
The Way You Feel Around Me

JaydenLuthor9 · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter Five

Next morning. Julian gets up and goes to the bathroom. Alisa butts the door and walks in. Julian laughs. "Hey girl. Can't sleep anymore?" Alisa head butts Julian's leg. She then starts whining. "Ah I see. Alright come on." Alisa follows Julian upstairs and outside. Julian takes out his phone and scrolls through Facebook. Once Alisa finishes doing her business Julian lets her back inside. Julian walks over to the fridge and grabs a beer from it. He then goes back downstairs with Alisa following. Julian plugs in his computer and sets everything up again. A little later Lena wakes up and stretches. Lena smiles when she sees Julian playing a game on his computer. Lena comes over and wraps her arms around Julian's neck from behind. Julian smiles and pauses his game. "Morning babe." Lena turns the chair around and sits on Julian's lap. "Morning." Julian places his hands on Lena's butt. "So. What do you want to do this morning?" Lena leans in close and kisses Julian deeply. Julian smirks. "After we take the dogs out." Lena nods. "I'll go feed them." Lena gets up and goes upstairs to feed the dogs. Once she gets back Julian is playing some game on his computer.

"Dude look out!" "Shit I'm hit! I'm hit!" "I'm coming!"

Julian comes running to his teammate and heals him. The two shoot some zombies.

"Alright bro that's all I can do for now. Gotta do some stuff." "Yep okay bro. Later bro." "Later."

Julian quits his game and turns off his computer. Lena raises an eyebrow. "Who was that?" Julian leans back in his computer chair. "Just my buddy from college. He and I shared a room one year." Lena nods. "I see. You two ever you know?" Julian chuckles. "Once or twice. We were both drunk." Lena nods and then goes to lay down. Julian looks worried. "You okay?" Lena looks over and her eyes start watering. Julian comes over quickly. "Lena?" Lena grabs Julian's hand tightly. "Jul. Your. Your blood." Julian looks confused. "What about it?" Lena grabs Julian's wrist and taps it. Julian nods. "One sec." Julian goes to get up. Lena grabs Julian's wrist. "There's no time. Use your teeth." Julian nods and bites his wrist. He then lets the blood drip into Lena's mouth. Lena starts coughing. Alisa and Luke jump up and lay their heads on Lena's stomach. They both start whining. Julian's eyes start to water. "No." Julian picks up Lena and runs upstairs. "Mum! Dad!" Alistair and Sera come running down the stairs. "What is it hun?" Sera gasps. "I need to go to hospital. Can you look after the dogs for me until I get back?" Alistair and Sera nod. "Go." Julian leaves. He runs to the hospital. "Nurse Heather! I'm looking for Nurse Heather!" A doctor points to a room. "Thank you." The doctor nods. Julian runs into the room. "Heather I need you!" Heather turns. "Lay her down." Julian lays Lena down on the bed. "Close the door." Julian does so. Heather starts doing her magic. Lena screams. Julian comes over and holds onto her. "Have you been taking your meds Lena?" Lena nods. "Just like I was told to. Everyday at the same time." Heather smiles. Julian looks worried. "What?" Heather doesn't answer. Julian grips onto the bed tightly. He bends the metal. "What god damn it!?" Heather looks over. "Her medication stopped working. I've never seen this before. I've never dealt with it like this before." Julian grabs Heather's hand. "Show me." Heather takes a deep breath and lets Julian see what she saw. Julian's eyes start to water. He smiles. Lena looks confused. "What? What is it you see?" Julian and Heather look at Lena. "It isn't the HIV virus that's doing this to you." Lena tilts her head to the side. "Then what is?" Heather grabs her ultrasound machine and lifts Lena's shirt up. She puts some lubricant on Lena's stomach and then moves the wand around. Heather stops. She points to a certain spot. "There." Lena sees what Heather is pointing at. She starts tearing up. "I'm pregnant." Julian smiles and nods. "You are." Lena looks up at Julian and smiles. "We're having a baby." Julian kisses Lena's forehead. "We are." Lena then looks worried. "What about my illness? Will it affect the baby?" Heather stops Lena from talking further. "Relax. The medication stopped working because you're okay. You're healthy again." Lena starts tearing up again and hugs Julian. "Do I have to stay?" Heather shakes her head. "I'd just be careful if you plan on continuing sexual desires." Julian nods. "For sure." Lena gets up off the bed and walks to the door. "I expect you back in about three months Lena." Lena and Julian nod. "Okay." The two leave. Back at home. "So are you okay Lena?" Lena nods. "All good." Lena looks at Julian. "You want to tell them?" Sera and Alistair look worried. "What?" Lena puts her hand on Alistair's shoulder. "Oh it's nothing bad." Julian smiles. "Lena's pregnant!" Sera jumps up and down. "Yay!" Sera hugs Julian and Lena. The two hug back. A few minutes later Julian's phone rings. Julian sneaks off downstairs.

