
The Way You Feel Around Me

JaydenLuthor9 · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter One

Kara and Julian have been best friends since they were kids. Kara has been dating Lena for the past two years and Alex for the past nine months. Julian is single and loving it. On a Monday morning. "Hey Kar?" "What's up Julian?" Julian scratches the back of her neck after taking a hit of her vape pen. "Do you think I'm going to be alone forever?" Kara smiles. "Nah. I think one day you'll find the one. Until then you know the deal." Julian nods and smiles. "Yes of course. No cumming inside Lena or Alex without protection." Kara smiles widely. "Right. So. What are your plans for today?" Julian shrugs after taking a hit from her vape pen. "I do have my thingy to go to so I can officially start taking the shots." Kara nods. "When is that?" "Wednesday afternoon. You can come right?" Kara checks her phone. "I have to work but I'll just say I have a family emergency." Julian laughs and hugs Kara. "Thanks bud." Kara smiles. "You're basically my family now that my dad is gone so." Julian places her hand over her heart. "Awww." Kara shoves Julian. "Shut up." Julian laughs. "Love you too nerd." Kara just chuckles. The two start walking back towards their homes. "So what is it with Alex and Lena not liking each other?" Kara shrugs. "Lena or Alex won't tell me." Julian nods. "True. Well I'll see you later." Kara nods and hugs Julian. "Later dude." Julian walks down a path up to her driveway. As soon as she gets in the house. "Mom, dad I'm home." Alistair looks up from his paper. "Hey bud. Your mom just went to the grocery store. She should be back soon. Wanna play some GTA?" Julian smiles. "You know I can't right now. I gotta start cleaning." Alistair nods. "Right. Maybe tomorrow then?" Julian smiles and nods. "You're on." Julian bumps her fist with her dads. Julian goes upstairs to her room and lays down on her bed. She opens her text messages and clicks on Lena.

Jul- Hey Lena

Lena- Hey what's up?

Jul- Wanna come over and have some fun?

Lena- I'd love to but I can't right now

Jul- You with Kara?

Lena- No my dad

Jul- Ah okay. Maybe later when Kara goes to bed?

Lena- Haha maybe

Jul- Now you're just being a tease baby

Lena- Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. I'll see you later

Jul- K. See you later sexy

Lena- <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Julian lays there in her bed and smiles at the last text Lena sends her. Once Julian's mom comes home she goes downstairs and helps put away the groceries. Sera smiles. "Thank you Julian." Julian smiles and hugs her mother. "No problem. When it's dinnertime call me so I can help cook." Sera nods. "Alright." Julian hugs her mother again and goes upstairs to tidy up her room. Once she's done with that Julian lays down on her bed and answers her phone.

"Hey." "Hey yourself. So when do you go for your surgery?" "Not for another five months. I start the shots on Wednesday." "Nice. Kara say anything to you?" "She said she'll be at my appointment with me. Why?" "She didn't say anything to me about it. Hey question." "I may have an answer." "Ha ha. I'm serious." "Okay shoot."

Lena clears her throat.

"Do you think Kara is getting bored of me?" "What? Why would you think that?" "She's been spending more time with Alex and every time I question her about it she just tells me that she barely sees her cuz of her work schedule." "Hm. I can talk to her if ya want. I mean she tells me everything." "Okay."

Lena coughs.

"You okay?" "Hm? Oh yeah I'm fine. Nothing to worry about love." "Seems to be. Have you told Kara yet?"

Lena coughs a few times.

"About what?" "You know what Lena." "No. I don't plan to either. Neither are you." "Baby." "Please Julian. Promise me." "What?" "Promise"

Lena starts coughing. She drinks some water.

"Promise me you won't tell her. You and I both know it'll destroy her."

Julian sighs.

"Fine I promise. I promise not to tell Kara you're sick."

Lena takes some of her meds.

"Thank you sweetie. You know I love you right?"

Julian smiles to herself.

"Yeah I know. I love you. You know I can help you right?" "I know. I just don't want to take the chance in case the meds work." "I'm telling you now. Those meds don't help you and you get worse I'm doing it."

Lena chuckles.

"I love it when you're being demanding. It's sexy."

Julian chuckles.

"I have to go. Will I see you at the party later?" "You will. I'll see you tonight." "Bye baby." "Bye my love."

