
The Wealthy Wife

The story revolves around the murder of Maya Singh, a wealthy socialite whose death leads to a complex web of lies, betrayals, and secret affairs. Detective Jameson West is assigned to the case and as he investigates, he uncovers several potential suspects, each with their troubled pasts and hidden motivations. The story explores themes of morality, guilt, and redemption, as Detective West must navigate his demons while trying to solve the case. will publish every new chapter on Tuesday..

Musani_Praneeth · Kinh dị ma quái
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3 Chs

Chapter 3 – Raj's Past

Detective West arrived at a small diner in a rundown part of town to meet with the retired police officer, Gupta. As he walked in, he saw Gupta sitting in a corner booth, nursing a cup of coffee. The air was thick with the smell of stale cigarette smoke and the sound of clinking dishes from the kitchen.

"Detective West, I presume?" Gupta said, motioning for him to sit down.

West sat across from him, "Yes, that's me. Thanks for meeting with me."

Gupta took a sip of his coffee before beginning, "So, you're investigating the murder of Maya Patel, huh?"

West nodded, "Yes, that's right. I was told you might have some information for me."

Gupta leaned in closer, "Well, I do have some information, but it's not exactly public knowledge. I had to pull a few strings to get it."

"I understand," West said, "I appreciate your help."

Gupta cleared his throat and began, "Raj Patel has a long and complicated history with organized crime in Mumbai. He was a member of a gang that was headed by a man named Vikram Singh. Singh is a notorious crime boss in Mumbai, and he and Raj were very close."

West leaned in, "What kind of crimes were they involved in?"

Gupta took another sip of his coffee before continuing, "They were involved in everything from drug trafficking to extortion. They also had a reputation for being ruthless. It's rumored that Raj was Singh's right-hand man."

West nodded, "That's helpful to know. Did Raj ever get caught?"

Gupta shook his head, "No, he was always very careful. He never left any evidence behind. But everyone knew what he was up to. He was feared and respected in equal measure."

West took out his notebook and began taking notes, "Thank you for this information, Gupta. Is there anything else you can tell me?"

Gupta hesitated for a moment before speaking, "Just be careful, Detective. Raj Patel is not someone you want to mess with. He's dangerous and has a lot of powerful friends. If you're not careful, you could end up in over your head."

West nodded, "I appreciate the warning. I'll be careful."

With that, Gupta finished his coffee and left the diner, leaving West with a lot to think about.

Detective West sat in his office, surrounded by stacks of files and folders containing information on Raj Patel's past. He had been pouring over the documents for hours, trying to piece together the puzzle of Maya's murder.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. West looked up to see his partner, Detective Jameson, enter the room.

"Got any leads?" Jameson asked, looking around at the stacks of files.

West shook his head. "Not yet. I've been going through Raj's past with a fine-tooth comb, but it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack. There's so much information to sift through."

Jameson nodded in understanding. "What have you found so far?"

"Mostly just old police reports and court documents," West replied. "But there are some interesting connections between Raj and a powerful crime boss in Mumbai named Vikram Singh. I'm starting to suspect that Raj's past may have something to do with Maya's murder."

"Well, let's keep digging," Jameson said, pulling up a chair and joining West at his desk. "We'll find something eventually."

Over the next few days, West and Jameson continued to investigate Raj's past. They questioned his associates and business partners and scoured old police records and news articles for any mention of his name.

As they dug deeper, a picture began to emerge of Raj as a ruthless businessman who would do whatever it took to get ahead, even if it meant breaking the law. He had been involved in several shady deals and had close ties to some of the most dangerous criminal organizations in Mumbai.

"Looks like we've hit a dead end," Jameson said one day, slumping into a chair in West's office. "There's just not enough evidence to tie Raj to Maya's murder."

West shook his head. "I don't believe that. There has to be something we're missing."

Just then, there was a knock at the door. West opened it to find a courier standing on the other side, holding a package.

"Delivery for Detective West," the courier said, handing him the package.

West opened the package to find a stack of photographs. As he looked through them, his heart began to race. The photographs showed Raj meeting with Vikram Singh, the powerful crime boss they had been investigating.

"These changes everything," West said, turning to Jameson. "We need to bring Raj in for questioning, now."

Detective West had been digging deeper into Raj's past, trying to understand the connections between his criminal history in Mumbai and his wife's murder. As he looked through old police reports and court documents, he couldn't help but wonder about the relationship between Maya and Raj, and how his past may have affected it.

To gain some insight, West decided to speak to Maya's close friends and family members. He scheduled an interview with Maya's mother, Sarita, who was eager to share her thoughts on the matter.

"Maya was always so devoted to Raj," Sarita began. "She believed in him, even when others didn't. But it wasn't always easy. His past weighed heavily on their relationship, and there were times when they fought about it."

West leaned forward, intrigued. "What kind of fights?"

