
The Ways: Path of the Enigma

I tread into the deepest, darkest secrets of the universe. Amidst the storm I listen to the voice of reason. My path is not held down by anything else but myself. For I am my own body, mind and soul. My will shall penetrate all of doubts and fears I face. All life shall know my own name. ----------------------------&&&&---------------------------- Currently on heavy editing. This is my first book and I am really eager to make my story clean, not perfect but acceptable. So please if you have any inputs, insights or advices you are free to do so. Please forgive my grammar too as english is my third language. My vocabulary is limited and I consider writing this as a learning experience. I do research on my words a lot and will use new ones if necessary. Thank you and have a good time reading. Approximately 1500-1800 words per chapter. Story is slow-paced.(maybe) If you guys want to have a discord chat maybe you could strike me up and say it to my face. (I'm lonely so plz...) Also if you aren't lazy to read the Prologue here it is: In the beginning, loud screams and wails echoed throughout the void, supernatural powers spread out the lands and in turn, evolved the surrounding creatures into monstrosities that devoured and prey on the weak. Humans and other intellectual species hid in the dark, fearing what they may become if they stand face to face with the horrors across the lands. Though the time that passed through the lands made the beings impatient and tried to devise a way to kill the horrors. They made tools, crafted plans and waited. They had succeeded and from the corpse of the first horror they brought down brought blessings to the people making them have the morale and ingredients to make artifacts which was made to kill the monsters. They had brought down many monsters with their breakthrough and made a place for themselves in the surface. Humans were the first civilization to fight the horrors whilst the elves cower in the protection of the tree's leaves and the Dwarves hid deep into the crevices. Though scared they also found a way to fight the monstrosities in their own traditional way. Until one day the age of the supernatural came. Powers came to be and their users brought changed to the lands, exiling the horrors into the Forsaken Lands as they claimed the surfaces for their own. The First Emperor of Humanity brought to light the spark of humans, whilst the First Elven King revitalized the lands. The First Dwarven Enchanter crafted legendary artifacts. Finally bringing the Brilliance and Pale Era. These are the Recorded Legends in Grandia Lands, some legends were left untold as the First Rulers suddenly vanished. However people had already forgotten about it only to be told as storytimes for children but there is a prophecy that they would return, and that is the day the whole lands will end.

Abandoned_Destiny · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Chapter 15: Attacked.

It's watching me.

Every breath, every blink and every mannerism I do.

I feel its gaze piercing me like an eagle's talon breaking through my skin.

I tried to hide from it by merging with the crowd however it didn't change the terrible feeling I had.

My body visibly tensed itself when I was walking, I often made side glances to see the culprit but it vanishes quickly as if it was never there.

My unease only continued until I got inside of my room, I closed all of the curtain and opening I could find. I made myself sit in a chair just to calm my nerves from that encounter.

"I'm now a target am I?" I had a notion of smirking yet I pressed down the unusual excitement I felt inside and began thinking about countermeasures I should have if I ever get kidnapped. However how would I do that? The only thing I have that might fight off a supernatural user is what the old uncle gave me and in order to use that I need to harness Giryotes...which I can't right now...

I should probably report this to the teachers but is it already expecting that? What if it takes the form of a teacher I know? That would be a disastrous situation if ever I was lured into a secluded area...

Come on mind think! How would I protect myself if it ever makes a move on me? What would I do when I'm already cornered to this degree? I have absolutely no chance against a supernatural user and my options of asking for help are already blocked off. So that leaves me...Right I should do just that...

With a plan in mind, I had the urge to sleep nicely in my bed—or not.


When morning came, I felt woozy. I didn't sleep nicely alright...

Going to the first class made my already tired body to be tense making me feel a headache due to how much I look around the place with vigilance.

When I arrive at the class, I saw everyone getting ready for the first class. So I slowly move to my usual seat and waited for the teacher. One thing I didn't account for was my eyes became heavier by the second.

"Hey! Virule, wake up!" I heard Tom's voice and I quickly rose from my slumber.

"I'm awake! I'm awake!" I heard a choir of laughs coming from the surroundings and there I knew everyone was looking at me with their ridiculing eyes.

"Mr. Hearst, don't sleep in my class." Harian with his right eyebrow lifted up said.

"I'm sorry sir I didn't sleep well..."


"Well, something has been bothering me yesterday and-" My senses flair-up again bringing the same uneasy feeling.

"He's here..."

"Who's here?"

"You won't understand Sir, I feel him and he's here with us..." The surroundings became cold and maybe my classmate also felt it too because they stopped laughing.

"I see, Mr. Virule please come with me. We need to discuss this privately." I looked at Harian with suspicion and he noticed it. However he just gave me a wry smile.

"Yes, teacher." I made time to drop off a piece of paper I made last night and followed Harian. I felt fear however what gave me confidence for this situation is that Tom would notice this abnormality quickly, so that he could report it to the other teachers quickly.

Teacher Harian led me to his office, it was just two classrooms away from ours.

When we were inside, My body became stiff, I was petrified because I was in front of the suspicious culprit. The one who kidnaps childrens and for all I know kills them or what...I was thinking of just surrendering however I was better than that, so I was ready to shout if he made a move at me...

