
The water mistress (Pokemon fic)

quiet, yet talented, she only wishes to master the water type in it's entirety and travel the world to explore all it has to offer!

Ttrion · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

Me and Misty's seventh birthday passed just yesterday, today Daisy came and woke me up and told me that mom wants me and Misty in her office.

So now, we are in front of her office in the back of the cerulean gym.

"Why brought here?" , I asked Misty who was also with me here

"I Don't know, mama didn't say anything, maybe it has something to do with what she asked me yesterday", she answered, looking a little proud or smug at the last part, not sure which, maybe both, probably both.

I just nod and move to open the door, upon entering the office we can see that it is rather neat and tidy, no mounds of paperwork anywhere.

She seems to do all her work on the computer on her desk, she is doing so right now even.

"Mom, we are here" , Misty said loudly to pull mom's attention to us, good, i continued," why brought here?"

She said,"ah good, you are here, i will get to why you are here in a bit but first answer this", she then turned to Misty and asked her," about what I asked you yesterday, about becoming the next gym leader, have you put some thought to it and made a decision yet?"

Misty quickly replied, " yeah! I wanna be the next cerulean gym leader and make you proud mama!"

Mom nodded to that and then turned to me and asked, " are you sure about your decision to travel the world?"

I quickly nodded to that, that goal, no, dream , has still not changed whatsoever.

"Lia and Misty too whenever you go on your journey will have the cerulean gym's sponsorship then, but that is not what I wanted to offer you", she closed her eyes, took a deep breath and then turned to us with a slight grin on her face, " what do you say to becoming junior gym trainers for the cerulean gym, it will prepare you both for the training part of your journeys"

""Yes!!"", we both exclaimed as fast as we could, excitement in our eyes, this would probably be considered nepotism by some but who cares!?

How many seven year olds get the chance to be gym trainers for a gym!

Mom laughed at our excitement and added in something that made that excitement explode, " well every gym trainers should have a starter Pokemon shouldn't they?"

"REALLY!!!" , Misty said near immediately, almost screaming and i couldn't blame her, it may be one day after our birthday but still best birthday gift ever!

A thought came to mind after that and I asked mom,"choices?"

Mom giggled slightly at our display and then answered my question," let's see, your choices are between, staryu, goldeen, slowpoke, shellder, wooper and poliwag"

"STARYU! staryu is obviously the best Pokemon ever so i want that!", Misty said with a satisfied look, this should not be surprising considering that she has been obsessed with the staryu line since she saw mom's starmie, but i can't help being surprised at how fast she chose.

In my case, i don't like the staryu, goldeen and shellder lines all too much since they don't have many options when moving on land except for aqua jet, or rapid spin in case of staryu.

That is very bad indeed since a lot of battles happen on land, then that leaves 3 options, slowpoke, poliwag and wooper.

Slowpoke, water-psychic type, slow in response but that can be fixed with some training, it can learn healing moves, and I know that it can't usually learn gravity in the games but since that is a psychic type move and a normal type like blissey can learn it then why can't slowpoke.

Something in me tells me that it can learn it, this something doesn't leave any room for doubt and almost feels like a ... Fact?

Which means it could handle flying types too by bringing them to the ground.

Anyway, next poliwag, water type, final evolution is either pure water or water-fighting, can learn a number of water and ground type attacks to shut down electric types, good stats as well if i remember correctly, it also has a good move set.

Finally, wooper, water-ground type, it's typing removes the threat of electric types while giving it a 4x weakness to grass types, it has a good move set with a number of water, ground , normal , ice and even some poison type moves.

Hmm, poliwag ... Is out, while it's a good Pokemon in general, it doesn't have anything over the other two to justify choosing it, slowpoke has psychic powers going for it while wooper can shut down electric types even better than poliwag.

Next... Wooper is also out, not cause it's at any disadvantage compared to slowpoke but honestly I just prefer slowpoke in comparison, it can heal, use gravity for training purposes eventually, maybe even teleport? Very versatile in conclusion.

"Have you made a decision?", mom asked me once she saw that I was done thinking.

I nodded and gave my choice,"slowpoke".

"Alright good choice, both of you, i will give you your chosen starters tomorrow, for now, just go back, get ready and come back here tomorrow", she said and we proceeded to leave her office.

I immediately went to mom's room to search up information about the slowpoke line, research waits for no one!

I think in the anime it was said that it evolved into slowbro when bit on the tail by a shellder and slowing if bit on the head by a shellder.

But, a bit of research revealed that the latter is only a theory, people have found wild slowkings in the wild and made a theory based off of the slowbro evolution, so the game evolution method of using a king's rock should work, great, i don't want my slowpoke's evolution to depend on a shellder biting it's head.

I am done with my research so I leave and go back to my room, i would like to make a training plan but I am not sure where to start, heck i don't even know what moves he or she knows.