come, or that Farhan would never notice.

"Please, Farhan," she began, her voice breaking. "I can explain. But not now, not like this. Please, just let us enjoy our honeymoon."

Farhan's face hardened. He stepped back, his body rigid with anger and hurt. "Explain? You expect me to just ignore this? How could you keep something like this from me?"

Ayesha sobbed, falling to her knees. "I'm sorry, Farhan. I promise I will tell you everything, but...but not now. Please."

But Farhan was beyond reasoning. His trust shattered, he turned away from her. "Talaaq," he said, his voice cold and final.

Ayesha's heart broke at the sound of the word. She clutched her chest, gasping for breath as if the very air had been sucked from the room. She reached out to him, but he walked away, leaving her alone in the suite. The once romantic setting now felt like a prison, the rose petals a mockery of their broken love.

Farhan spent the rest of the night in the hotel bar, drowning his sorrows in whiskey. He couldn't understand why Ayesha had deceived him. Every sip burned his throat, but it was nothing compared to the fire of betrayal he felt inside. He replayed the events of the night over and over in his mind, each time feeling more lost and alone.

Ayesha remained in the suite, her body wracked with sobs. She had hoped to tell Farhan about her past when the time was right, but now it seemed she had lost him forever. She curled up on the bed, clutching a pillow, tears soaking the linens. The pain was unbearable, but she knew she had to hold on, to try and make things right.

The sun rose on a new day, but for Ayesha and Farhan, it felt like the end. Farhan returned to the suite, his eyes red from lack of sleep and too much alcohol. He refused to look at Ayesha as he packed his bags, his movements stiff and mechanical.

"Farhan, please," Ayesha begged, her voice hoarse from crying. "We can talk about this. We can work it out."

But Farhan didn't respond. He zipped up his suitcase and left without a word, the door closing behind him with a finality that echoed in Ayesha's heart.

The suite was eerily silent after Farhan's departure. The once-celebratory rose petals now felt like cruel reminders of what could have been. Ayesha sat on the bed, her body numb with grief. She knew she had to find a way to win Farhan back, to make him understand. But for now, all she could do was cry, her tears mingling with the rose petals on the bed.

Days passed, each one a test of endurance for Ayesha. She could barely eat or sleep, her thoughts consumed by the rift between her and Farhan. She replayed the night of their honeymoon over and over in her mind, each time feeling more hopeless. She needed to talk to him, to explain everything, but he had shut her out completely.

Farhan, on the other hand, threw himself into his work. He spent long hours at the office, trying to drown out his thoughts with the hum of productivity. His colleagues noticed his change in demeanor but didn't dare to ask. Farhan's once warm and approachable nature had turned cold and distant.