"Hello?" "Hey. I have a question." "What's up?" "Can you take Sean tonight until Sunday night? Kara and I are going away for the weekend." "Yeah totally. I'm fine with that. What time you thinking?" "Around 7 okay?" "Yeah that's okay. I just won't be home. Lena and the others will." "Oh? Where you off to?" "I can't tell you. Kara can't know yet." "You know I won't tell her." "No I know. Kara can read your mind." "Ah. Why can't she read yours?" "Because I'm not the same as her. She's a vampire." "And you're not? I thought you were." "I was when you and I were together. I just got attacked by a werewolf a year after I left college." "Oh so you're a Hybrid." "Yes." "Alright I guess I won't see you until Sunday then." "Maybe. It all depends on how long everything takes." "Ouuu. Please spill." "Promise me you won't let Kara tell Lena?" "Totally. Spill dude." "I'm going out to buy a engagement ring and then after that I'm getting a tattoo." "Yes! I called it. Kara owes me $20." "Why am I not surprised." "Cuz you know I'm an idiot when it comes to gambling or anything to do with money. I gotta go. I gotta start packing." "Alright. Later." "Bye Jul."

The call ends. Julian lays down on his bed and Luke jumps up and lays his head on Julian's chest. "Hey buddy." Julian pets Luke's fur. About an hour later Lena comes downstairs and straddles Julian's lap. Lena starts tickling Julian's nose with a piece of her hair. Julian swats Lena's hand away. Lena giggles. "Daddy." Julian wipes his face. "What's up princess?" Lena smirks. "I wanna ride you." Julian smiles and pulls down his pants. Lena immediately slides down onto Julian's dick. They both moan. Lena starts riding Julian's dick. Julian puts his hands on Lena's butt and thrusts faster. Lena moans. "Fuck daddy. I'm gonna cum already." Julian grunts. "Me too." Lena continues to ride on Julian's dick until they both cum. Julian flips them over and pulls out of Lena. Lena whines. "Why you pulling out?" Julian smiles. "I have to go out. I'll be back in a few hours." Lena pouts. Julian sucks on Lena's bottom lip and then pulls away. "Love you." Lena smiles. "Love you." Julian goes upstairs and leaves the house after grabbing his keys. Julian drives to the jewellery store. He spends about two hours looking around and then finally finds one he likes. Julian buys the ring and then leaves the store. Julian then drives to his tattoo appointment. He walks in. The guy smiles. "Long time no see bud." Julian hugs the guy. "I know. I can't believe I've waited this long." The man chuckles. "Me either. Well lets get started." Julian sits down and waits. About an hour and a half later. "All done. This has to be my best yet." Julian chuckles and takes a look before the man wraps it. "You should come by the house. Have a couple beers." Julian smiles. "Love to. I'll text you." Brian smiles. "Hope to see you soon." The two hug and Julian leaves. He drives home. Once Julian walks in the door Luke and Alisa are on him. He chuckles. "Alright alright relax guys. I love you too." Luke and Alisa sit by their bowls. Julian goes over and feeds the dogs. Julian looks around. "Lena?" "In the basement." Julian goes to the basement. Lena looks over. "Damn babe. It looks awesome." Julian smiles. "Looks sick doesn't't it?" Lena nods. A few seconds later there's a knock at the door. The dogs start barking. Julian goes upstairs. "Shush it!" Julian answers the door. "Hey. Come in." Julian gets out of the way for Sean and Alex to come in. Sean takes off his shoes. "Hey dad." Julian hugs Sean. "Hey you." Alex hands over Sean's bag. "All his clothes and whatnot are in there. Call me if there's any issues and I'll come straight back." Julian waves his hand. "Relax. Go. I got this." Alex smiles. "Okay bud I gotta go." Sean hugs Alex. "Bye mom." "Bye sweetie. See you Sunday." "See you Sunday." Alex leaves. Sean sighs with relief. Julian chuckles. "She been driving you nuts?" "You have no idea. So what you wanna do?" "Well I'm gonna go for a walk with my dogs first and then we can do whatever you want kiddo." Sean nods. "Okay." Sean puts his shoes back on. "Babe you coming for a walk?" "No you go on. I'll see you when you get back." "Okay." Julian