
The Way He Loves Me

Used to being pushed to the side by her boyfriend Lina meets someone who only has eyes for her. She embarks on an amazing relationship which showed her that she could love so hard and be loved with so much passion. But there’s drama and heartbreak looming over her perfect relationship.

Brokenwingsforever · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs

Let's live together

The week went by so slowly, I managed to secure a viewing for an apartment on Thursday. The building was quite modern, the apartment had a beautiful view of the local park. It was a one bedroom, open plan living room and kitchen.

The realtor told me there were a few people who were interested so I have been put on a waiting list. The idea of living by myself was making me anxious I was so used to having Charlotte around, girls night etc. It was definitely going to be weird not living together.

I haven't heard from Simon this week, he texted during the weekend to let me know he was going to be busy with work. I mean he didn't have to tell me but I like the fact that he let me know instead of just allowing me to believe I was being ignored.


I open our front door and hang my jacket. "I'm home" I sing walking into the kitchen

"Look who came by" Charlottes face lighting up. I stand still watching the large tall muscular man standing by the counter chopping tomatoes.

His eyes are on mine, dark and serious. I clear my throat "Hi" I say walking over to the counter "Hello, you okay?" he asks I look at Charlotte who's behind him watching us like a hawk unable to contain her self while snacking on grapes. I glance back at Simon

"I'm Good you?"

"Yeah I'm okay" he says his voice low.

"I'm going to go check on something be right back" Charlotte smiles at me before disappearing. Simon looks behind him and his gaze meets mine again. I sit at the counter and he leans over with a smirk on his face. I look up at him before he cups my face in his hand pulling my chin and crashing his lips on mine. I am melting, I have missed his mouth, the taste of his soft lips. His mouth sucked on my lips and kissed me so softly. His tongue gently probing the inside of my mouth. I let out a small moan and he pulls back.

I'm pretty sure this man could make me orgasm by just kissing me, I sit back down on the stool and take a deep breath. He looks happy with me all nervous and blushing.

I clear my throat "You're cooking? I didn't know you cooked"

"Yeah I'm not that good, I just help chop things" I chuckle

"Right!" Charlotte walks back in smiling at me.

"Did Li tell you she's moving out?" Simon looks at me his eyes wide

"Christian is moving in and Li is moving out" she says putting her hands on my shoulders

"No I didn't know!" he sounds disappointed

"I was going to tell you. I actually saw an apartment on Thursday. The rent is a little steep but I like it. I've been wait listed so just waiting to hear back"

"Fingers crossed, but serious Li there is no rush"

"Yeah I know" Simon eyes keep glancing back at me he looks troubled.

I helped them make dinner and ate while talking about what Simon was like as a teen and him joining the army. After dinner we cleared up and Charlotte left to go see some friends.

Me and Simon are sitting on the couch watching tv, with a bit of space between us. I couldn't feel his gaze on me which made me uneasy and so nervous. I had butterflies in my stomach and my heart was already beating a tad faster by just being around him.

"Have you looked anywhere else? For a place to rent" I turn to look at him. "N-no not really I haven't had much time with work, I'm off this week so I'll look into it" oh I guess were taking about that again

"Don't" he says "what?" his dark eyes are burning into mine.

"What do you mean? I have.."

"Don't look. My place is going to be finished this week" my throat is dry. wha-what ? Is he really asking me to move in? My eyes are wide, I'm speechless.

"I have three rooms, two bathrooms, very big kitchen and the garden is very spacious. It's a beautiful house I know you'll love it"

"Simon I can't .. we" I exhale trying to gather my thoughts

"It would be weird. Us living together, having sex but I'll just be your sisters best friend" he presses his lips in a hard line and gets closer to me "Is that why you been so distant? You think I actually see you as Charlotte's best friend?" I nod

"I only said that because I don't trust anyone … we'll most people around me. In my line of work even when I'm home in need to know what I'm walking into. I need to secure my grounds, especially when I'm around people I don't know. I need to ensure that the people I care about are safe"

"Oh I'm sorry I just" I shake my head

"No I understand, But I need to protect you and my family so unless I'm comfortable around others I won't show them my weakness" His weakness?

I look at him with a gentle smile on my face my eyes looking at him in adoration he pulls me onto his lap and gives me a peck on the lips.

"So as I was saying I think you should live with me"

"Simon I don't know we have just started getting to know each other. What if months down the line you realise you don't like me, or the way I chew or my cooking" he chuckles

"That's your argument? do you chew weird?" He looks at me


"Are you an awful cook?"

"Nope I'm actually a very good cook " I reply proudly

"Then you've got nothing to worry about. It'll save you money and I get to have you all the time" He says kissing and bitting my ear, I squirm on his lab with his arms wrapped around me.

"I don't know. I don't want to ruin things"

"You're not I promise, you're doing quite the opposite. You're mine my girl" he smirks at me

"Your girl?" I smirk at him. "Yes My. Girl" he carries on bitting my ear.

"Can I think about it please?"

"Of course sweet girl" he says softly


Simon left around 9pm he had some things to do in the morning and couldn't stay over. a little after 11 I hear a knock on my door. "Come in"

"Wasn't sure if Simon was still here with you?" Charlotte says walking in with a doggy bag

"No he left around 9 ish, he's got stuff to do tomorrow" I reply sitting up

"I got this for you" she hands me a doggy bag from my favourite bakery. She got me my favourite an éclair.

"Char, you're the best" I grin at her

"I know, I know. I wanted to ask if you had spoken to Simon about the 'Sister's best-friend situation? Seemed kind of off between you two earlier"

"Oh yeah I did, after you left.... there's more though"

"Oh no, don't tell me he messed things up!" she pouts

"Nope not at all. He wants me to move in with him" Charlotte gasps

"You're shitting me? Li Simon is 32 and he has never ever lived with a girl before. That's a big deal he must be obsessed with you. I know Simon and he loves his space"

"I don't know, all seems very sudden. I told him I'd think about it"

"Of course, you need to do what feels natural to you. Honestly you don't know how happy I'm you're with my brother. You two are going to fall in love and get married and have lots of babies" she laughs

"Whoa whoa whoa, you first" we both laugh