
The Way He Loves Me

Used to being pushed to the side by her boyfriend Lina meets someone who only has eyes for her. She embarks on an amazing relationship which showed her that she could love so hard and be loved with so much passion. But there’s drama and heartbreak looming over her perfect relationship.

Brokenwingsforever · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs

Our Last Day

"I'm glad you kids are excited" She smiles widely at us. "We're leaving for the Winery at 11am" Michael says looking at his watch.

After breakfast me and Charlotte decided to relax by the pool in the sun. Simon went for his morning run and Christian Left for the market with Michael and Eva, he wanted to get some French cheese and deli meat to take home with him.

"Have you heard from Jason?"

"Yes, unfortunately." I say turning my head to face her "He hasn't stopped blowing up my phone. He's been saying he wants me back and I've made a mistake. That we need to talk" I roll my eyes

"It's Jason he'll get over it. He had his chance and he blew it" she shakes her head

"I didn't expect him to try and worm his way back in this quick, especially since the last thing he said to me was that he was planning on dumping me anyway"

"He's obviously messed up"

"Who's messed up?" I jump at the rough voice coming from above me. Charlotte's eyes travel up and I quickly turn myself over to find Simon topless and sweaty hoovering over me

"Nothing, how was your run?" Charlotte says changing the subject

"Was okay, nothing special" his eyes meet mine and I swallow instantly feeling nervous "Can I talk to you for a sec?" his voice low

"Yeah sure" I say softly. I get up and look down at Charlotte who's grinning at me while raising her eyebrows. I whisper "stop it" and give her a grin before walking into the villa with Simon following behind me. We get to my room and he closes the door behind him, he's eyes on me. "What's up? what did you want to talk to me about?" I frown. He grabs my hip with his large hand and the other caress my cheek. "Nothing, I just wanted to get you up here. Just me and you" he smiles at me "I would've rather spent the day here just us, but I guess we're busy today" he tightens his jaw

"I know me too but your mom has put a lot of effort in making our last day memorable" I say tilting my head slightly to the side.

"I know, I can't help it. I want you all to myself" He strokes my nose with his and lightly kisses me. I wrap my arms around his strong shoulders and kiss him harder. His hands travelling up and down my body caressing my skin . He pulls back "I'm sweaty, if we carry on like this I won't be able to control myself anymore"

"I don't care" as I tiptoe to kiss him again my phone starts ringing, I pull away from Simon and look at it. Great it's Jason, what does he want. I look at Simon who's frowning at me. "It's Jason....He" He takes the phone from me and answers it "You need to leave her alone, she doesn't want to have anything to do with you. You contact her again you'll have me to deal with" he hangs up. His cold blue eyes were dark and dangerous. "Block him" "Simon I..." before I could finish he pulls me to him "I don't think I have mentioned before I am a very jealous man and a possessive one too. You are mine and I intend on keeping it that way" he pushes his lips on mine, his tongue tasting my mouth. I moan, lost in our kiss. He gently pulls back

"Now, block him. I'm going to take a shower" he kisses my forehead and leaves the room. I stare at my phone. I know Jason and I know Simon answering my phone has now made things worst. Even if I block him he'll find a way to contact me or get to me, but for now I'll block him. I intend on making the most of our last day together and I don't want to deal with more Jason drama.

After a refreshing shower, I get dressed wearing a slightly tight red dress which showed off my figure. I have my curly hair in a messy bun with a few strands falling on the side of my face. I quickly apply some lip gloss before leaving my room.

"Everyone ready?" Michael says popping his head in the kitchen where me and Charlotte were sitting.

"Yeah mom is coming down now" she replies

"Okay you girls get in the car please I'll get the others" we make our way to the car, I kept looking back to see if Simon was there. I haven't seen him since he left my room earlier. Finally Micheal, Eva and Christian walk out and I spot Simon behind them. His face hard and serious as he walks towards the car. My heart was racing at the sight of him, I take a deep breath to settle my nerves.

"Christian and Eva go with the girls and Simon will ride with me" Michael says.

"Okay see you there" Eva and Christian climb in with us and we drive off. We arrive at the Winery and it was so beautiful, there were grape vines as far as the eyes could see. In the middle stood a large brick building. There we flowers around the building, the air was warm and sweet. This place looked like a utopia

"It's so beautiful Eva" I smile at her.