and Sean leave the house with the dogs. Liam,Jaks and Lucy run around the front yard. Sean giggles. "Those guys are hyper." Julian nods. "Big balls of energy those three. Come on Luke and Alisa." Luke follows Julian and Alisa follows Sean. "They don't need leashes?" Julian shakes his head. "Nope. They're very good listeners." Sean nods. Julian sees another dog coming around the corner. "Do me a favor buddy?" "What's that?" "Pick up the little ones and pass two to me." Sean does so. The dog coming starts barking. Luke and Alisa growl. "None of that!" Luke and Alisa stop growling. Sean looks amazed. "Damn. They really are good at listening." Julian smiles. "Yep. So why hasn't your mom gotten you a tablet or something yet?" Sean shrugs. "She saved up her money for this get away weekend with Kara." Sean shudders. Julian laughs. "So you know what they're doing on this little vacation." Sean nods. "Blech. It's all my mom thinks about now. She used to be so fun to read. Now it's just gross." Julian smiles. "So I see you got my ability to read minds then." Sean nods. "Unfortunately. I mean sometimes it can be interesting. Others not so much." Julian nods. "I know what you mean. Oh by the way. You're gonna be a brother." Sean looks up at Julian. "Lena is pregnant?" Julian nods. Sean claps his hands. "Woohoo. I get to be a big brother." Julian laughs. "I'm glad you're excited." Sean looks amazed. "Can we go in?" Julian looks at the store. Julian shakes her head. "No dogs allowed." Sean nods. "Okay." The group walk home. "Hey question." Sean looks up at Julian. "Yes dad?" "Do you want a tablet?" Sean nods. "I've been trying to get my mom to get me one but yeah she had to use the money she saved for the vacation." Julian smiles. "Well maybe if you're good you'll get one for your birthday or Christmas." Sean smiles. "I hope so. Hey dad?" Julian lets the dogs inside and him and Sean sit on the steps. "What's up?" "What's it like?" Julian looks confused. "What's what like?" Sean bumps his elbow with Julian's arm. "You know." Julian smiles. "I see. Well you'll find out. When you're well in your 20's." Sean looks down at the ground. "Mm. So I've been meaning to ask you this one question but I'm scared." Julian wraps his arm around Sean's shoulders. "Go ahead buddy. Ask." Sean hesitates. He then sighs. "What's masturbating?" Julian chuckles. "That's what you wanted to ask?" Sean nods. "Well I'm not sure you want me to tell you buddy. You might get weirded out. Ask Lena or your mother." "I wanna know from you." Julian shrugs. "Well okay. For women they just massage themselves in a certain way. For people like us we you know do this. " Julian does a jerking motion. Sean nods. "I see." Julian laughs. "Buddy do you already have dreams that are bad?" Sean looks away. Julian laughs and slaps his leg a couple times. "When you wake up are your pants wet?" Sean nods. "You're starting to get releases way too early. Normally you wouldn't get that until you're ten." "I guess I'm hitting a certain type of puberty then?" Julian nods. "In a matter of speaking yes. Come on. Lets go shower." Sean nods. "Can you come in with me?" Julian looks shocked. "For real?" Sean nods. "I get scared sometimes." Julian pats Sean's shoulder. "Come on. I'll come in the bathroom with you but not in the shower." Sean nods. "Okay." Sean grabs his shower supplies from his bag. Julian follows Sean into the bathroom and turns on the water. Once it's warm enough. "Okay strip." Sean nods and takes off his clothes. Sean then goes into the shower and lets the water run down his body. Sean showers quickly. Sean then gets dressed after drying off. "Dad?" "Yeah?" Sean looks up at Julian. "Can I take Luke upstairs with me?" Julian smiles. "Sure bud. Luke come." Luke follows Julian and Sean upstairs. Sean gets comfy under the covers. "Dad?" Julian turns back around. "What's up buddy?" Sean turns the light on. "Just until I fall asleep. Julian nods. "It'll stay on until you do. Good night." Sean hugs Julian. "Night dad." Julian snaps his fingers. "Down." Luke lays down. Julian leaves closing the door behind him. Julian then goes back downstairs and goes to bed after plugging in his phone.