
The way it rained

They called her a dreamer ,she was a queen who reincarnated and lost memories of her past life meanwhile he is Lord of Blades who killed himself so that he can take rebirth and find her again , he remembered everything , he made her fall in love again if you are a person who likes fantasy with cheesiness,salt , spice and sugar than this is for you

Ash_5303 · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs


Queen - "Lawliet, well would you mind telling me how did your class end so fast? "

Lawliet - "Actually today was a test of my all subjects and I finished it so I came here "

*queen gave him a look *

Lawliet -"Don't worry ..... as I scored good marks "

Queen- "How much"

Lawliet - 1000 out of 1000

*Charlotte came closer to him removed Hairaeth's arms from his and took over his arms while saying* - "I already knew my prince is savvy "

*Queen gave an evil smirk to Hairaeth but she didn't notice *

Charlotte continued saying - *well where are we planning to go?*

*Lawliet removed his arms from her arms and said in a cold voice "i and Hairaeth are going to Ablanzandor market "

Queen - "Why don't you take Charlotte with you too? She might be a great company for Hairaeth. "

Charlotte -"For sure I will be a great friend to her "

Lawliet- "Yes, but we are planning to Go from dragons "

Queen -" Charlotte knows how to ride a dragon? Right? "

*Charlotte hesitated a bit and said "Of course "

Lawliet- "ok, then but are you sure you will be able to go in this gown? "

Charlotte - "Don't worry I am an expert in this "

*Hairaeth was just nodding her head and thinking of something else *

Lawliet said " ok, then let's go and choose dragons "

*Lawliet gave Hairaeth a sign to walk through it first *

* they walked through a door and entered a place of dragons where

there were different dragons like Crystailia: a water type of dragon ( very beautiful ), Alexander: a fire type dragon( dangerous but cool-natured), Amethyst: A dark gem dragon( cold and dark), Filbre: a rainbow dragon ( happy baby), Evan Forest dragon, Hearthstone:stone type dragon, Ebros:Ice dragon and many more * *all were friendly and nice... Hairaeth was walking first all the dragons were bowing to her *

*meanwhile Charlotte was trying to handle her gown to now get dirty as it was new... When she saw that place she said "Wow, it's so amazing! I wonder why I didn't come here before "

Lawliet answered - " I asked you once but you said that you prefer getting ready for the ball "

Charlotte - "Wait....are they bowing to her "

Lawliet - " I guess they found a queen "

*Charlotte was getting annoyed by seeing that dragons come closer to her but at the same time she was amused by the beauty of that place*

*Hairaeth patted Crystailia on the head and said in dragon language "Murawis maji ra si mo? "

Charlotte to Lawliet - "What is she saying?"

Lawliet- "You are a dragon expert? aren't you? Well she is saying - are you planning to be my companion for the ride to Crystailia "

Charlotte -" That's bad I wanted it "

*Hairaeth heard her and said, "Then why don't you ask her? "

*Charlotte tried to repeat the words " mu... Mura...Murawis maji ra si mo?"

*Dragon humphed *

Charlotte -" What does she mean?"

Lawliet - "Seems like she wants to go with Hairaeth "

*Hairaeth did some signs to the dragon and said "She is a good girl... I guess she will now agree... Go ride her "

*from back Alexander - rubbed Hairaeth's back to show his love towards her *

Lawliet said in a warm voice " Ah hai buddy you are going with me and also she is mine so control your emotions "

*Hairaeth giggled *

*Amethyst came towards her and mumbled something *

Lawliet -" That's weird... He is one of the most dangerous dragons and I never saw him coming towards someone to ask for a company"

Hairaeth replied while smiling " Then I guess I should respect him and go with him? Right? "

* lawliet was thinking about how beautiful she looks while smiling "

Then he said - " even I don't go towards someone to ask them for being mine " " It is very rare like one time in eternity and I hope you will respect me and become mine Right?"

