
The Weakest Otherworlder

In a world where everyone was gifted an opportunity to devour everything in front of them, but what if that opportunity was out of reach? And suddenly a being that they called a God came down and gave everyone a spoon so they could reach them and devour them? Everyone devoured all those opportunities and satiated their greed. Power, wealth, you name it. But there was a person who could only watch those people satiating themselves with a spoonful of power and wealth. So, he prayed to that so-called God. "Please! Just give me an opportunity just like the others, God! Even if it's just a tiny bit! I would really appreciate it!" A young man with messy long gray hair asked God with tears in his eyes as he watched the people around him being killed by Otherworlders. [You have been chosen] [God has gifted you the power to devour all opportunities!] [Welcome, Candidate Alseace LaRoze] "You're kidding, right?" Alseace asked in a trembling voice and forced a smile as he stared at the ability God gave him. "What the fuck am I going to do with this?!" He shouted at God who gave him the ability and glared at the cloudy night. While everyone was given a normal spoon, Alseace LaRoze was given a spoon with a giant hole that even a grain of sand would be hard to pick off with it. Alseace chuckled in disbelief and started laughing as the people around him screamed in agony. "You gave me an ability called Leftover?! Don't joke around!" Alseace screamed his lungs out. [God gave you what you wished for, be grateful]

Iqfauli · Kỳ huyễn
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52 Chs

Chapter 25: I want him.

Alseace went straight to his room and took a bath as he stared at the fragment in his hand and looked at it. He messaged Sierra about what had happened and told her about the demon fragment, but Sierra hadn't replied to his message even though she read his message.

While he was enjoying his bath, he heard a knock on the door and immediately put on his shirt and pants. He opened the door and it was Julius, Estian, and Gratya. He knew why they were there and they came for the information he had about the incident.

"So you're telling us that it all happened because of the demon's interference? This is something that has never happened before," Estian said as he put a cigarette in his mouth.

"First a double dungeon, and now portal turning into a vortex," Gratya pointed out with her hand under her chin. "Something isn't right. More and more weird things start happening,"

"And I got this from the warg," Alseace showed the fragment in his hand to the three of them.

"Demon Fragment?" Gratya said as she took the fragment from Alseace's hand. "This is something that start to appear last year, and this is the tenth time we see this stone," Gratya continued and looked at it. "Is it okay if I take it back? We will put this with the other fragments that we have collected,"

Alseace nodded his head and believed that it would be best if Gratya dealt with it.

"By the way, seeing that you can single-handedly clear a Vortex for the second time, and not to mention you managed to bring them all back alive. I think I can give you my recommendation letter as well," Estian said and puffed the smoke. "With Gratya and my recommendation, I think that's enough to accept you and become an Agent of Emissary," Estian continued as he opened the window.

"Can't do, he hasn't even passed the morality test. My job here isn't done yet, and I'm not going to let myself be mocked for producing immoral Agent," Julius said as he grabbed a cigarette from Estian's pack of cigarettes. "With that being said, I'm going to teach you every day until you met my expectation, do you understand?"

Alseace nodded his head with understanding as he walked to the fridge and served them cans of black coffee. The three of them talked about the possibility of a portal being turned into a vortex, and with that being said, they were afraid something like that would happen again.

He listened to their conversation as he trained his Body Aura and tried to make the Mana flow more densely. He listened to Gratya about putting a precaution and even proposed adding a new requirement to enter the portal.

Although Estian and Julius believed it was a good idea, it would be hard to be difficult to implement. Nobody knew how difficult the mission would be, and how strong the monster would become. It was lucky that Alseace was there when it happened because Gratya, Estian, and Julius knew how strong he was.

"Well, we could talk about this privately. We don't want to talk about this in front of a student," Gratya drank the coffee and glanced at Alseace.

Estian and Julius nodded in agreement, and then they all left and let Alseace rest.

(In the main hall)

All the students had gathered since the hunting training was over, and they heard about the incident that happened to Edgar's team. They wondered how Edgar and his team managed to clear a vortex, but they couldn't get anything because Estian asked Edgar and the others to keep it a secret.

Estian came with Julius to congratulate everyone on the success of their hunting training. Edgar thought that his team would take first place, but then when the result came, he was annoyed when he saw Luke's team take first place.

Although they hunted wargs in the D-Rank portal, the amount that they hunted was nothing compared to Luke's team. They hunted a total of 213 hobgoblins and that was indeed an amazing amount since they were given 5 hours to hunt.

"We got second place, I guess that's good enough," Alwin said as he looked at the projected screen.

Zia and Gilden nodded their heads in agreement, and they never thought they were in second place in their first hunting training. The only one who wasn't satisfied with the result was Edgar while Cleo was busy looking around since she didn't care about it.

Cleo left the hall unnoticed before all the top three teams got called to the podium. She had been looking for Alseace, but she couldn't find him anywhere.

"Cleo? What are you doing out here? Aren't you supposed to be in the hall?" Gratya asked and looked at Cleo who walked in the breezeway.