A few second had passed and yet there was... nothing? Harian stared at me with the same eyebrows previously. He was tapping his feet in the silence which brought me to think that he was waiting for me to say something.

"Alright...I'm not one to play with words so I'll say it I already know you're the kidnapper. So whatever you plan to do with me but I won't back down without a fight." I raised my hands to make a stance, Giryotes wanted to float near me however they ignored me quickly. I stared at Teacher Harian smirking while he brought his hands to his chin before chuckling.

"You know, I thought you were smart due to how silent you are at class however now... I don't think so?" I stared at him, my heart was beating fast and the gears on my brain starting to overclock.

"You're not the kidnapper?"

"Why would you think of that?" I widened my eyes at the realization as cold sweat began dripping on my back.

"Wait...ohohoh...well played..."

"Teacher Harian please come with me! We got to go! NOW!"

I was played, the kidnapper was smart. Smarter like serial killers in tv shows. He wasn't aiming at me...He was after Tom.

I ran without stopping a breath through the hall. Students made way for me as I made myself looked mad. I was still sleepy but my mind was fully awake, thinking about the teacher Tom would report to however I erased that notion from my mind as I knew already that the kidnapper was disguised as one of my classmates.

The kidnapper would have taken the paper that I recklessly left and presented it to Tom. So that he could go together with him to report to a teacher however Tom would get kidnapped in the middle of it meaning the kidnapper would clear the area and take him to a secluded spot to immobilized or knock him out and then disappear.

I ran quickly through the hall to Mr. Tetuclise's class and there I saw Tom together with someone I didn't recognize before.

"TOM! GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Tom turned around and did a horrible roll to the side but it was enough.

"Tsk, I didn't think you would have figured it out quickly...This was supposed to be my last day and it was all wasted because of you." The student beside Tom previously had smirked and his face began to morph, muscles in his face began to move like eels and his body became larger by the minute transforming into something inhumane— something more of a snake.

He grew into a creature that has a body of a snake yet with a dragon's head, it had shiny dark carapace and hanging dark orbs at its stomach. It was 13 meters long and from its sides emitted a dark smoke that shrouded the area.

"NOW DIE!" The voice made my whole body tremble as it resembled a full volume base guitar that hisses. Its head tried to bite my fear struck body however I noticed blood was forming at the bottom of my feet quickly carrying me away from being fish food.

"I didn't expect this...Virule please if you can evacuate the students nearby, I'll handle this." Harian didn't even turn around to say that at me, charging directly at the monstrous being. While he was running he made an action that made the Giryotes in the air flow through him, covering his right arm with it and when he released it outside. A blood red mist burst out before forming a huge axe that had a metallic luster that he wielded with his right arm.

In turn the monster made his tail harden forming a dark carapace that spread throughout his body, it tried to slam it to Harian however he seemed to have anticipated it and made a quick leap with his axe that sent him flying towards the monster's face simultaneously charging the edges of his axe with Giryotes forming a sharp, dark red energy.

The monster didn't have the grit to face it and decided to evade the attack making Harian pierce the floor leaving a wide hole.

The monster didn't waste its time admiring the hole and made a quick escape by dropping off the orbs on his stomach before smashing through the transparent glass window, causing small glass particles to burst and fly towards the students. Harian intercepted it by spreading a red mist that hardened and acted as a wall from the flying debris. Harian tried to see where the monster wanted to escape however the orbs it had dropped released a dark smoke that obscured our vision.

"I WILL BE BACK FOR YOU HEARST!" He released a classic villain phrase that I could recognize. Though I didn't know why? Maybe this is what Mr. Harian said about their obsession? I shook my head still shivering and looked at Harian.

Harian diverted his eyes from the smoke and scanned the area to find casualties however no one seemed to have died so he closed his eyes and took a calm breath. He then turned to me and formed a slow smile, before walking towards me.

"Thank you, I'm sorry for doubting you youngling." He brushed my hair with his shaking arms before leaving to report the scene. Soon teachers and students took a small look outside of their classrooms and grew astounded by the damage done to the halls.

"Tom?" I saw Tom hiding behind a pillar so I called out to him.

"Wha-what just happened?" His face seemed to have grown older and the stressful encounter continued to make his body shake from the monster.

"Sigh, I'm just gonna say that if you want to be worried about me again then it's best if you say nothing at all." He had wide eyes while he furrowed his brows but chuckled rapidly when he saw my bitter smile.

"So h-hey, how did you know the kidnapper?"

"Well, I don't know if you'll believe me but, I can feel its gaze so all night I didn't sleep nicely as you previously observed this morning..."

"I t-think I believe you."

"I know. I've save you from it you know?" I rolled my eyes.

"Hmm...Di-did you know why he would— kidnap me?"

"I don't think you were his target...I think it was me... but the teacher brought me out of his range and that left you vulnerable."


"Anyways, I don't know if our class would continue at this rate but I don't want to have an absent in my record so...you coming?"

"Yeah." Tom had his eyes focus on the result of the fight, I knew this was gonna change him. It was traumatic for him to be honest, what I just did was distract him from forming strange motivations. The future is unpredictable and I don't know what might happen however I'll do my best to help him recover.

So I needed to be strong for him.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Abandoned_Destinycreators' thoughts