
The Way I Survived

NightSlasher01 · Khoa huyễn
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6 Chs

The Way I Survived: Prologue

Before I start: I normally write on Wattpad and I want to try out Webnovel so I'm writing this. I'm not perfect at writing.


I took a deep breath, the cold air burning my lungs. My hands were freezing, hell, everything was, even with the thick coat and other things I was wearing. The snow had recently began to pick up which only made it colder. I shivered again as the wind went by.

That's when I heard a groan in the distance. That groan then multiplied. I was getting close to a gas station. The mark I had made heading the way I wasn't facing anymore was beginning to fade in the snow. Through overturned cars and burn marks everywhere, stood multiple zombies, ready to tear you to shreds if you weren't careful. I squatted next to a front of a car and slowly made my way to the side of the gas station and tried the door. Wouldn't budge. I moved towards the front of a car and pulled my pistol out through freezing hands and aimed it at a zombie. A silenced pistol, one shot should be enough to take one out. My hands were shaking and my breath was blurring the zombie in front of me.

I steadied my hands the best I could and pulled the trigger.


I remember when it happened. Around 7 years ago, someone or someTHING began a virus that started in Europe and spread from there. It was completely unknown to scientists and kept changing. Soon the whole world was quarantined because of it and we couldn't go outside unless absolutely necessary. Scientists only knew one thing: It was only transmitted if you were bit by someone who was infected. They were extremely hostile and were brain dead other than that. They were pretty weak though, yet hordes were deadly. If you were infected, you had a small chance to survive, even if you did cut off a body part, let's say an arm, immediately after getting bit there. The virus travelled faster than any other virus.

The day finally came where my family was taken. The day was silent, as was every day since we were forced to stay inside. Me, my dad, my mom, and my younger sister. She was 6, I was 11. Dinner was being served to us when aggressive banging took us off-guard. My dad peeked out the window as the banging continued. Someone wearing bloodied jeans and shirt was hitting the door loud and hard. One of his arms were missing. A loud crack was heard as the door began to break. My mom quickly told us to get upstairs and pushed me and my sister up. My parents barricaded the door, the back door following and armed themselves. We ran into my room. My sister was crying silently and was shaking. I wish I could've been better for her and wasn't crying as well.

This was the time I needed to change, protect my younger sister.

A bloodcurdling scream shook me and my sister more as my dad ran up the stairs and was looking for us. I opened the door slightly and my dad burst in, "Open the window and leave, now! Head toward the police station! Someone will help you there, do NOT listen to anyone and avoid getting close to anyone!" My dad practically yelled as he shut the door and blocked it with my dresser.

"B-but my things..." I mumbled.

"Go!" He yelled as he got knocked forward, quickly holding the door shut again. I didn't think that time and ran towards my bedroom window that lead to the roof and got my sister out first. My dad closed the window behind us and locked it before the bedroom door was busted open from the top. Those...things began climbing inside from the top and my dad mouthed, "I love you both." Before he closed the curtains.

That's the day where my family was taken.