"Thank you, our landscapers and gardeners made this place a real haven" she says looking around "Come I'll give you guys a tour around the property" she says walking towards the building. Simon catches my hand and pulls me back, letting everyone walk ahead of us. He looks down at me, his eyes dark "You look....So so beautiful" His voice rough, I blush

"Thank you, and you look handsome" I tiptoe and bring his face down to mine and gently kiss him. He hums in my mouth. I pull back "Come on" he grabs my hand and we walk side by side. I was all giddy inside. Eva showed us the vines, we even tasted some of the grapes and we had a walk around the property before she took us to the garden. It was so green, lively and so big.

"It looks beautiful Mom! Honestly!"

"Hopefully you kids will come down here more often and It's a beautiful setting for a wedding" she says smirking at Christian, who automatically turns red. Simon on the other hand was starring at me with a slight smile on his face.

"what?" I mouth to him "You're beautiful" he mouths back. I shake my head, trying to conceal my large smile.

"Come inside, Dad wants you to taste some of the wine" she smiles at us. We walk in and instantly I could smell the scent of wine, wood and sweetness in the air. There we huge barrels around which stored the wine. All the sudden Simon yanks me behind one of them and pushes me against it. His mouth on my neck leaving wet kisses, I moan.

"It's killing me seeing you in this dress and not be able to do anything about it" he grunts in my ear.

"Simon" I moan

"You'll just have to be patient" I leave a kiss on his lips

"I'm not a patient man, I want you now"

"Good things come to those who wait" I wink at him. He exhales loudly "The minute I get you alone" He breathes out loudly "come on let's go" he grabs my hand leading me towards the others.

"Simon" Michael says raising a glass "You'll love this one" he hands Simon the glass. He takes a sip swooshing it around his mouth then swallows it. "That's a very good one Michael" he hands me the glass and I take a sip. He was right it was yummy. After tasting some more wine we had to leave for the spa. I was slightly tipsy from all the wine I had.

We arrive at the spa which looked so fancy. Everything was white, even the flowers. We check in at the front desk. " Hello I have a reservation for Eva Matthews"

"Hello Mrs Matthews, nice to see you again" she grins at Eva. After checking in one of the girls took us to the locker rooms where we changed into gowns.

"I'm so excited for this" I say unable to hide my excitement.

"Me too I love a rub down, today has been perfect so far" she grins at me "And you and Simon are so cute together" I blush "You really think so?"

"Yeah, I see how he looks at you. I think Simon is already smitten" she chuckles, I laugh

"Too early for that don't you think?"

"Never too early, when you know you know" she winks at me. We finish getting changed and walk out to the massage area which was outside in front of a beautiful view. Simon and Christian were already there chatting in the corner before they both look our way.

"Hi. Welcome to Le mer Spa" a tall French guy says smiling at us "Please lay on the beds, preferably next to your partner and we'll get started" he retreats to one side and two women and two men come out. I let my gown slip and put it on the side. I am wearing a white block bikini so was Charlotte.I can feel Simons eyes on me. I lay on the bed before one of the men comes over to my side and starts applying oil to my back.

I turn head towards Simon who's face is so serious and cold, His eyebrows furrowed as he glances up at the man rubbing my shoulders. He wasn't happy, I guess he really is a jealous man.

I close my eyes, Simon's stare is making me feel so hot and nervous. After 30 minutes our massage was over and we are asked to make our way to the warm pools to relax. We walk to the pool with Christian and Charlotte in front of us. I wasn't sure if Simon was upset as he didn't say one word nor touch me the whole way to the pool.

Me and Charlotte sat on the bench within the pool and just relaxed there watching the view. I kept catching Simon's eyes on me. After a wonderful time at the spa we leave for the villa to get ready for the evening.

I hear a knock on my door, my heart automatically starts beating faster, because I know who it is. "Come in" my voice small. Simon pushes the door open and closes it behind him.

"Hey you okay?" I say softly

"Yes. You?" he grunts

"I'm okay" I give him a shy smile. He walks over to me closing the gap between us. He grabs my chin in his hand pushing my face upwards and kisses me hard. My eyes widen at the sudden action, I slowly close my eyes tasting his mouth and kissing him back.

"mmmmm" he moans "I got very jealous seeing that guy touch you" he says roughly

"I had a feeling that was why you were so quiet"

"Not entirely, as much as it bothered me I know you're mine, just dawned on me that we're leaving tomorrow. Won't be able to be around you everyday" he says pushing my hair away from my face