
googly eyes

Nick,Kyle,and mike got off the bus. Mike lived right out side if the bus stop so he lived a little far from kyle and nick.

"What did he do?" Said kyle.

"He walked up to me and told me to leave." Said mike looking at both of them.

"And you left him right?" Asked nick hopeing for the best.

"No. I told him i didn't want to. He pushed me to the ground." Said mike.

"That's what you get mike. You know not to mess with jackson" said nick. Jackson was the schools biggest bully. Nick met jackson for the first time in middle school. They were at recess and nick had ran to the last open swing but jackson pushed him off and covered him in dirt. Nick shuttered at the thought.

"Yeah mike. What nick said. What did you do?" Asked kyle.

"I got up and pushed him then ran." Mike said.

"Oh..ok. At least you got away." Said nick he was about to start walking home. But mike wasn't finished.

"Yeah but I got a text from Steph that he tryna find me and beat me up." Said mike. The other kids could see he was a little scared. Who wouldn't.

"Well mike,we could chalk that up as another bad decision made by you that gets us all in trouble." Said nick putting his arm around mikes shoulder.

"If you need anything man just call. We got your back" added kyle. Nick nodded in agreement. Nick and kyle left mike and went home. Nick got to his door and called to kyle.

"Hey I wont be home all day so I'll see you guys tomorrow. Called nick. This was not a total lie he thought. He wont be home all day but he wont be for any reason they think. Nick went into his kitchen knowing his mom was still at work. She always worked late on monday. He wrote a note for her to see and ran outside and to the side of the house. He saw his bike and grabbed it and rode off. Little did nick know that kyle was sitting in his window to get a good picture. He looked back and saw nick ridding off. He knew exactly where he was going. He sent a text to mike.

Nick pulled up to the football field. He went in through the front gate. When he was walking one of nicks bookbag straps got cought on a pole that was sticking out of the gate. He twisted and turned to get out of it. He looked down at it and just gave up. He thought about sending a text to kyle or mike but he told them he would be gone all day. Bad karma he thought. He looked back from the tangled mess and in front of him was tayler. He did his usual and looked down and put his hands in his pockets.  Tayler just looked at him sympathetically.

"Hey nick. Tayler said. Nick was blushing at this point and had no idea what to say.

"H-hey tayler." He stuttered out.

"You can call me tay nick." Nick looked up a little. The first thing he saw was her beautiful eyes.

"Oh...o-ok." Tay looked at him. Nick quickly looked back down. Tay giggled.

"What are you doing here nick?" Asked tay.

"I-I um I came to s-see the football players." Nick responded. Tayler could see the lie a mile before he said it.

"Oh.. Well Your the cheerleaders favorite fan." She said. Nick was blushing. He remembered that he was tied up.

"Um tay you think you could help me?" Said nick she looked at him and giggled.

"Nick just take your backpack off" said tay. Nick did what she said and looked back at her. She was walking away.

"Thanks tay" he called after her. Only to receive no answer.