Hairaeth - " But I feel you have to wait for 3 years for getting married as my father won't allow me to marry before I am 18 also I belong to a dark Ivory warrior family so you know " "Will you wait for me? "

Lawliet -" I have been waiting for 16 years. 3 is nothing "

Charlotte -" Will you mind helping me to climb on the dragon? "

Hairaeth - " Yes, I am coming "

* she bent and took Charlotte's gown and helped her to climb * *Charlotte's heart was pumping fast as she was scared to fall from the dragon * *she tried to repeat those steps where a tamer ordered the dragon to fly *


Lawliet- "Let me introduce him "

"He is Tamer Akara and he would be coming with us "

"in case there is any issue he will guide us "

* Hairaeth bowed to Tamer Akara then Hairaeth sat on Amethyst and Lawliet sat on Alexander * *they both take offed *

Lawliet gave them a sign to follow him *

*Charlotte saw them take a turn and tried to copy the way they held the string but apparently, she did wrong and because of it dragon took a turn in the wrong way and crashed into water * * Akara, Hairaeth and Lawliet noticed it and followed her crashing *

* she was soaked in water and dirt * *she screamed "Ahhhhhhh!! My new dress "

*dragon was angry with her so she left them alone and returned to the dragon garden *

Tamer Akara said "Don't worry Prince Lawliet and Princess Hairaeth " " I will take her back to the palace " "you both continue your journey "

*Lawliet was thankful inside his brain as he, at last, got alone time with Hairaeth again * yet he said "Take care, bye * and they both left

*Charlotte was still angry after she reached the palace she said to Queen that the dragon was bad and must be assassinated !* Queen replied - " Not a dragon's mistake if you can't fly "

" I guess it was also my mistake that I thought you would be knowing how to fly a dragon "

* the queen supported Charlotte but she also had a different kind of love for dragons and animals *

*whereas on the other hand, Lawliet and Hairaeth entered the market after landing their dragons *

* white dragon statues located on both sides of the entrance gates, shops with gold roofs on each, everything organised on display with flowers at sides, cool calm winds going on*

*Hairaeth's eyes got on the very first shop of jewellery and then asked Lawliet" Will you mind if I go to every shop?"

He answered -" not at all, Princess well just be sure about the things you touch cause I am going to buy everything which will be touched by your hands "

*Hairaeth blushed for a second and said "Won't it be stupid also who will carry those things ?"

"what do you think I am for? " answered he

Alexis - "Seems like Prince is going to do my job today "

Hairaeth- "Heya Alexis well how did you come here? "

Alexis - " Queen sent me to make sure everything is right "

Hairaeth- "Is this market always so beautiful? "

Alexis - "Yes, it is "

*Hairaeth entered the jewellery shop ..... She tried to stop herself from touching those things but they were way beautiful to control.....

She touched Shiny Gold Butterfly's earnings with a pearl in between then she touched a beautiful gold set of bangles and asked for the price of it *

The shopkeeper replied -" 10k Kruger "

Alexis- "But yesterday it was 1k Kruger "

Lawliet - "It's fine, I am at least going to spend 5 million Kruger today so this is nothing"

*Alexis widened her eyes but then remembered he is a prince of Arundel worth 500 million Kruger and his whole kingdom is worth 100 trillion *

*Princess Hairaeth of Hringkalla with worth 700 million Kruger and her whole kingdom is worth 500 trillion. As she belonged to a rich kingdom she didn't care about the price * * Arandel and Hringkalla were the kingdoms which covered the largest part of lucid Earth their neighbouring kingdoms were Rattandum, Coldellin, Drerth, Arzue and Stefenvotim ** there were also many other small kingdoms*

*Then they entered a flower shop and then a bookstore * *Hairaeth smiled when she saw the flower shop and bookstore.

She touched the bouquet and the latest Dragons and Dungeons novel series *

*then they continued shopping till evening until the market ended *

*Hairaeth stretched her hands and said "Let's go"

Lawliet - "Seems like someone is tired "

Hairaeth -" Yes, I'm

*they returned to the dragons kept bags on them and take offed *

*she bought less amount of things but with quality ** She only spent 1 million Kruger and yet said " I will return your money after I reach the kingdom, Prince Lawliet " while riding a dragon

He answered " I already said don't worry about the price, princess "

" Well I hope you enjoyed "

Hairaeth answered -"Yes, I did

"I am glad," said he

*they reached the palace and landed off from the dragon *

*Hairaeth kissed Amethyst on the gem present on his head while he bowed and she said thank you to him in Dragon language *

*After Hairaeth left the dragon garden *

*Lawliet came near Amethyst and kissed him in the same place where Hairaeth kissed then left the garden making a sign of thanks *

* it was tea time there they talked about how everything went and Queen asked Alexis personally about what things happened * *Alexis replied the truth and then Queen asked her to go *

*now queen was self-questioning herself, she was thinking if Hairaeth can be the correct choice for his son or not and comparing Charlotte and Hairaeth ...Let's see what happens next *