Julian hears her mother calling her so she goes downstairs. "You were on the phone so I didn't want to disturb you." Julian sits at the dinner table. "It's fine mum. I appreciate the privacy." They all start eating. "So." Sera taps at her mouth with her napkin. "Anything new going on between you and Lena?" Julian taps at her mouth with her napkin. "No mum. Nothing new. We're still just friends with benefits." Sera nods and clears the table. Julian helps wash the dishes. "So mum?" Sera hums. "Yes dear?" "Is it okay if I go out tonight?" "You have plans?" "I do. I totally forgot about our movie night when I made these plans." Sera finishes drying the dishes and puts them away. "Yeah that's fine. We can watch a movie another night." "Thanks mum." Julian hugs Sera. "Don't be out too late." Julian smiles and rolls her eyes when she turns to go up the stairs. Julian has a quick shower and gets dressed. She puts on some eyeliner and her favorite hat. Julian goes downstairs. "I'll see you later." Alistair and Sera nod. Julian walks to the mill. When she gets there she immediately spots Lena and smiles. She walks over. "Hey cutie." Lena turns and smiles. "Julian." Lena and Julian hug. "Kara isn't here yet. Do you want to sneak off for a bit?" Julian smirks. "Lead the way." Lena grabs onto Julian's hand and brings her to the loft. Lena lays down on the bed there and pulls Julian on top of her. Julian holds back for a minute. "Have you taken your meds?" Lena smiles and nods. As Julian pulls down her pants her phone rings. Julian growls. "For fuck sake." "Ignore it." Julian does so and continues pulling down her underwear. Lena lifts her dress a bit and waits. Julian chuckles. "You went commando?" Lena smiles. "Of course. All for you." Julian grunts when she enters Lena slowly. Lena moans. "Fuck I've missed this so much." Julian thrusts faster. "Kara doesn't?" Lena moans and shakes her head. "We haven't in eight months." "Well then. Here we go." Lena gasps and then moans loudly when Julian goes her full human speed. "Fuck Julian!" Julian chuckles. "That feels amazing doesn't it?" Lena nods and grips onto the back of Julian's sweater. "Harder daddy. Please go harder." Julian smiles and does as she's asked. Lena holds onto Julian tightly and moans as she cums super hard. Lena enters Julian's mind. "Cum inside me daddy. Please." Julian smiles and nods. "As you wish baby." Julian starts to slow down her thrusts and starts cumming inside Lena. Julian hears Kara calling her name. "Fuck. Our fun is over." Lena pouts. Julian chuckles. "Don't worry love. We'll have more later." Julian winks as she pulls out and pulls up her underwear and pants. Lena pulls down her dress and lays there for a minute. Kara comes in. "There you are. What are you doing up there?" "Just making sure Lena is okay. She had a headache." "Oh okay. I'll catch ya at the bonfire." Julian nods. Kara leaves. "I see now." Lena wraps her arms around her legs. "I told you. She's bored of me now. She doesn't love me anymore." Julian wraps her arms around Lena. "Hey it's okay. I love you. I always have." Lena looks up. "I just thought you were saying that cuz I was." Julian smiles and shakes her head. "I do. I have for awhile." "Why haven't you said anything?" Julian shrugs. "Scared I guess. Kara is a little scary at times." Lena laughs. "Aren't you like a hundred years older than her?" Julian nods. "I may be older but she wasn't turned by me. Someone a lot older and a lot stronger than me did." Lena nods. "I see. Hey Jul?" "Yes baby?" The two stand up. "Can I sit on your lap at the bonfire?" Julian smiles. "If you want." The two walk to the bonfire. Julian grabs herself a drink. She sits down. Kara looks over. "You don't want anything Lena love?" Lena shrugs and sits on Julian's lap. Julian takes a sip of her beer. Lena also takes a sip of Julian's beer. Kara looks over and takes a sip of her beer. "You two seem quite chummy." Julian chuckles. "Don't be jealous now Kara." The group of them play spin the bottle. When its Julian's turn Lena gets up and sits between Julian and Kara. Julian spins the bottle and it stops on Lena. They both giggle. Lena leans in and kisses Julian deeply. Kara growls. When Lena pulls away she slaps Kara's arm. "It's just a game babe." Kara walks off. Lena follows. "What is with you?" "With me? Really Lena?" "You're the one that's been avoiding me. Not the other way around Kara." Kara growls. "I told you. I barely see Alex cuz of her work schedule. I wasn't lying about that." "I know and I get that but that doesn't explain why you haven't touched me in eight months. Eight months Kara! Where else am I supposed to get it?" Kara screams. "Anyone but my brother!" Lena gasps. "Yeah. We're real family. Julian doesn't remember this but we were siblings before we were turned. I remember everything." Julian walks over. "Oh I remember. I just pretend I don't cuz I don't wanna remember how you betrayed me." Kara looks sad. "I'm sorry Julian. I had no choice. I would have died too." "You did anyway. Moments after I did. So why Kara? Why did you leave me in that house?" Kara starts crying. "I. I couldn't save you. You were pinned beneath the bookshelf. I tried. I even tried lifting the bookshelf but I was too weak. I kept trying but I started losing air. You pushed me away." Julian looks shocked. "I I did?" Kara nods. Julian walks over and hugs Kara tightly. Kara hugs back just as tight. Lena just stares. "Awwwww." Kara walks over to Lena. "I'm sorry Lena. I never meant to hurt you. I just thought maybe if I kept my distance from you it would solve everything but I was wrong. I hope you and Julian will have a happy life together." Lena tears up. "Kara I." Kara puts up her hand. "I know. I love you and am sorry too." Kara walks away. Lena turns to Julian. "Well that happened." Julian nods. "Are you okay?" Lena shrugs. "It was bound to happen eventually." Julian chuckles. "True. So you wanna come stay at mine tonight?" Lena smiles. "I'd love to." The two walk to Julian's house. As soon as they enter the house Alistair hugs Julian. "You're drunk." Alistair shakes his head. Julian chuckles and shakes her head. "You're high. Does mom know?" "She went to bed a little bit ago. Want one?" Alistair offers Julian and Lena a brownie. Julian takes one. Lena shakes her head. "Thanks though." Alistair nods and sits down in his chair. Julian goes upstairs with Lena following close behind. Julian closes her door quietly and then lays down. "Come." Julian pats the bed. Lena takes off her dress and sits on the bed. The two share the brownie. "Careful babe. They may not effect me but they will effect you." Lena nods and takes a sip of the water Julian hands her. "Go in my top drawer and pick out anything you want to wear." Lena nods. "Thanks." Lena goes through the drawer and picks out a pair of boxers. She puts them on and climbs into bed. Julian takes off her shirt,pants and socks and gets under the covers with Lena. "Goodnight baby." Lena rolls over and kisses Julian's lips softly. "Night." The two plug in their phones and go to sleep.