"Oh, just the usual," Sarita replied with a wave of her hand. "Money, mostly. Raj was always involved in some scheme or another, and it often left them in a tight spot. Maya would get so frustrated with him, but she never gave up on him. She loved him too much."

West nodded, taking in the information. "And did Raj ever become violent with Maya? Did he ever hurt her?"

Sarita's eyes widened with alarm. "No, never! Raj could be stubborn, but he would never lay a hand on her. He loved her too much for that."

West nodded again, jotting down notes in his notebook. "Thank you, Sarita. This is very helpful."

As West left the interview, he couldn't help but wonder about the dynamics of Maya and Raj's relationship. He knew there was more to the story than what he had been told. He was determined to get to the bottom of it.

Detective West had spent countless hours combing through the details of Maya's life, piecing together a list of potential suspects in her murder. He had talked to her friends and family and had even delved into Raj's past in Mumbai. But despite all his efforts, he still hadn't found any concrete evidence linking any of the suspects to the crime.

One afternoon, he decided to focus on the other potential suspects, starting with Rachel's married lover. He made his way to the man's workplace, a busy law firm in the heart of the city, and asked to speak with him.

"Mr. Thomas, I'm Detective West. I'm investigating the murder of Maya Patel, and I'd like to ask you a few questions," West said, introducing himself.

"Of course, Detective. Anything I can do to help," Thomas replied, looking slightly nervous.

West began asking Thomas about his relationship with Maya, and whether he had any involvement in her murder. Thomas denied any involvement, but West could tell that he was hiding something.

"Mr. Thomas, I need you to be completely honest with me. Did you have anything to do with Maya's murder?" West asked, fixing him with a steady gaze.

Thomas shifted in his seat, looking uncomfortable. "No, Detective, I didn't have anything to do with it. I barely knew Maya. We had a brief fling, but that was it."

West could tell that Thomas was telling the truth and thanked him for his time before leaving the law firm.

Next, he headed to the homes of the guests who had attended Maya's parties, questioning them about their relationship with Maya and whether they had any information that could help with the investigation. But again, he came up empty-handed.

As he drove back to the station, West couldn't help but feel frustrated. He had hit a dead end, and the case was starting to feel like a lost cause. But he reminded himself that he couldn't give up. Maya deserved justice, and he was determined to find her killer, no matter how long it took.

Detective West meets with Raj Patel to question him further about his alibi for the night of Maya's murder.

West: "Mr. Patel, can you walk me through your whereabouts on the night of October 12th?"

Raj: "Of course, Detective. I was at a business conference in Chicago that week. I flew back to New York on the evening of the 12th and went straight home."

West: "Can anyone corroborate this story?"

Raj: "Yes, I have colleagues who were at the conference with me, and I have receipts from my flight and hotel."

West: "I see. And can you explain your past ties to organized crime in Mumbai?"

Raj: "Detective, I've already told you everything I know about that. I made some mistakes when I was younger, but I left that life behind when I came to America."

West: "Did Maya know about your past?"

Raj: "Yes, I told her early on in our relationship. She was understanding, and she knew I was trying to turn my life around."

West: "I see. Thank you for your time, Mr. Patel."

As Raj leaves the room, West can't help but feel like there's more to the story. He begins to wonder if Raj's past ties to organized crime could have resurfaced and played a role in Maya's murder.

Detective West spent hours pouring over the files and reports on Vikram Singh, trying to connect the dots between him and Raj Patel. Finally, he found a break in the case. A witness had come forward with information linking Singh to Maya's murder.

West wasted no time in tracking down Singh's whereabouts. He arrived at a seedy nightclub on the outskirts of the city, where Singh was known to frequent. The detective made his way through the crowd of revelers and approached Singh at the bar.

"Mr. Singh, we need to talk," West said, his tone firm and direct.

Singh turned to face him, a sly grin on his face. "I'm afraid I'm a busy man, Detective. What could you possibly want to discuss with me?"

"I think you know exactly what I want to talk about," West replied, his eyes narrowing. "Maya's murder."

Singh's expression grew dark. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't play dumb with me, Singh. We both know that you had ties to Raj Patel and that you were involved in the Mumbai crime scene. I think you had a hand in Maya's death."

Singh's eyes narrowed, his jaw tightening. "You have no proof."

"Not yet," West said. "But I will. And when I do, you'll be spending a long time behind bars."

Singh chuckled. "You're a naive man, Detective. Do you think you can take me down? You have no idea what I'm capable of."

West didn't flinch. "I'll do whatever it takes to bring Maya's killer to justice."

Singh leaned in close, his voice low and dangerous. "You should be careful, Detective. You never know what you might find when you start digging into someone's past."

With that, Singh turned and walked away, leaving West alone at the bar. The detective knew that he was getting closer to the truth, but he also knew that he was treading on dangerous ground. He vowed to be careful, but also to leave no stone unturned in his quest to solve Maya's murder.

