
The Webnovel Writer's Chatgroup

Have you ever wondered what your favorite Authors in Web Novels do during their free time? Don't forget that Authors are humans too and they have their own quirks and opinions. How can those Domineering CEO's that you love to read even compare to the manliness of our drop dead gorgeous authors who cries like little babies when they are stressed out and can't write anything due to Writer's Block!? Cultivation Chat Group can't even compare! Join our fearless Author Elyon as he show you a world filled with Frustrations, Stress, Anxiety, and Procrastination! WELCOME to The Webnovel Writer's Chatgroup! -------------------------------- P.S The Cover Drawing is not mine. I just find it nice so I used it. Full credits go to the owner.

Elyon · Hiện thực
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55 Chs

First Impression is Important!

Elyon patiently waited for the discord channel to load. It led him to a channel that states the rules of the server. It's the so called "Front Door" where you need to follow the instructions before you are allowed to enter.

He looked at the bot named MEE8 and read the rules of the server.

MEE8 [BOT]10/25/2018


1. Be respectful; personal abuse, obscene, harassing, threatening, hateful, discriminatory or defamatory remarks in bad taste won't be tolerated.

2. Please be mindful of channels and their uses!

3. Do not spam or advertise; such things will be deleted.

4. If a moderator asks you to stop doing something, you should stop. A moderator can mute or ban anyone of their own discretion.

5. We have zero tolerance for inappropriate images or links. This server may have children on so there can be no:

• Hentai/Porn

• Sexually Suggestive Images

• Gore

The exception to this being official artwork for any novels or manhua featured on the site. Breaking this rule will result in an instant ban.

A good way to gauge if something isn't allowed (stolen from another server):

Always ask yourself "Would my boss be okay with this fullscreen on my monitor as he walked by?". If the answer is no, don't post it. The content here is meant to be pg13. Not pg15, not pg18 - if you wouldn't show it to your kid brother in front of your mother, it has no place here. No hentai, no porn, no anything like that.

6. To be as inclusive as possible, everyone should use English here.

7. Once you've posted your novel's link in #novel-links, don't post it again. Similarly, don't post chapter updates here unless someone asks to see your latest chapter.

8. Once you join the server, do not delete your link or change your nickname to something completely different.

Other than for rules that say otherwise, if you break any other rules, you'll most likely be muted. If it continues, you'll eventually be kicked or banned.


Elyon read the rules and found them fair. He has no problems abiding by these rules so he clicked the #novel-links in order to post his novel and get accepted.

He was about to post his novel link when he saw the other works of his fellow authors. He clicked one at random and saw that their stories have more than 10 chapters in them.

He looked at his novel and the dazzling "Chapter 1" stared back at him.

"I guess I need to increase my chapters first before I post it here." Elyon sighed and closed the discord chat.

A week passed since then and his Novel is now 10 chapters long. With renewed confidence, he went back to the discord link and confidently added his novel to the #novel-links channel.

"All I need to do is wait before I get accepted." He smiled and went to get something to drink.


A moderator was busy checking the #novel-links channel for new authors who want to join the discord chat. She saw the name Elyon and verified his novel if he met the necessary requirements.

Seeing that everything is fine, she accepted him to join the discord server.


Elyon returned just in time to hear the notification sounds from the discord channel.

"First impression is important. I better make myself look cool and awesome." Elyon started to type his greetings to his seniors in the discord channel.

Elyon: Hi guys, I just joined this channel today :)

Namake: Cops!

Xyerose (only ping me for BL): lol hello. Welcome ^^

Elyon: Thanks!

Namake: I have a dream! A dream where our server can achieve true chaos once more!


Elyon's face went stiff as he read the comment that was posted by Namake.

'Did I enter the wrong server?'

He looked at the discord channel and confirmed that he was in the right server. He then turned his gaze at the comment section and decided to just watch for the time being.

Dawnbreaker (Panda Bear): @namake to kill?

Namake: Like in the days of yore. The halcyon days of our youth.

Xyerose (only ping me for BL): Those days were yikes.

Elyon's lips twitched and scratched his head.

"These are the authors of Web Novel?" He found it hard to believe that the authors are acting like little kids with 8th grade syndrome.

Before he entered this server, he was thinking that his senior authors were elegant, refined, charismatic and willing to give good advice to new authors like him who decided to start writing.

"No! I refuse to believe that all authors are like this! It's impossible!" Elyon held fast to his beliefs and refused to look at reality.

He decided to join the conversation to better understand his senior authors.

Elyon: Something like cultivation chat group?

Dawnbreaker (Panda Bear): *Smiley*

Namake: Those days were the BEST.

Noctifier (Blood Peony Emperor): *eating cookie smiley*

Xyrose (only ping me for BL): no

Madreader: @Elyon hoho…a girl or a trap?

Elyon was drinking water at that time when he saw Madreader's comment. He almost spat the water on his PC Screen after he read his comment.