"Where's Alseace?" Cleo asked.

"Hmm? Is there a reason why you want to see him?" Gratya asked with her arms crossed and she was quite surprised to hear Cleo was looking for him.

"Do I need a reason to see a friend?" Cleo asked back with her eyes squinted, and she looked annoyed by Gratya's question.

"A friend? That's something that I didn't expect to hear from you," Gratya said as she chuckled in disbelief. "Wait a moment..." Gratya squinted her eyes as she walked toward Cleo.

Cleo who saw Gratya walk toward her, she immediately walked backward because she knew what Gratya was trying to do. The faster Gratya walked, the faster she tried to avoid her.

"You touched him, didn't you?" Gratya asked with suspicion.

"I did. So stay away from me and stop doing whatever you're doing right now," Cleo answered as she kept avoiding Gratya.

Gratya ignored Cleo's warning and kept walking toward her and started to get closer and closer.

"Miss Gratya! This is my last warning before I'm going to abuse my authority!" Cleo shouted, and Gratya immediately stopped walking and stood still. "Now, tell me which room Alseace is staying in," Cleo gave a stern look at Gratya.

"7th Male dorm building, 3rd floor, room 311," Gratya answered as she sighed. Cleo then walked past Gratya, but then Gratya said, "I'm warning you, Cleo. If somehow Alseace's secret got leaked, both me and all the Agents of Emissary will be in danger."

Cleo stopped and turned around to look at Gratya because she was confused by what she heard. "I don't know what you mean by that, but both Alseace and I have promised to keep each other's secret safe," Cleo answered, and then walked away.

Cleo stood in front of Alseace's room and knocked on the door, but she didn't hear any response from inside when she leaned her right ear on the door. She then used her lockpicking skill to unlock the door, and when she managed to unlock it, Alseace opened the door and looked at her with his eyebrows raised.

"That's some skill you have there," Alseace said and looked at the tool in Cleo's right hand.

"Thanks," Cleo smiled and didn't even bother to hide it. "By the way, why are you here and not in the hall? Don't you know that all the students are gathering in the hall right now?" Cleo asked as she put the tool in her skirt pocket.

"What for? I'm not really a student here," Alseace answered as he walked to the side. "Come in," Alseace said.

"Did you smoke?" Cleo asked and looked around Alseace's room.

"No, why?" Alseace asked back as he grabbed a can of black coffee for himself.

"So does that mean Estian was here and perhaps Julius and Gratya as well?" Cleo asked again as she looked at Alseace opening the can.

Alseace was quite surprised and amazed by how she was able to decipher it by only smelling the room. He wondered how she knew Gratya and called her by her name.

"Yes, they were here to ask about the incident since I'm the only one who knew exactly what happened," Alseace answered and offered her a can of coffee in his hand. "By the way, you know Miss Gratya?" Aleace asked.

"Hmm. So you're not a student here. Tell me about it and why you enrolled in the academy," Cleo replied and took the coffee from Alseace's hand. "Yes. I know her because I'm going to be an Agent myself, remember?" Cleo answered with a smile.

Alseace told her about his reasons for enrolling in the academy, and about his studying to become an Agent of Emissary. He believed that he wouldn't stay in the academy for long because once he managed to pass the test, he would leave and immediately apply to become an Agent.

Cleo was genuinely sad when she heard that Alseace was going to leave the academy soon. She thought that she would have more time to get to know him better, but she hid it and pretended that she wasn't bothered by it.

They spent the whole afternoon talking until evening, and then Cleo left after she managed to get a bit closer to him. She didn't want to be a pushover or annoy him by staying there for too long because she hated being that kind of a person.

(Inside the Onyx Guild building)

A woman with long and straight red hair sitting at the desk and looking at the document on the desk. She had a ruby ring on her right ring finger and she wore a black long-sleeved dress. She was Lucretia Madris, the Guildmaster of the Onyx Guild, the Fire Empress, with her unique skill called [Fire Warlock].

"This is the information that our intel had gathered," A bright yellow-haired man in a white shirt said and looked at the document that he put on the desk. Sebastian Langford, the Vice Guildmaster of the Onyx Guild, the Archpriest, with his unique skill called [Sacrament].

Lucretia grabbed the document and read the content. It was about information related to the portal that turned into a vortex during the academy hunting training. She then looked at the names of the students and found that none of them were the ones that cleared the vortex.

"Alseace LaRoze. He's the one that cleared it," Lucretia said and looked at the only student without a photo attached to the document. "Who's he?" Lucretia glanced at Sebastian.

"We don't have any information about that student. He just enrolled a few weeks ago, and he's a seventh-year student," Sebastian answered, and he knew that Lucretia would be interested in him.

"Find out about him, I want him to be in our guild so keep an eye on him. Do what you must to bring him in because I believe the other Guilds are also thinking the same," Lucretia said as she put the document on his desk.

Sebastian nodded his head and left the room.

"Alseace LaRoze," Lucretia smiled as she tapped her fingers on the desk repeatedly and stared blankly at the glass wall.