Detective West arrived at Vikram Singh's lavish estate, his heart pounding in his chest. He had finally pieced together the evidence linking Singh to Maya's murder, and he was determined to get to the bottom of it.

As he was ushered into Singh's opulent study, he felt a cold sweat on his brow. This was a dangerous man, and he knew that he was taking a huge risk.

"Detective West, what brings you here?" Singh asked with a sneer.

"I have reason to believe that you were involved in Maya Patel's murder," West said, his voice steady.

Singh chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "And what evidence do you have to support such a claim?"

West reached into his pocket and pulled out the small, silver cat figurine that had been sent to him anonymously.

"This," he said, holding it out for Singh to see. "This was found at the scene of the crime, and it has your fingerprints all over it."

Singh's expression darkened, and West could see the anger and frustration boiling beneath the surface.

"You're making a mistake, Detective," he spat. "I had nothing to do with Maya's death."

"Then why did you send me this?" West asked, pressing the issue.

Singh's eyes narrowed as he considered his next move. For a moment, West thought he might attack him.

But then Singh leaned forward, a dangerous glint in his eye.

"I sent it to you as a warning," he said, his voice low and menacing. "You're playing a dangerous game, Detective. Be careful who you accuse of murder."

With that, Singh stood up and dismissed West from his study.

West left the estate feeling more determined than ever to bring Singh to justice. He knew that he was getting closer to the truth, and he wouldn't stop until he had uncovered the whole sordid story.

As Detective West sat in his office surrounded by piles of evidence and notes, he felt as though he was getting closer to solving Maya's murder. He had spent countless hours investigating every lead, interrogating every potential suspect, and pouring over every piece of information he could gather.

Despite his efforts, there were still many unanswered questions and potential suspects still in play. But one thing was clear to West: Raj's past ties to organized crime and his connection to Vikram Singh could not be ignored.

He began to piece together a theory of what happened to Maya. He believed that Raj, driven by jealousy and a desire to protect his criminal connections, had killed Maya. He had hired someone to carry out the murder, and Vikram Singh may have played a role in facilitating the hit.

But there were still many holes in his theory. He couldn't shake the feeling that there were other factors at play, other suspects who may have had a motive to harm Maya. The affair with Rachel's married lover still weighed heavily on his mind, and he couldn't discount the possibility that someone else had hired the hitman.

As he sat in his office, West couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He knew that the case was far from over and that he had many more difficult decisions to make. He picked up a photo of Maya, studying her face for a moment before placing it back down on the desk.

"I won't stop until I find out who did this to you, Maya," he said aloud as if she could hear him. "I'll do whatever it takes to get justice for you."

With that, West turned back to his notes, ready to dive deeper into the case and uncover the truth. He knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but he was more determined than ever to solve Maya's murder and bring her killer to justice.

As Detective West continues to investigate Maya's murder, he discovers a new lead that adds even more complexity to the case. During his interviews with Maya's colleagues and acquaintances, he learns of a mysterious stranger who had been seen lurking around Maya's office in the days leading up to her murder.

At first, West dismissed the sightings as mere coincidence, but as he digs deeper, he begins to suspect that this person may have had something to do with Maya's death. Could this stranger be another potential suspect in the case? And if so, what connection do they have to Maya and her social circle?

As West pieces together this new lead, he begins to realize that Maya's murder is far more complicated than he originally thought. With multiple suspects and motives in play, West knows that he must tread carefully as he continues to investigate. The reader is left wondering who this mysterious stranger could be and how they fit into the puzzle of Maya's murder.

As Detective West was going through the evidence collected from Maya's phone, he came across some text messages between Maya and Rachel. The messages indicated that Maya was having an affair with Rachel's married lover.

Shocked by the revelation, West decided to confront Rachel about it. He arranged to meet her at a local café.

As Rachel arrived at the café, she noticed the serious look on West's face. "What's going on, Detective?" she asked.

West took a deep breath before responding. "I have reason to believe that Maya was having an affair with your married lover," he said, his tone solemn.

Rachel's eyes widened in surprise. "What? That's not possible," she said, shaking her head. "Maya would never do something like that."

"Unfortunately, the evidence suggests otherwise," West replied, showing Rachel the messages.

Rachel's face turned red with anger and hurt. "I can't believe this," she said, tears streaming down her face. "I trusted Maya and she betrayed me like this."

"I understand this is a difficult situation for you," West said sympathetically. "But I need to know more about Maya's relationship with this man. Do you know who he is?"

Rachel took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. "Yes, his name is David. He's a successful businessman and he's been married for five years."

"Did Maya know he was married?" West asked.

Rachel shook her head. "I don't think so. She was always talking about this great guy she was seeing, but she never mentioned he was married."

West thanked Rachel for her help and promised to keep her updated on the case. As Rachel left the café, West couldn't help but feel that Maya's social circle was even more complex than he initially thought.