"I know that I'm a drop dead gorgeous guy, but to think that my charms work on men as well…this is a first." Elyon carefully pondered on how to give his reply. It's too early to judge others and Madreader looks like a good person so he decided to play it safe and replied.

Elyon: No Comment!

Dawnbreaker (Panda Bear): Lol

"'Wut? You're lauging at the awesome me? Do you know who I am? Hmmp!" Elyon hurriedly typed something to get back at Dawnbreaker.

Elyon: Almost read dawnbreaker as Pedo Bear.

Dawnbreaker (Panda Bear): *laughing smiley* Ahahaha.

WWFire: When it goes chaotic, no one can keep up with the chat flood anymore

'Finally! He looks like a normal person. I mean, someone with WWFire as his pen-name would be a smart person right?' Elyon mused as he waited for more comments.

Madreader: Dont tell me... you're the writer of aslan: journey to the top... @Elyon.

"Huh? Aslan? Journey to the top? Who's that?" He scratched his head and replied.

Elyon: No.

Dawnbreaker (Panda Bear): @Elyon Ur pfp!

"PFP? What's that?" Hearing unfamiliar acronyms, he decided to ask than to remain ignorant.

Elyon: pfp?

Dawnbreaker (Panda Bear): From No game no life? Yeah Profile pic.

"Oh! So pfp stands for profile pic. I learned something new today." He smiled and typed his reply.

Elyon: Yeah.

Namake: Isn't that the chick from the rly awful ngnl movie?

Elyon: Schwi

Dawn Breaker(Panda Bear): Schwi Dola.

Xyerose (only ping me for BL) "rly awful ngnl movie" LMAO.

'Hmmp! Tsk tsk what do you know? Schwi is like the best girl there is!' Elyon looked at Namake in disdain.

Elyon: It made me cry.

Dawn Breaker (Panda Bear): It was awful.

Noctifier (Blood Peony Emperor): a coloured look alike of shiro.

Namake: @noctifer (Blood Peony Emperor) u right. Shiro best girl.

Dawn Breaker(Panda Bear): Shiro is too good.

Namake: I don't even like lolis, but shiro is in my top 5 best girls.

Elyon was about to type something when he remembered his purpose for coming in the server. He was about to ask for advice when he saw another comment from Dawn Breaker (Panda Bear).

DawnBreaker(Panda Bear): ...I'm a SHOTA.

Elyon pinched the bridge of his nose. His image of the illustrious Authors of Webnovel crumbled.

Namake: @DawnBreaker(Panda Bear) Do you have an oneesan?

Xyerose (only ping me for BL): I'm the oneesan

Madreader: Uh it was Elawn... not Elyon... wish you were here though.

"Am I safe?" Elyon narrowed his eyes at Madreader.

MadReader: I love this novel... unfortunately its dropped.

Elyon sighed when he read Madreader's comment. He had seen a few of those novels that were dropped even though they were very promising. Authors are normal people too. There are things in life that just gets in the way of their writing and force them to stop.

Elyon: No my novel is called "The Legendary Baka Warriors" sorry to disappoint you.

Namake: I should write...

Xyerose (only ping me for BL): Everyone here should be writing

"Yes! This is what I'm looking for! This is how a writer's chatgroup is supposed to be!" Elyon finally regained his enthusiasm as he looked at the comments of his senior authors.

Namake: If I don't write at least 2000 words a day I feel like a failure.

Elyon looked at Namake and smiled.

'My impression of you went up by +20 points.'

DawnBreaker(Panda Bear): When u don't have any ideas, words won't come out.

'Finally, they're talking like real authors.'

Xyerose (only ping me for BL): I was full of ambition 3k ch 1, then as i continued writing it went down to 2.8k, 2.5k, 2.3k, 2k, and finally to 1k : " )

"Umm? Why is their word count decreasing? Shouldn't it be increasing instead?" Elyon pondered.

DawnBreaker(Panda Bear): Yep as a reader, I love long chaps.

Namake: Same

'I agree wholeheartedly as well. I love reading long chapters afterall.'

Dawnbreaker (Panda Bear): Squeeze the artistic juice out.

noctifer (Blood Peony Emperor): As a reader long chaps are fking great but as a writer it's too hard.

Elyon paused for a bit and thought about noctifier's comment.

'Indeed. As a reader reading long chapters is good. However, when I started writing, I found out that writing a chapter with 3k words is a very hard thing to do. It sometimes take me 2-3 hours just to finish a single chapter from scratch.'

'Even a single chapter with 1k words can be hard to write when nothing comes to mind.'

Elyon looked at the time and decided to call it a day. He went to bed and looked forward to the exciting things that he might learn from his senior authors in the morning.

"I hope I can ask for some advice on how to improve my writing." Elyon yawned and went to sleep.

He was not aware that a storm is brewing in the Writer's Chatgroup. When morning comes, he'll come to realize that Authors are normal people too.

Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.

~Bil Keane

Elyoncreators' thoughts